Sibley Elementary PTO

Date | time9/8/2014 5:30 PM | Meeting called to order byHeather Sadauskis

In Attendance

See attached 28 total

Miss Gephart’s class had a contest to see how many parents they could get to come to the PTO meeting. She had 6 parents and one amazing grandparent. Way to go Miss Gephart’s class. They will be having a pizza party to celebrate! Also male attendance is encouraged and we had one brave Dad attend. Way to go!

Approval of Minutes

The minutes were read from the August meeting and approved.


Still looking for a President and Vice President: Heather Sadauskis is filling in for now, but no longer has children at Sibley, she is just helping out of the kindness of her heart.

Principal: Ross Williams

Treasurer: Amy Ladlie

Secretary: Ashley Kisslinger

Treasurer’s Report

$21,996.74 checking $17,203.80 savings

Ross Williams Principal Report

Working on options for the playground. Will get more information on this and bring to PTO meeting.

Old Business

  • Back to school Picnic 9/23 Becci Anderson is the lead for this committee. She was given a list of other parents willing to help at the event. The purpose of the picnic is for family bonding and meeting other school families. A donation will be suggested for the meal for each family of $3.50 . Scott Fadden gave a quote for 250 people @ $800.00. Budget is $300.00 so donations are needed. Last year 2013 the school actually made money on the picnic from donations $80.00 positive. Taco Bell was discussed but can not be used because their corporate says they are concerned with food safety issues. Picnic will be from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Flyer for this event will go home on Friday September 12th.
  • Stroll For A Goal- Stroll on Friday October 3rd (Homecoming) Information out on 9/19 due back to class room on 9/30 Committee will be given a report on parents willing to help with this event.
  • Room Parent Social 9/23 from 3:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. in cafeteria. Room parents will gather in cafeteria to meet with teachers on the upcoming parties and what is expected for the year. Ashley Kisslinger is working this event. Providing: snacks, drinks, table tents, plates, cups, napkins. A flyer will be going out to just the room parents. Heahter Sadauskis will provide a template from last year YAY!!! Making it super easy.

New Business

Heather Sadauskis went over the committees and activities. She gave a brief explanation of each. Below are the following and dates.

  1. Room Parent Social- 9/23 need more room parents 3:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.
  2. Back to school picnic-9/23 from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.
  3. Scholastic Book Fair (12/9-12-13; 3/17-3/21
  4. School Family Nights

Movie Night 10/24

Bingo Night (?)

Game Night (1/16)

Craft Night (4/10)

Purpose of the school family nights is to create bonding among all families at Sibley with each other.

  1. Morning Muffins with parents, grandparents, aunts or uncles 11/14
  2. Yearbook (all year long) parents take pictures at events and can submit for approval for the year book.
  3. Stroll For A Goal: 10/3 main fundraiser for the year.
  4. 5th grade recognition (end of May) DVD, juice, cupcakes, slide show. Celebrate 5th grade moving on to Junior High.
  5. Staff Appreciation (May 4th-8th) show our hard working staff we appreciate them with daily snacks and a meal usually on Friday.
  6. Friday Morning Reading Club (Begins Jan. or Feb.) help get the kids out of the cold and have fun learning. Stations are set up, games and prizes. Before school
  7. Fun Night- Takes many volunteers to make this happen. The kids love this event. (2/6)
  8. Scholarships (spring) 3 seniors from the highschool are awarded college scholarships from Sibley.
  9. End of the year social: Did not happen last year, too crazy. Would love to see this happen this year.
  10. Family Movie Night: 10/24 Would like to get this organized will be here before we know it.

Next Meeting

Next PTO meeting will be held in the media center or Sibley Conference Room depending on the size of the crowd. We are hoping to have a large crowd again and meet in the media center. Meeting time is: 5:30 p.m. generally one hour. However our last meeting was ONLY 45MIN!!!! Date is: Oct. 13th. Mark your calendars. Encourage other parents to come. Ross made a good point at the meeting. It does not have to be a parent that comes to the meeting. It can be a grandparent, aunt, uncle etc. Also PTO is fun, the misconception is, you will be stuck running things all by yourself and that is simply not correct. So tell your friends, get involved.

Meeting end time: 6:15 p.m.

More volunteers = successful fun events, happy kids, giving back, making a difference and making new friends.

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