Special Board Meeting

March 8, 2007

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March 8, 2007

The Board of Directors of the Little Rock School District held a special meeting on Thursday,
March 8, 2007, in the Boardroom of the Administration Building, 810 West Markham Street, Little Rock, Arkansas. President Katherine Mitchell presided.


Katherine Mitchell

Charles Armstrong

Melanie Fox

Larry Berkley

Dianne Curry

Robert M. Daugherty

Baker Kurrus




Roy G. Brooks, Superintendent of Schools

Beverly Griffin, Recorder of Minutes


Dr. Mitchell called the meeting to order at 5:25 p.m. All members of the Board were present at roll call. Ex officio representatives for the month of March were also present: Shanti Baker, teacher from Meadowcliff Elementary School, and Devin Wilkerson, student from
J. A. Fair High School.

II.  Evaluation of the District’s Reorganization

In response to a request from the Board, the administration presented a proposal for an independent evaluation of the administrative reorganization which was implemented in July 2005. The evaluation would measure and determine whether the reorganization had the desired effect of improving educational services provided to students, thereby improving academic achievement.

The board had been previously provided with a template for the proposed evaluation, prepared by Dr. Keith Nitta, of the Clinton School of Public Service. Dr. Nitta was present to introduce members of the evaluation team, to provide a brief overview of the proposed evaluation, and to respond to any questions the board might have.

In his report to the board, Dr, Nitta reported that although it was too soon to measure the impact on student achievement, it was appropriate to begin evaluation of the progress made in creating line of authority; tracking resources and establishing accountability guidelines.

Mr. Berkley asked that the board be provided an opportunity to review the survey instruments prior to the evaluation; Dr. Daugherty asked that open-ended questions be included for more feedback from district staff.

This initial report was considered preliminary to an action item which will be added to the agenda for March 22, 2007.

III.  Informal Assessments 2007

Dr. Karen DeJarnette and members of the PRE department staff provided an overview of the 2006-2007 internal assessment process. Jim Wohlleb, Maurecia Robinson, and Ed Williams provided a brief review of their individual responsibilities to measure effectiveness of the overall programs and impact of the modifications recommended by previous evaluations. Dr. DeJarnette reported that a written evaluation would be provided for the board’s review and approval in June 2007.

IV.  Student Disciplinary Actions

The board convened a closed session to consider three student disciplinary actions and an employee hearing.

Dr. Watson provided expulsion recommendations and pertinent information on three students who were involved in separate incidents involving possession of handguns on school property. One of the students was also found in possession of marijuana. The administration recommended placement in alternative programs for a calendar year, with review of their attendance and behavior prior to reinstatement. Each of the students faces felony handgun charges and will be involved in the courts over the next few months.

Student #1 is a senior and has sufficient credits to graduate in May 2007. Dr. Watson recommended placement at Southwest Learning Academy. Mr. Kurrus moved to approve the recommendation; Dr. Daugherty seconded the motion, and it carried unanimously.

Student #2 was recommended for placement at Felder Academy. It was reported that he is seventeen years old, but does not have sufficient credits to graduate at this time. He is classified as a sophomore, but can remain in an accelerated program in order to recover credits and graduate from high school if he is allowed to remain at Felder throughout his senior year. Dr. Daugherty moved to approve the administration’s recommendation; Ms. Fox seconded the motion and it carried unanimously.

Student #3 was also recommended for placement at Felder Academy. He is sixteen years old, but with only 1.5 credits toward graduation. Dr. Watson reported that he will be encouraged to complete GED program preparation. Dr. Daugherty moved to approve the administration’s recommendation. Ms. Curry seconded the motion and it carried unanimously.

V. Employee Hearing

The administration presented a recommendation for termination based on an employee’s violation of district policies and procedures regarding the conversion of district equipment for personal use. The employee, was represented by Grainger Ledbetter, Executive Director of the Classroom Teachers Association.

Information provided to the board included documentation of the employee’s purchase of plumbing equipment, valued at $500.00, and invoiced to the LRSD. The equipment was then loaned to a friend for personal use prior to being delivered to Facilities Services for proper inventorying.

False statements were made to Facilities Services Supervisors regarding the whereabouts of the equipment, and once the equipment was returned to the district by the employee’s wife, it had been used and could not be returned to the company where it was purchased.

The employee filed a grievance regarding the termination recommendation; the hearing officer reviewed the information and conducted interviews of the parties involved. The recommendation for termination was upheld by the hearing officer and the grievance was denied. The employee was on paid suspension from the district since April 2006.

Wayne Adams responded on behalf of the district and answered questions posed by David Hartz and Grainger Ledbetter.

Mr. Ledbetter asked the board to consider a penalty less than termination. He reviewed the employee’s work history, beginning in 1997 as a temporary worker. The employee responded to questions; he did not deny the allegations against him. He admitted that he had an attendance problem and stated that he believed the current accusations were made based on retaliation for a former grievance regarding attendance issues. He asked the board to allow him an opportunity to return to work.

Dr. Daugherty left the meeting at 7:00 p.m. and the board recessed for deliberations. The board returned from closed session at 7:17 p.m. and reported that no action was taken.

Mr. Kurrus stated that the charges were serious, and that he board did not consider the matter in a frivolous manner. However, he moved to deny the recommendation for termination, to charge the employee a reasonable amount for use of the equipment in the amount of $50.00, and to allow the employee to return to work on a six month attendance review. He stated that the board would expect to hear after six months that the employee’s work and attendance records to be outstanding. Mr. Armstrong seconded the motion and it carried 6-0.


There being no further business before the board, the meeting adjourned at 7:21 p.m. on a motion by Ms. Fox, seconded by Mr. Berkley.

APPROVED: _03-22-07____ Originals Signed by:

Katherine P. Mitchell, President

Melanie Fox, Secretary