Minutes of the Annual RAC Meeting of RTI, ALLAHABAD

(Held on 21.02.2014)

The Annual Regional Advisory Committee meeting, of the RTI Allahabad, was held on 21.02.2014 at 11.00 AM in the Institute, under the Chairmanship of Shri Mukesh P. Singh, Principal Accountant General (G&SSA), UP,Allahabad to discuss various issues.

  1. The list of participants is given in Annexure.
  2. Principal Director, RTI, Allahabad, welcomed Chairman and the members of the Committee and apprised them of the objectives of the Annual RAC meeting. Thereafter,with due permission of the Chairman,Principal Director of the Institute started to discuss agenda items. RAC members and representatives discussed the issuesin details.
  3. The RAC was apprised of follow-up action taken on recommendations of the last RAC meeting held on 9.9.2013.

a)After discussion, following minutes item No 5a, 5b, 5c, 5f, 5h are closed :-

i) 5a:- Discontinuation of format “Evaluation of Impact of Training”.

ii) 5b:- Telephonic intimation to the user offices on first day of course in first session.

iii) 5c:- Nomination of trainee by user office on quarterly basis.

iv) 5f:- Sending Performance Appraisal Report of the trainees by the User offices.

v) 5h: - Organisation of pilot training programme on “Implementation of Financial Attest Audit Guideline” and rescheduling of training course on “Maintenance of GPF Accounts, Disposal of complaint and Court Cases of Fund and Pension”.

b)RAC members agreed to continue EDP courses i.e. “MS Word & PowerPoint” and “MS Office”. The Institute has planned 3 courses on “MS Word & PowerPoint” and 4 courses on “MS Office”. After discussions, duration of the course on “MS Office”, “IT Concepts, MS Office & Internet” and “Advance Course on MS Access” were reduced from 10 days to 8 days. However, duration of the course “Advance Course on MS Excel” was enhanced from 5 days to 7 days. (Minute item 5 d)

c)To organise training on Oracle 11g, the Institute has procured server and requested HQrs for allotting funds for procuring Red Hat Linux Operating System. Funds are awaited. However, the Institute has planned two courses on 11g during the year 2014-15. (Minute item 5 e).

d)Computers have been purchased for equipping hostel rooms. Funds for net connections and televisions are awaited from HQrs. (Minutes item 5 g).

e)(i)The Deputy Director, NER, Gorakhpur did not send training needs for organising training on the topics related to Railway Audit.

(ii)One course on “Maintenance of GPF Account, Disposal of complaint & Court Cases of Fund & Pension” has been planned during 2014-15 on the recommendation of DAG (A&E)-II, MP, Gwalior.

(iii) One programme on “Intensive Training course on Direct Taxes” has been planned during 2014-15 based on training needs of 10 slots sent by Office of the PDA (Central), Lucknow at Allahabad. (Minutes item 6)

  1. The RAC members expressed satisfaction over the following issues:

a)Optimum utilisation of slots.

b)Sending of Performance Appraisal Reports of Trainees.

c)Timely nominations of trainees.

  1. The proposed Annual Calendar of Training Programme (ACTP) for the year 2014-15 was discussed in details by the RAC members. Following updates were adopted after detailed discussion.

i)Increase/Decrease the duration of the course

Sl No / Nature of Course / Name of the Course / Previous Allotment of Duration / Revised Allotment of Duration
General Course / Environmental Audit / 3 days / 4 days
General Course / Audit of PRIs/ULBs including construction work in ULBs Receipts of ULBs” / 4 days / 5 days
EDP Course / MS Office / 9/10 days / 8 days
EDP Course / IT Concepts, MS Office & Internet / 10 days / 8 days
EDP Course / Advance Course on MS Access / 10 days / 8 days
EDP Course / Advance Course on MS Excel / 5 days / 7 days

(ii)Allotment of Slots: Allotment of slots have been increased/decreased as per revised requirement of the user offices. This will be shown in the revised Annual Calendar of Training Programmes for 2014-15.

(iii)Course Module of General Course on “Environmental Auditing” should include half day field visit, which has been incorporated in the Annual Calendar of Training Programme for the year 2014-15.

(iv)One course on “Intensive Training Course on Direct Taxes”is planned during 2014-15. PDA (C), Lucknow at Allahabad had requested to organise two courses on the subject and proposed to send 10 slots for the additional course. However, the Institute has received only 10 slots for the course. It was decided that more number of courses could be considered on receipt of adequate number of slots. Therefore, availability of adequate number of slots from Allahabad and other user office may be provided.

