Samples of Lesson Plans

Review the components of the following lesson plans and tell how they DO or DO not display the characteristics of good plans.

Molas de Panama

Home Country: / Panama
Teaching Location: / GA
Subject: / Spanish
Level: / 3rd grade - 5th grade
About Country?: / Yes
Date Submitted: / 12/08/2003
Special Category? / Not applicable
Lesson Objectives
The students will be able to:
·  Learn about molas: reverse appliques panels that are made to decorate or adorn the blouse worn by the Kuna women of San Blas on the Caribbean Coast of Panama.
·  Create art images that resemble molas.
·  Understand visual art in relation to another culture.
Focus and Review
The lesson begins with a brief review of Panama's cultural characteristics (food, customs). After reviewing previously covered topics, the teacher will start a discussion. The teacher will ask the students the following questions:
-How is clothing used to express art, creativity, cultural identity and/or community values?
-How would you feel if you had to design your own clothes?
-How would you make your own clothes?
Time Needed:Overall, this lesson will probably take two periods of class.
Materials Needed:none
Teacher Input
After the discussion, the teacher introduces the new lesson. The teacher has a student read aloud about:
-Kuna Indians and how this unique style of dress has been recognized around the world.
-how the molas are made.
Original molas are passed around to the students.
Time Needed:n/a
Materials Needed:n/a
Guided Practice
Art activity, "Fun with Molas"
1. Students select a printed image or mola design and cut yarn into different colors.
2 Students trace the outlines of the printed mola design with white glue, one line at a time.
3 Students place yarn along the lines of the printed image.
4 Students mount the yarn design on black construction paper and hang them around the room or outside around the hall and admire!
Time Needed:n/a
Materials Needed:4 printed art designs, white glue, assorted yarn colors, scissors, scrap paper, black construction paper, computers, pen/pencil, paper
Independent Practice and Evaluation
Each student will write a personal response of what they learned from the activity and molas in general.
Time Needed:n/a
Materials Needed:n/a
Class "positive" critique at peer work.
The students will say how their pictures are similar to original molas.
The teacher will assign the students to go to a website, to view the blouses, see a step by step process of mola making, learn basic ideas of mola creations and to learn more about the Kuna people.
Time Needed:n/a
Materials Needed:n/a
Additional Directions
Evaluation of Student Learning and Reflection:
1. Did I introduce the lesson in an engaging manner?
2. Were the students engaged in the activity?
3 Were the students enabled to develop positive attitudes toward cultural differences?
4 Did I encourage them to develop these attitudes?
5 Did I use a variety of print and non-print materials including authentic materials?
6 Were the activities student-centered?
7 How did the lesson go?

© 2003 Center for International Education, Inc.

"Materiales" lesson plans from the Education Office of the Embassy of Spain:

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