PRESENT: Penny, Nick, Dick, Ellie Cochrane, Lloyd, Michael Aitkens, Michael Large.


APPOINTMENT OF OFFICERS: Penny Cunningham - Chairperson

Nick Conington - Treasurer.

Dick Mohr - Secretary.

Mike Large - Membership Secretary.

Michael Aitkens - Tournament Secretary.

Ellie kindly agreed to coordinate the cleaning of the Clubhouse. Lloyd would assist Michael Aitkens in putting on an American type tournament this season.

CHAIRMANS REPORT: Penny said her main concern is the reduction in membership numbers & the court work that needs to be done.

TREASURERS REPORT: Nick reported that we have approximately £24,000 available. There was no point in finding another deposit account for our money as the interest rates are so low.

SECRETARYS REPORT: Dick advised his contribution would come under AOB.

MEMBERSHIP SECRETARYS REPORT: Mike Large reported that had just managed to get the information off the memory stick which had all the membership details on it. It was agreed that Dick would contact Simon our website manager to update the website 'Membership' details and to ask if there is a possibility the membership renewal form could be completed on line with payment instead of downloading the form & returning to us. If this could not be done within a short time to consider it for the future.

TOURNAMENT SECRETARYS REPORT: It was suggested by Lloyd having an American Tournament this summer, where you change partners & play with & against everyone. Ellie suggested a mixed format. It was suggested holding it on a Saturday Club morning. Michael Aitkens would continue to arrange the Mens Doubles Tournament & Kathy the Womans Doubles. Ros Judd continues to run the Wealden League matches.

HEALTH & SAFETY REPORT: It was agreed to spray the surrounding paths with Iron Sulphate solution to kill off the moss which was not a problem for the paths but may spread spores onto the courts. The moss on court was dying off & not causing a problem. Penny agreed to borrow the sprayer from Genevieve.


MATTERS ARISING FROM THE AGM & AOB: Dick presented the 3 quotes he had for the resurfacing of the courts and pointed out the various differences. It was agreed the only option open to the Club financially was to resurface the affected court. It was agreed to let Dick further negotiate with the contractors about their quotes & to let him make the final decision. Dick advised he would keep everyone informed as to his final recommendation for their approval. The committee decided by 4 votes to 2 in favour of putting in an additional gate after a discussion.

Dick was asked to contact the Harmsworth Trust as to how much they would charge for hedge cutting, grass cutting & blowing debris off the courts. Dick had an email from Kent suggesting the Harmsworth trust would do the work for about half we pay George each year ie £500 approx. Generally the committee was not keen in loosing control over the gardening work that George does so well. Insurance for the Clubhouse & 3rd party insurance, £200 pa, was through the LTA and there was no point in going elsewhere for cover.

Lloyd agreed to design some flyers to be distributed locally by Ellie. It was agreed to include, in addition to the usual information, information regarding Junior & squad coaching and to inform that we are the Tennis Club for Iden Green & Benenden.

It was agreed not to advertise in the Benenden Parish magazine but Michael Aitkens agreed to write an article to go into all local Parish magazines.

Dick had heard from Adrian that he was making another Club sign for us for which the committee was most grateful.

The meeting closed at 12 45 pm.