(v)General Course “Audit of PRIs/ULBs including construction work in ULBs; Receipts of ULBs” consistsof 15 slots from Local Fund Office Allahabad only and the officers of PAG (G&SSA), UP, Allahabad are not included in the above course. PAG (G&SSA), UP, Allahabad,requested an additional course for 15 officers of his officeon “Audit of PRIs/ULBs including construction work in ULBs; Receipts of ULBs”.He also suggested to incorporate topics on ‘Land Management’, ‘Environmental Issues’ & ‘Receipts in PRIs’.As such, one course for the officers of the O/o the PAG (G&SSA), UP, Allahabad has been scheduled in the training calendar to be organised from 14.04.2014 to 19.04.2014.

(vi)PDA, NCR Allahabad vide letter dated 18.02.2014 requested to organise one “Special Course on Railway Audit” covering 5 days for Railway Audit Officers as directed by Deputy Comptroller & Auditor General (Railways). Deputy Director, O/o the PDA, NCR, Allahabad proposed to organise the said training in the month of June-2014 and the user office will provide course module and adequate number of slots. The desired course has been scheduled from 17.06.2014 to 21.06.2014.

(vii)On the directions of HQrs, vide letter dated28.01.2014, RAC members proposed and agreed to include two courses on local language i.e. 2 days General Course on “Noting/Drafting in Hindi & Hindi Grammar” from 12.08.2014 to 13.08.2014 and a 3 days EDP course on “MS Word: Word Processing in Hindi” from 08.07.2014 to 10.07.2014. User offices are required to send requirement of slots for these two courses to the Institute.

(viii)Office of the AG (A&E)-I, UP, Allahabad vide letter dated 28.01.2014 requested for Institute’s infrastructure i.e. Hardware & Software, EDP Lab with Computers for conducting training on Oracle 11g, Developer and Report including Linux for 25 days to train the staff of both the A&E offices at Allahabad. He also intimated that they have Operating System and have sought approval of the HQrs for using the same.As and when dates from AG (A&E)-I office are confirmed, EDP training courses planned in the training calendar for 2014-15 will have to be cancelled/revised to accommodate the said training.

(ix)The EDP course “IT Audit & IDEA including COBIT” may be renamed as “IT Audit & IDEA”. The changes have been made accordingly.

(x)PAG (A&E)-I MP, Gwaliorvide letter dated 19.02.2014 requested for additional/new slots under some of the training courses both for General and EDP courses. Principal Director/RTI assured to accommodate maximum slots.

  1. New Points/Additional Recommendations

(i)RAC members advised to procure Wi-Fi system for connecting the computer systems of the entire Institute to get better Internet services. It was decided to demand funds from HQrs officeduring 2014-15 to procure Wi-Fi system.

(ii)RAC members were of the opinion that Lok Sabha election is expected in April/May 2014. The proposed training courses, during this period, may be affected. Affected training courses will have to be cancelled/rescheduled and user offices informed accordingly.

  1. The Institute proposed tentative dates of Mid Year RAC meeting as 10th, 11th and 12th September 2014 which was accepted by the committee.
  2. The meeting ended with vote of thanks from the Principal Director, RTI, Allahabad.


Principal Director/RTI


List of RAC Members participated in Annual RAC Meeting

held on 21.02.2014 at RTI, Allahabad

  1. Shri Mukesh P. SinghPAG (G&SSA), UP, Allahabad
  2. Shri Sarat ChaturvediAG (A&E)-II, UP, Allahabad
  3. Shri N.K. SahAG (A&E)-I, UP, Allahabad
  4. Shri Prabhakar Lal Sr.DAG, O/o the AG (E&RSA), Lucknow at Allahabad
  5. Shri C.L. BhartiyaDAG, O/o the PAG (G&SSA), MP, Gwalior
  6. Shri Mahinder SinghDeputy Director, Defence Services, CC, Allahabad
  7. Shri Govind MishraDeputy Director, O/o the PDA (NER), Gorakhpur
  8. Shri R. Sridhar Deputy Director, O/o the PDA(NCR), Allahabad
  9. ShriN.S. IyerDAG, O/o the AG( A&E)-II, MP, Gwalior
  10. Shri S. SardarDeputy Director, O/o the PDA (Central), Lucknow at Allahabad
  11. Shri M.A. AbdiDAG, O/o the PAG (A&E)-I, MP, Gwalior
  12. Ms Reena GargPrincipal Director, RTI, Allahabad

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