Charter Support Unit

Supporting Florida’s Charter Schools

(727) 286-3185 ✰

School Review Summary

The Charter Support Unit is a project sponsored by the Department of Education’s office of School Choice Choice through a Charter Schools Program grant from the United States Department of Education. The Charter Support Unit is operated by Charter School Services Corporation. The following School Review was created by the Charter Support Unit as a recommendation to the school. The recommendations listed below should not be construed as legal or financial advice, but simply suggestions for areas of the school to consider. If the school has specific questions, the school may wish to seek out professional advice.


Review Requested By:

Site Visit Date:

Summary Completed:


Legal Requirements / Best Practice Suggestions
Non-Discrimination Policy / Combined Policy Manual
Annual Operating Budget / Standard Operating Procedures
Board Completed Governance Training / Consistent Forms/Organization
Accountability Report (if not first year) / Useful Website for Parents
Employee & Board Background Checks / Curriculum Plan
Standards of Ethical Conduct Policy / Annual Goals and Progress Toward Them
Board Representative Posted Online

Educational Plan

Mission / Vision & Purpose


School Marketing Materials (brochures/website) show the mission of the school

Atmosphere matches mission

Instruction matches mission

Staff articulate mission

Start of a strategic plan for the future

Visit Notes:

Report Narrative:

School Climate / Discipline


School behavior plan exists

Appeal / due process procedures for behavior plan exists

Positive environment / atmosphere

Staff attitudes

Visit Notes:

Report Narrative:

Curriculum & Assessment


Curriculum map / documents outline expectations & show standards correlations

Has a textbook adoption schedule/process

Seem prepared for rollover to Common Core State Standards

Assessment schedule is available

Data drives educational decisions

Interventions / options in place to support struggling students

Promotional standards are clearly defined

Visit Notes:

●all working on developing a full curriculum map, but have a desire to do so.

Report Narrative:

Special Programs / Populations


Connections with district ESE staff

Process defined and understood by key stakeholders

Programs operating

Home language surveys are completed for all students

Medications are documented & Health records secured

Processes do not discriminate against students in special programs

Visit Notes:

Report Narrative:

Organizational Plan



Board meets regularly

System in place for keeping Board informed on progress

Government in the Sunshine rules seem to be followed

Policies exist governing the operation of the board (elections, terms, etc.)

Documentation that all board members have completed Board Training

Orientation plan/checklist exists for new Board members

Committee Structure for completing larger / more detailed tasks

Visit Notes:

Report Narrative:

Management and Human Resources


Working relationship with the school district exists

Administration is familiar with charter contract

Chain of command is understood

Employee records are secured and up-to-date

Staff finger printing is up-to-date

Tobacco-/ Alcohol- /Drug-Free workplace policy in place

Job Descriptions are in place

Process is in place for recruiting, interviewing and hiring new personnel

Staff evaluation process is in place

Policies regarding sick leave / time off, etc. are documented

Compensation plan exists and is consistent

Effective payroll processes are in place

Due process procedures/safeguards in place

Visit Notes:

Report Narrative:

Educational Service Provider (If exists)


Documentation exists

Clear understanding of who is responsible for what

Administrator has a good working relationship with the ESP

Visit Notes:

Report Narrative:

Student Recruitment


Non biased / discriminatory process in place for selecting students

Promotional materials are appropriate

Marketing plan reaches into the community

Waiting list numbers

School understand how and abides with the class size restrictions apply to charter schools

Visit Notes:

Report Narrative:

Business Plan



Facilities seem safe and well cared for

Inspections are completed as needed (health, fire, etc.)

Emergency procedures are in place and posted

Visit Notes:

Report Narrative:




Is on target (current spending matches budgeted amounts)

Fund balances are easy to distinguish

Governing Board approves and monitors the budget

Visit Notes:

Report Narrative:

Financial Management / Oversight


Clear processes and designation of duties exist

Staff understand the basics of the “Red Book”

An oversight system ensures financial accountability

Budget is in place and regularly evaluated

Monthly financial reports are submitted

Solid fiscal policies exist

Visit Notes:

Report Narrative:

Survey Results

General Findings:

General Notes