School Breakfast Program Basics

Quick Guide to School Breakfast Program Delivery Models

Delivery Model / When served / Where / Success / Limitations (real or perceived)
Traditional Breakfast / Before school starts / Cafeteria or some other large main area such as the gym /
  • Equipment and food already in place for easy delivery (don’t have to move equipment,staff can stay in the cafeteria).
  • Majority of schools still offering breakfast this way despite the low participation rates associated with this model.
  • Students have to want to go to the cafeteria to have breakfast. Social stigma of participating exists.
  • Bus schedules are a limitation as they often drop off students with little or no time to eat breakfast in school.
  • Students prefer to socialize than go have breakfast.
  • Low participation rates
  • Students are often not hungry that early in the morning

Mid Morning Nutrition Break / Breakfast is served during an already established “break” at the school anytime between 9 and 10 am / Anywhere. Most commonly in the hallways or outside classrooms from a mobile cart or in the gym or cafeteria /
  • Quite successful in middle and high school.
  • Mobile cart can serve hot or cold foods.
  • Breakfast served as a “buffet” from mobile carts or served Grab N Go, in which breakfast items are prepackaged in bags or boxes that students take and eat anywhere allowed. An already established milk break could easily be converted to a Mid Morning Breakfast
  • Equipment such as mobile carts needed.
  • Wireless computer may be needed with point of service software to track number of students who take breakfast.
  • Trash and food waste may be issues to address.

Breakfast in the Classroom / Breakfast is served either during the first or second hour of school in the classroom. / In each individual classroom /
  • Highly successful in elementary schools, mores so when teachers are supportive of the program.
  • Reduces stigma because everyone eats in the same place.
  • Works particularly well when paired with Universal Free Breakfast
  • Eliminates issue of school bus schedule having to arrive in time for breakfast.
  • More students participate.
  • Peer influence exists. “If my friends are eating, so will I.”
  • Does not require any special equipment.
  • Fairly easy program to implement
  • Food and trash waste seldom an issue
  • Somewhat successful in middle schools
  • Not a good model for high schools.
  • Efficient tracking system of who takes breakfast needed.
  • Trash and food waste issues
  • Teachers’ perceptions that time “is taken away” from instruction needs to be addressed.*
  • Parents’ perceptions that it would be too disruptive.
  • Delivery of breakfast and clean up issues need to be addressed.
Note: All of these issues are easily overcome by simple solutions.

* Survey responses from Wisconsin teachers who serve breakfast in the classroom, reveal that little or no instructional time loss was associated with serving breakfast in the classroom. Furthermore, responses indicate that student performance, behavior and mood increased while teachers’ workloads did not change or improved since implementing breakfast in the classroom.

Quick Guide to School Breakfast Program Financial Models

Breakfast Model / Description / Where Does it Work Best? / When Does it Work Best? / Effects and Considerations
Elimination of Reduce Price Breakfast / As the name implies, this model entails eliminating the reduce price category. Therefore student who qualify for reduce price meals would not pay for breakfast, they would eat breakfast free.
This would translate into the school having just two categories of students: paying students and student that eat for free. / Elimination of reduce price breakfasts can work in any school; big or small schools, rural or urban schools as well as in high middle or elementary schools. /
  • Elimination of Reduce Price breakfasts works best when you have a high percentage of free and reduce price qualifying students in your school.
  • Elimination of Reduced Price breakfast works best when you notice a low participation rate among students who qualify for Reduced Price Meals.
  • Eliminating the Reduce Price Breakfast category will increase participation in your breakfast program overall, especially among reduce price breakfast qualifying students.
  • Elimination of Reduced Price Breakfast will increase your school lunch participation.
  • Schools must still keep track or breakfast participation by category since they will receive federal reimbursements according to each category.

Universal Free Breakfast / Universal Free Breakfast provides breakfast to all students regardless of household income, for free. In universal free breakfast all students eat at no cost to the students (eat for free). / Universal Free breakfast can work in any school; big or small schools, rural or urban schools as well as in high middle or elementary schools. It has been successful when paired with the Breakfast in the Classroom delivery model /
  • Universal Free breakfastsworks best when you have a high percentage of free and reduce price qualifying students in your school.
  • Universal Free Breakfast works best when you notice a low participation rate among students who qualify for Free or Reduced Price Meals.
  • Works wells when paired with Breakfast in the Classroom
  • Schools must still keep track or breakfast participation by category since they will receive federal reimbursements according to each category.