

Greek Background: Oedipus Rex

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Track # 295310Password: Eagles

Plot Diagram – Label AND Define each element *See Track 6


Rising Action:



Falling Action/Denouement:


Greek Stage: Label and briefly explain the parts of the stage *See Track 4







Throne of Priest of Dionysus

Five Characteristics of Greek Tragedy: Explain elements *See Track 7

1) Explores the ways of god and man – (Done)

2) Tragic Hero (4pts) with Tragic Flaw(def):

3) Crisis of Feeling:

4) Catharsis:

5) Reversal:

Structure of Greek Tragedies: Fill in elements*Track 5

______: opening scene, background info given; said by one actor or between two actors

______: entrance of chorus, chant a lyric which gives some relation to the main theme

______/Scene: plot is developed through action and dialogue between actors; chorus has a minor role

______/Ode: a choral ode; short summary given by chorus, always follows an episode

______: final action after the last stassimon; ended by ceremonial exit of all the players

Vocabulary: Define*Track 7

Chorus – represented the common people; clarified but never advanced the plot;

Hubris – pride likely to invoke the wrath of the gods;

Theme -

Dramatic Irony -

Dialogue -

Tragic Hero -

Setting -

Sophocles – author of Oedipus Rex

Wrote ______years ago *Track 2(under “Introduce the Play”)

Won ______prize at Athens’ annual drama festival *Track 2(under “Introduction”)

Wrote ____ plays; ______plays survived*Track 10

Was an ancient Greek ______, dramatist, priest, and politician of ______*Track 10

Known as the ______for the “sweetness of his productions”*Track 10

Competed with ______and ______in dramatic contests*Track 10

Greek Culture/History

The act counted, not the ______*Track 14 (under Possible Interpretations)

It was the ______of a Greek to harm enemies, and an ______*Track 14 (same)

would make someone an enemy

______meant everything, so killing one’s father and *Track 14 (same)

______with one’s mother were considered the two worst possible ______

______and ______were considered very powerful *Track 14 (same)

The aged, blind ______turns the plot in all Greek tragedies *Track 14 (click on Tiresias)

set in Thebes

Greeks were concerned with ______, ______, *Track 2(under Lesson Objectives)

and the role of ______and ______in everyday life.

______was the favorite type of Greek drama, *Track 2(under Introduction to Greek Drama)

and at the heart of all tragedies lay a character’s ______

Aristotle argued that tragedy cleansed the ______through pity and terror, *Track 1

purging us of our petty concerns/worries by making us aware that there can be nobility

in ______; He called this experience ______

Greek Theater

The three different types of drama are: ______, ______, and ______*Tracks 1 or 2

Performed on festival days in honor of the Greek god ______*Tracks 3 or 2

______entered sets of plays - ___ (#) chosen(3 tragedies, 1 satyr each)- jurors cast votes*Track 3

Approximately ______people watched at a time *Track 11 (5th section)

Action of the play takes place in a single day; there was only one storyline – no subplots

Stories based on legends and myths that Greekswould have already known

Emotion of character was the center of the play

Physical horror (violence and death) was done ______*Track 9

______(#) Greek theaters have been excavated; 3 requirements included being built *Track 11

into a hill; providing breathtaking view for audience, and offering flat performance area

Stage always built into a hill; called an ampitheater

______placed under theater seats to increase sound *Track 12

All actors were ______*Tracks 8 or 13

Actors were first called ______*Track 13

Actors wore ______which served as ______*Track 12

There were ______speaking actors, each rotating to play all the *Track 2

speaking parts

Actors wore colorful ______, ______, ______, robes, *Track 3

and megaphones

Leader of the chorus was known as ______*Track 8(under dramatic terms)

There were ______people in the chorus *Tracks 3 or 11

Chorus moved together; they would chant, ______, and ______*Track 13

*Sets ______and heightens dramatic effects *Track 9

*Represented common people; *Warned of doom