Document History
/ Andy Grover
/ 20th October 2012
Document Location
/ n/a
Revision History
/ Date of next revision:
Version Number / Revision date / Author / Summary of Changes / Changes marked
Draft 0.1 / 20.10.12 / A Grover / First draft / n/a
1.1 / 07.07.14 / A Grover / Revised to explain available services with and without VPN / No
1.2 / 29.07.14 / A Grover / Added pre-requisites section / No
Review and Approval
/ This document requires the following approvals.
Name / Signature / Title / Date of Issue / Version
Mark Curry / Technical Operations Manager / 29.07.14 / 1.2
Michael Hazell / Quality Manager / 29.07.14 / 1.2
/ This document has been distributed to:
Name / Title / Date of Issue / Version
Service name / Managed Network Service – NetScaler
Service description / The service provides a full design, management and support service for the Citrix NetScalerelements of a customers network ensuring that maximum value and appropriate security is gained initially and on an on-going basis from the solution.
This service is currently available for solutions comprising Citrix NetScalerMPX, VPX and SDX including AGEE (now NetScaler Gateway)
NetScaler Branch Repeater, CloudBridge and CloudGateway are not included in this service but are covered under separate BrightCloud Services.
Pre-deployment consultation, configuration and installation of devices – (If existing NS then we will perform a review – if new then the installation services are separately chargeable.)
  • Planning of NetScaler policies, rules, and services; the output being a design document to be signed off prior to implementation.
  • Device installation by engineer when required, to ensure correct positioning within the network.
  • Implementation of NetScaler in line with agreed design, and migration of services where applicable.
  • Post-installation checks and configuration validation.
Incident and problem management
  • Logging of support calls via phone or email to a centralised Single Point Of Contact (SPOC).Calls are logged and assigned a priority based on level of impact.
  • 1st, 2nd and 3rd line investigation and escalation to Manufacturer.
  • Working with the customers support team(s) where appropriate, to ensure an efficient targeted service to resolve problems.
Monitoring and Alerting
  • Device availability monitoring with events auto-logging incidents and monthly availability trend reporting
  • Monthly trending of performance counters pertinent to each customer installation along with threshold based alerting – Please see the matrix in the Appendix of this document for further detail.
  • Change Tracking
Pro-active Engagement
  • Change Management
  • Configuration Management
  • SSL Certificate Management
  • Monthly summary of recommendations for improvement of overall solution.
Patch Management
  • As new features become available and/or bug fixes then we will review the applicability and provide recommendations. Updates will be applied once every 6 months unless a critical patch is required.
Summary of deliverables & customer benefits
  • A proactively monitored service, to ensure the devices are optimally managing traffic, load balancing and providing the intended security. The service will ensure that each device is doing what was intended of it at installation and ensure that maximum value is gained by the customer from the device as their needs and network changes.
  • A monthly report showing health metrics and making recommendations that would improve performance or functionality.
  • A centralised support team to receive log and progress problem calls. With escalation to Manufacturer as and when required.

Service type / Managed Service
Supporting services /
  • 4Site Monitoring and Alerting
  • Incident and Problem Management
  • Manufacturer hardware support

Requirements and Customer Obligations /
  • Manufacturer hardware support must be purchased and be kept current for the duration of this service
  • Customer must agree to a change control mechanism, or put all changes through BrightCloud’s change control.
  • A local server will be required on the same LAN as the NetScaler(s) covered by this service to run NetScaler Command Centre or it’s agent. This can be a virtual machine.
  • E-mail relay for non-VPN customers

Service owner(s) / Technical Operations Manager
Business impact /
  • The NetScaler operation and functionality could be compromised if this service were unavailable.

Business priority / Critical / High / Medium / Low / Notes
 / ✖ / ✖ / ✖
Service level agreement / Refer to combined Contract and Service Level Agreement
Service hours / Command Centre manned Monday–Friday08:00 to 18:00 except public holidays’.
Extended hours cover by on-call escalation
Business contacts / Customer contacts…
Escalation contacts / Insert…(from escalation procedure)
Service reports / A list of the operational reports available for this particular service.
  • Service performance reports
  • Performance reports
  • Major Incident reports
  • Periodic reports. These are typically produced and circulated to customers (or their representatives) and appropriate IT managers a few days in advance of service level reviews, so that any queries or disagreements can be resolved ahead of the review meeting. May include a SLA monitoring (SLAM) chart at the front of a service report to give an ‘at-a-glance’ overview Periodic reports are typically synchronized with the reviewing cycle.

Service reviews / Review frequency agreed with the customer to be either Monthly, Quarterly or Biannually.
Security rating / Dependent upon your organisations security rating criteria
Appendix - Monitoring Functions provided
Function / With VPN / Without VPN
Fault Management / Yes – events auto-logged / Yes – events auto-logged *Note1
SSL Certificate management / Yes / Yes
Change Management / Yes – including difference reporting of running versus saved config / Yes – including difference reporting of running versus saved config
Configuration Backups Note 2 / Yes – keeps up to 50 / Yes – keeps up to 50
Reporting Ad-hoc / Yes – plethora of reports available, with customer specific list determined as part of on-boarding / Yes – plethora of reports available, with customer specific list determined as part of on-boarding
Automated availability reporting / Yes / No
Device availability within BrightCloud NOC / Yes / No
Monitoring of NetScaler Command Centre Service / Yes / No

Note 1 – we need an e-mail relay in order to send alerts to the BrightCloud NOC

Note 2 – with VPN these backups are taken to the BrightCloud DC – without VPN the backups will be local and need to be included in a customer existing off site backup mechanism.

BrightCloud Service Description –Managed Network Service – NetScaler v1.2Page 1 of 7