<h3>January 26, 2006</h3>

<p<b>In Attendance: </b> Dr. Ginny Bailey- Co-chair, Tom Sweeney – Co-chair, Ann Bell, John Bennett, Earl Bradford, Jane Burton, Victoria Charlton, Carolyn Farkas, Stephanie Garrity, Commissioner Mark Guns, Chris Hersl, Carrie Kilby, Emily Jensen, Lynn Jones, Commissioner William Manlove, Eric Mucha, Jennifer Padgett, Mary Ellen Rapposelli, Joan Renner, Kyrianna Ruddy, Jennifer Slaybaugh, Charles Smyser, Doug Sommers, Karen Winkowski, and Angela Young.


Dr. Bailey welcomed the Committee and introductions were made.


All Task Force reports and handouts are attached to these minutes.


<p<b>Topic: </b> Review of Cecil County Health Profile 2005</p>

<p<b>Discussion: </b> The profile includes vital statistics and survey data. An additional chart was handed out that shows where Cecil County stands in relation to the State of Maryland in mortality for the top 10 leading causes of death. It was suggested to do research on causes, risk factors, etc on why Alzheimer’s disease numbers are so high. </p>

<p<b>Action: </b> Group would like to see comparison of Cecil County with Maryland for the same three years regarding Alzheimer’s disease. </p>

<p<b>Topic: </b> Earl Bradford presented the Accidents Task Force report. </p>

<p<b>Discussion: </b> A question was raised as to the percentage of accidents that are motor vehicle and Dr. Bailey said that from past years the majority are motor vehicle accidents. Accidents include all unintentional injuries. </p>

<p<b>Topic: </b> Carolyn Farkas presented the Cancer Task Force report. </p>

<p<b>Discussion: </b> There will be brochures in mailings from banks in March. John Bennett commented on how public health makes a difference and also the government and private organizations working together. We actually reach more people that have insurance that are not included in the numbers. Union Hospital staff said that the number of people having colonoscopy is increasing. It was suggested to collect data at doctors’ offices to see why people come in but this has been tried and usually gets a poor response. Tom Sweeney commented that there is a decrease in the severity of what is being found because of screenings being done earlier. </p>

<p<b>Topic: </b> Stephanie Garrity presented the Lifestyles and Nutrition Task Force report. </p>

<p<b>Discussion: </b> The Task Force is always looking for new members. The group meets every other month with the next meeting being March 23, 2006 at 4 PM. They hope to take data from wellness programs to help get grants for funding.


<p<b>Topic: </b> Chris Hersl presented the Tobacco Task Force report. </p>

<p<b>Discussion: </b> This year was dedicated to getting the message out about services available. Thanks to the County Commissioners and Liquor Board for funding to put calendars out to all vendors, especially Commissioner Guns. It was found that some cashiers were selling because they could not do the math and some because of peer pressure. </p>

<p<b>Topic: </b> John Bennett presented the Alcohol and Drug Council report. </p>

<p<b>Discussion: </b> The County government is working on a letter of support. There will be a presentation on the Adult Drug Court Program Tuesday, January 31, 2006 at 3 PM at the County Commissioners’ Office. They are working on a request for funding a halfway house in Cecil County for women. The Alcohol and Drug Abuse Administration gets data monthly and is working closely with the Councils. </p>

<p<b>Topic: </b> Cecil County Health Department Overview 2005</p>

<p<b>Discussion: </b> Handouts included a Cecil County Health Department booklet which is presented to the Commissioners every year as well as the Annual Report. </p>

<p<b>Topic: </b> Emergency Preparedness Update</p>

<p<b>Discussion:</b> Carrie Kilby presented the slides included in handouts. Carrie is the Health Department’s Emergency Preparedness Coordinator. Joan Renner commented that we are fortunate to be on the front end and have something in place. A question was raised about the danger of Avian Flu. The Center for Disease Control (CDC) and World Health Organization (WHO) feel the time is right for a pandemic to happen and Avian does have the characteristics for a pandemic. The Health Department has been working on a Pandemic Flu plan along with other plans. </p>

<h3>Other Information:</h3<p>

Victoria Charlton handed out a flyer for the “Techbridge” Program which targets youths age 16 – 21 to help them learn job and life skills, assist with getting their GED and a job. There is no cost for the program, they get to build a computer and if successful with getting their GED or a job, they get to take the computer home. Victoria would like to establish a mutual referral system within the county. This program is operated by Henkels & McCoy and they are looking to hire instructors or on-the-job trainers. They would also like to setup another site because of transportation problems with the Rising Sun, Conowingo, and Port Deposit area.


Mary Ellen Rapposelli talked about the Brother-to-Brother conference scheduled for June 5, 2006. It is being sponsored by the American Cancer Society, Union Hospital and community partners for Cecil, Kent and Harford County. It includes a talk on prostate cancer.


Lynn Jones, American Cancer Society, said that the newsletter ACS sends out can do an insert specific to each county and list activities.


John Bennett talked about the Cigarette Restitution Fund has had money diverted from public health programs by the Governor and legislature for the last couple of years. John presented information to legislators last year that showed the impact of the diverted funds and thanked anyone who wrote a supporting letter. This year the Governor’s proposal allocates additional funding to go to local health departments. He encouraged anyone that could to call, e-mail or write legislators thanking them for their efforts.


Doug Sommers thanked the Emergency Preparedness program for help with the Mental Health Plan. He also mentioned that May is Mental Health Month and spoke of a conference being held on May 3, 2006 at Sandy Cove which is co-sponsored by On Our Own – everyone is invited.


Commissioner Mark Guns said thanks for all the services provided to residents of Cecil County and asked everyone to please continue the good work. He said that if there are any needs, such as the calendars, that in order for them to help they need to know.


Earl Bradford talked about the Liquor Board in cooperation with the Elkton Police Department visiting 14 establishment in Elkton. Of the 14, five sold to a minor. The Liquor Board would like to resurvey again in the next few months.


Stephanie Garrity talked about the planning continuing for the Community Health Center at the west end of the county. The Conowingo Lions Club, Cecil County Health Department and Union Hospital will be putting together an application for funding when the Federal government announces they are accepting applications.


Karen Winkowski talked about this being the second year participating with Union Hospital on Project Lead, an internal leadership development program at Union. An intern with Project Lead is working with local employers to identify employees with substance abuse problems earlier – now usually is identified through the criminal justice system.


The next scheduled Cecil County Community Health Advisory Committee meeting will be held on June 26, 2006 at 4:30 PM in the Health Department Auditorium.
