Welcome to Horsemanship Class!

We have an incredible program designed to teach our students something new every day about riding and caring for horses. Their progress will be apparent by their advancement through the levels of Horsemanship, and their success at our fun Horse Shows.

The fee is $250/ month, but you will receive a savings by paying $1100 in advance for the five-month Semester. By joining Horsemanship class, you are making a commitment for the school year. Please take a minute to fill out the following information and sign the financial agreement.






Date of Birth ______Grade for 2011-12 school year______

Level of Riding (check one) _____Beginner ______Intermediate ______Advanced

Preferred Discipline: ______English ______Western

Riding History______



Health Insurance Carrier______

Policy #______

Payment Schedule (check one) ______Semester______Monthly

Method of Payment (check one) ___check #______

___C.C. #______exp:______

I hereby agree to allow charges to my Credit Card______


I agree to the terms set forth in this agreement, and understand that this is a binding contract obligating me to pay the amount agreed to above. If opting for a monthly payment schedule, fees are due in advance on the first of the month, and are late if received after the 5th. Semester payments are due on the first day of the semester, and are late after ten days. Late charges are 10% of the amount due. By signing below, I am accepting financial responsibility for my student’s fees in the Horsemanship Program at Monte Vista Christian School. Please make checks payable to Belmont Training Stable.


Thank you,

Cassie Belmont

(831) 206-9707



I agree to comply fully with all safety rules:

-To wear an approved riding helmet with chin strap fastened at all times when mounted;

-To ride in a safe and controlled manner;

-To obey arena rules;

-To wear hard soled shoes or boots with heel when mounted (tennis shoes are not acceptable); and

-To wear long pants while riding.

As a participant of the MVCS Equestrian Team, we will be travelling, and I hereby agree to allow my child to travel with the team, and participate in the equestrian lessons and competitions at Monte Vista Christian School.

As consideration for enrollment in a lesson or training program with Cassie Belmont, and the Belmont Training Stable, LLC, and Monte Vista Christian School, I agree that neither I nor my successors will make any claim or pursue civil action against her or her trustees, officers, partners, employees, agents, or employees for any injury or damage that may occur as a result of my participation in horseback riding activities. In addition, I release and discharge Cassie Belmont, the Belmont Training Stable, LLC, Monte Vista Christian School and their employees from all actions, claims, or demands which I or my successors may now have, or may have at any time in the future, for injury or damage to myself or my property resulting from my participation in horseback riding activities.

I agree to release Cassie Belmont and the Belmont Training Stable, LLC and Monte Vista Christian School from all claims for money damages or otherwise for any harm to me or my horse and for any harm caused by me or by my horse. I agree to indemnify (that is, to pay any losses, damages or costs, including attorney’s fees, incurred by) Cassie Belmont and the Belmont Training Stable, LLC, and to hold her harmless with respect to claims for harm to me or to my horse, and for claims made by others for any harm caused by me or by my horse while in training with her.

I am aware that horses can be unpredictable, and that horseback riding entails certain unavoidable risks of injury. I agree to accept any and all such risks and I contract to make no claim for any injury I may incur while riding or training with Cassie Belmont, her assistants or the employees of the Belmont Training Stable, LLC. I also agree to allow Cassie Belmont or her employees to administer first aid or to take myself or my child to the doctor if it is necessary.

I am18 years of age or older, and I have carefully read this agreement and fully understand its contents. I know this is a full release of liability with legal consequences, and a contract between myself and Cassie Belmont, owner of Belmont Training Stable, LLC.

Parent or Guardian if a student is a minor:

Dated: ______

Name of Minor: ______

Date of Birth:______

Name of Adult Parent/ Guardian and relationship to student:


Signature: ______

Address: ______



Email: ______
Cell phone#: ______

Home Phone#:______