Open Meeting Agenda 27th September 2017, 6-7.30pm

Attendees : Joe, Toni, Katri, Joanna, Lu, Johanna, Corin,

Facilitator: Joe

Minute Taker: Toni, (joe takes over for last bit)

Apologies: Ros, Ollie, David

Point / Delivered By / Expected Outcome? / Timing
  1. Name round and introduction game
  2. Explain consensus based decision making and the following hand signals: agreement, disagreement, point, direct point, technical point
  3. Quickly explain the format of the meeting
/ Facilitator / Introduce everyone to each other and the meeting set up / 6.00 - 6.20
Working Group Updates
Wee Spoke Hub:
Food Sharing:
Policy and governance:
Finance & Admin:
Comms: / Reps from WGs / WSH - recently recruited Ali as part time mechanic. Offers consistency in WSH.
Doing a programme of led bike rides.
Doing pop up bike maintenance w’shops at Uni.
Had WG meeting yesterday
Food Sharing: have had facilitation training from Tripod. Last meeting - lots of attendees
Swapshop - Busy with new students. Trying to keep the standards of the shop high.
Joe recently been on some customer service training led by Revolve. Will be passing on what he learnt to volunteers. Having next volunteer meetup in the Turkish baths.
Policy and Governance: Finishing up the membership policy and how to move forward with it. Next meeting on Mon 9th..
Finance & Admin: Set up VT training for this week with kat from the board. Starting to set up task groups.
Workshop/events: Working Group met last week. Members happy to take on more of a programming/admin/social media role as well
Comms: Split WG into 3 categories - membership, social media and design. Comms has quite a broad remit so should work better with smaller focused groups.
Social media group - 4 people working well.
Looking to put up posters/graphics in the swapshop to explain more about the SHRUB/circular economy
Website brainstorming session on Thurs 28th.
Next WG meeting on the 5th October / 6.20-6:40
CCF Development Grant Plans / Ros/Ollie / / 6.40- 7.00
Membership Policy / Joanna /
/ 7:00-7:20
ZWT Recruitment Plans / David / Dear SHRUBers, I was a bit surprised to find the ZWT Coordinator role description not completed so have gone through all four with a fine toothcomb and in some places simplified and shortened the number of Main Responsibilities etc.
I have also attached [pages 4-23] the short summary of the ZWT bid and at very end [page 14] suggested text for the Environment Jobs site.
I think the norm is to give full FTE value of salary - and I think this should be around £27k so I've put it in in round terms. And I have [on page 3] said how applicants should name their attachments and Subject lines to try and make sorting a whole bunch of emails easier - if anyone takes any notice !
Suggested new Deadline for Project Coordinator is 12 noon Thursday 16 October with Interviews on Wednesday 25 Oct and then suggest rest have a deadline 12noon 30 Oct with Comms interviews on Thursday 2 Nov and Circular Economy interview on Tuesday 7th and Food Sharing on Thursday 9 November. OK?
I've suggested Sustainability, Environmental Education and Environmental Policy and Campaigning as the sectors for all four. And I guess the Functions should be Development and Projects, Comms & PR, Training, Education & Youth work and not sure about Food Sharing ... Jess - what do you think? Spread em about as there is cross reference to the other three jobs in each description.
Thanks to Alex and Ian for keeping the momentum up on this.
In friendship, David
/ 7:20-7:30
Any Other Business? / Facilitator / A chance for members to bring something up / add something to the agenda for next time


Point / Minutes / AP
  1. Name round and introduction game
  2. Explain consensus based decision making and the following hand signals: agreement, disagreement, point, direct point, technical point
  3. Quickly explain the format of the meeting

Working Group Updates
Wee Spoke Hub:
Food Sharing:
Policy and Governance:
Finance & Admin:
Comms: / WSH - recently recruited Ali as part time mechanic. Offers consistency in WSH.
Doing a programme of led bike rides.
Doing pop up bike maintenance w’shops at Uni.
Had WG meeting yesterday
Food Sharing: have had facilitation training from Tripod. Last meeting - lots of attendees
Swapshop - Busy with new students. Trying to keep the standards of the shop high.
Joe recently been on some customer service training led by Revolve. Will be passing on what he learnt to volunteers. Having next volunteer meetup in the Turkish baths.
Policy and Governance: Finishing up the membership policy and how to move forward with it. Next meeting on Mon 9th..
Finance & Admin: Set up VT training for this week with kat from the board. Starting to set up task groups.
Workshop/events: Working Group met last week. Members happy to take on more of a programming/admin/social media role as well. Next WG meeting is on the 3rd October.
Comms: Split WG into 3 categories - membership, social media and design. Comms has quite a broad remit so should work better with smaller focused groups.
Social media group - 4 people working well.
Looking to put up posters/graphics in the swapshop to explain more about the SHRUB/circular economy
Website brainstorming session on Thurs 28th.
Next WG meeting on the 5th October
CCF Development Grant / Joe explains CCF development grant
All happy with timeline and strategy proposed by Ros & Ollie.
Some questions about the Community survey and the format it will take[1].
ZWT Recruitment / No objections to proposed changes by David, Ollie Glick offers to be involved in recruitment process and to sit on the steering group of the ZWT (potentially using his EUSA paid hours as VP Community[2][3])
Membership policy / Decided that members to get a 20% discount on workshops that have a ticket price.
Discussion about membership started in June - problem about non-member volunteers and uninvolved members.
At open meeting: Active Volunteers given free membership. G&P confirmed & sent out draft which has been commented on.
Points raised:
-When it’s said that this will all be communicated, will that be by the comms wg? If so some rep from G&P should come to next comms wg meeting[4][5]
-Price structure, big chat about this. Should it be 12,18,24,30 or 12, 20, 30, 50, or 12,24,36,60?
-Half year membership at roughly ⅔ of full price e.g. 12full year/8 half
-Timeline might not leave enough time for different working groups to meet up and discuss this, or even read it fully. Might want to extend that past next weds.
Not Quorum, G&P will continue to work to this timeline and we will bring it to the next open meeting
Any Other Business? / SHRUB Community party this Saturday! 8pm ish @ SHRUB Coop, come along :D

[1]+ Party aye?


Thank you for your communications on this David! Please contact Alan as he said he would lead on this...

[3]OK Just met with Alan and Ollie G at EUSA. Propose slight tweak to submission deadline for first (Project Coordinator) ZWT role - noon Mon 23 Oct with interviews on THURSDAY 26 Oct. Other roles dates should not need changing.

[4]Yes, Comms is talking about this on Tuesday the 3rd 10 am PLEASE JOIN + + +

[5]no we aren't