4/14/2003 approved by TRC
The General Assembly of True Jesus Church
The United States of America
Funeral Service Guidelines
I. Introduction
This document has been reviewed and approved by the Council of the General Assembly on April 14, 2003. It serves as the funeral service guidelines practiced in the United States. The funeral service can be divided into memorial service and/or burial service. Both of these services are covered in the document.
II. Date and Location
The memorial or burial service should be held on a non-Sabbath day. However, if it has to be on a Sabbath day, it should be after the postmeridian service. The memorial service will be within one hour of duration. The memorial and burial service may be held on different days according to individual extenuating.
The memorial service may be held in the main chapel of the church or in a funeral home. No casket or wreaths or portrait of the deceased is allowed to be displayed in the chapel. Wreaths or portrait of the deceased may be displayed in the parish hall. Casket is not allowed on the church premises.
III. Personnel
The following is a list of personnel needed to support the funeral service:
· Funeral Service Coordinator: An appointed council member or any volunteer who will serve to coordinate and monitor the operation of the entire funeral service.
· Refreshment Coordinator: optional. The General Affairs member or any volunteer that would be willing to serve
· Master of Ceremony: optional
· Ordained Ministers: For prayer, scripture reading, sermon, and words of consolation
· Interpreter
· Pianist/organist
· Choir: optional
· Other Musical Instrument Players: optional
· Church/Family Representative for Biographical Remarks
· Church Representative for Words of Consolation
· Family Representative for Acknowledgement
· Chapel Receptionists: Minimum of two. The duties of the receptionists are: gift collection, program distribution, guest signature, and collection of sender’s card on the wreath.
· Pallbearers: Minimum of 6.
· Wreath Arrangement: Optional.
· Traffic Controller: If the memorial service is held in the chapel, the general affairs will be responsible for traffic control.
· Food Distribution: Optional
· General Cleaning: Optional
IV. Preparatory Works
· Service Program: The Council will appoint either the chairman or the pastor to work on the logistics of the program.
· Announcement to the Congregation: Announcement to the congregation for memorial/burial service and visitation must be made as soon as the date, time, and location are designated.
· Writing and Translation of the Biographical Remarks
· Printing of the program
· Reception Desk: A reception desk will be setup at the entrance of the chapel or the funeral home memorial service hall.
· Reserved Seating: The first few rows in the front should be reserved for family members, relatives, and church workers.
· Extra Microphones and Lectern (if held in the church): Two extra microphones and lectern will be setup off podium for biographical remarks.
· Traffic Controller (if held in the church): General Affairs will appoint traffic controller(s) to control traffic in the parking lot and on the street.
· Food preparation and distribution (if held in the church): Refreshment Coordinator will assist in food preparation and distribution. The cost of food will be paid by the family of survivor
· General Cleaning (if held in the church): General Affairs will organize a cleaning team.
V. Memorial Service
The purpose of memorial service is not only to remember the member who was called by the Lord, but also to illustrate the Biblical teachings about salvation.
a. Items to be avoided
· Inform the funeral home to remove the kneeling stool in front of the casket.
· Inform the church members not to bow to the deceased during visitation or final respects.
b. Detailed Memorial Service Processes
· Attire: All workers dress formal in dark color. Male workers should wear suit in same color and tie. Three-piece suit is preferable. Workers on the podium should fasten the first button of their jacket. Female workers use light make up. Bereaved family members dress in dark color but no hemp or sackcloth. It is not necessary for relict to wear crape veil.
· Arrival of Workers: All the workers should arrive at the church or memorial home no later than 30 minutes prior to the commencement of the service.
· Control of Order: The rear seats are for the latecomers. During the process of memorial service all disturbances should be kept to a minimum. Children who are underage or may cause disturbances will not be permitted in the main chapel or the funeral home memorial service hall. If the chapel is full, all latecomers shall remain in the parish hall and may watch the service on the closed circuit TV.
· Seating: The bereaved family should make sure there is adequate seating if the memorial service is held in a funeral home.
· Commencement of Memorial Service:
The minister and interpreter step on the podium
· Sing Hymn 301: The minister announces the commencement of memorial service and sing Hymn 301
· Prayer:
1. The minister asks the congregation to remain standing while making the first prayer in understanding.
2. After the prayer, the minister asks the congregation to sit down before stepping down the podium
· Scripture Reading:
The minister steps on the podium to perform scripture reading and remains on the podium for sermon delivery if it is the same person.
· Sermon
The minister steps on the podium for sermon delivery.
· Biographical Remarks
1. The minister and interpreter step down the podium after sermon delivery
2. The church/family representative gives biographical remarks. (Biographical remarks will be given off podium if held in the church.)
· Choir Presentation: optional
· Musical Instrument Presentation: optional
· Words of Consolation: Church representative gives words of consolation. (Words of consolation will be given off podium if held in the church.)
· Address of Acknowledgement: Bereaved Family representative gives words of acknowledgement. (Address of acknowledgement will be given off podium if held in the church.)
· Sing Hymn 191:
1. The minister steps on the podium with the interpreter.
2. The minister tells the congregation to stand up to sing Hymn 191.
· Concluding Prayer
The minister tells the congregation to remain standing for the concluding prayer in understanding.
· End of Memorial Service
The minister announces the end of memorial service
· Final Respects and Consolation
1. The funeral service coordinator will announce to the congregation the row order for final respects.
2. If burial follows immediately after the memorial service, the funeral director will announce and provide information for procession. Pallbearers will stand by to carry the casket to the hearse.
3. The bereaved family members will stand by the casket.
4. Relatives, friends, and church members will take turn to pay final respects and give consolation to the bereaved family members.
c. Photographs
Still/Video Photography will be permitted during or after the memorial service.
d. Collection of Sender’s Card on the Wreath:
Immediately after the final respects and consolation, receptionist will collect the sender’s card on the wreath and give to the bereaved family with the gifts and guest signature book.
e. Refreshments
Refreshment coordinator will ensure that all dishes are ready and food distributors are standing by before the end of the service. Cost of refreshments will be borne by the bereaved family
f. General Cleaning
The general cleaning team will start to clean up the chapel, parish hall, and kitchen as soon as the refreshment is over.
VI. Burial Service
There is no restriction for the type of burial chosen. Inhumation, cremation, and mausoleum are common in the United States.
a. Detailed Burial Service Processes
· Attire: Same as Section V. b
· Arrival of Workers and mourners: Same as Section V. b if no memorial service is held.
· Burial Procession:
1. The funeral director will provide information for procession.
2. At the burial site, the minister will conduct a prayer with understanding prior to entombment.
3. Mourners will place flowers on the grave after entombment and depart accordingly.
VII. Lunch or Dinner Reception
The Lunch or Dinner Reception should be limited to those relatives and close friends of the bereaved family.
VIII. Sample Memorial Service Program
Memorial Service
For the Beloved Brother XXXXX or Sister XXXXX or
Pastor/Elder/Deacon/Deaconess XXXXX
Hymn Congregation
Prayer Dn. XXXXX
Scripture Reading Br. XXXXX
Sermon Pr. XXXXX
Biographical Remarks Br. XXXXX
Choral Presentation Church Choir
Words of Consolation
Elizabeth Church Representative Dn. XXXXX
General Assembly Representative Dn. XXXXX
Other Church Br. XXXXX
Address by Family Br. XXXXX
Hymn Congregation
Prayer Dn. XXXXX
Final Respects and Consolation Congregation
Master of Ceremony: XXXXX
Interpreter: XXXXX
Pianist: XXXXX
Date & Time
The True Jesus Church in (name)
Funeral Service Guideline Final .doc 1