Project approved by UTTIPEC

  1. Name of the Project: Proposal for Comprehensive Development of Corridor (Outer Ring Road)betweenMadhuban Chowk to Mukarba Chowk
  1. Name of the Agency: PWD, Govt of NCT,Delhi
  1. Consultants: Consulting Engineers Group Ltd.,

207-208, DDA Local Shopping Complex

Vikaspuri, New Delhi-110018

Ph. 28542899, 9313752011

  1. Project Scheduled:
  1. Likely to be started by December, 2010.
  2. Likely to be completed by June, 2013.
  1. UTTIPEC Processing:
  1. The project of PWD was considered by UTTIPEC Working Group IIB in its meeting dt.19.02.09. and the proposal was recommended for consideration & approval by the UTTIPEC Governing Body with the following decisions / observations :-
  1. Service road along green belt, upto the District Court may be replanned to avoid congestion due to merger of left and right turning traffic at Madhuban chowk
  2. Traffic from Mukarba Chowk, going left into Pitampura is presently weaving with the buses going to Madhuban Chowk underpass, which needs to be properly addressed in the proposals.
  3. A new foot over bridge has been proposed along the existing pedestrian underpass, which will cause a bottleneck and shall be reconstructed.
  4. Height of the metro line, passing through the Madhuban Chowk intersection, allows a two level junctions one low height and other full height. The options may be explored.
  5. 20 meter Roads from Pitampura and Rohini sector 9 (600 to 700 Ch.) should have appropriate entry/exit from ORR.
  6. Integration of grade separators at Mukarba Chowk with the existing RoB and new elevated road proposal be shown on the drawing.

Observations / suggestions:

  1. As far as possible the continuity of interference–free footpaths and cycle tracks at intersections be shown.
  2. Traffic management plan/circulation plan for an area of around 1 km. along the both sides of ORR be prepared. Free left turn may be avoided at the intersections, even in case of signalized crossing.
  3. Slip roads and service roads wherever feasible, may be provided
  4. Width of service road, including footpath, may be at least 7.5 meters.
  5. Provisions for segregated lanes and facilities for public transport system, including bus shops, be ensured.
  6. Traffic signals be shown at all intersections with provision for separate signal phase for cars, buses, NMT. Signal timings be calculated as per the traffic projections.
  7. Location of signage be shown in the plans.
  8. The details of effected structures and trees /bushes be given in the feasibility format.
  9. Right of Way line of all roads as per the Master Plan / Zonal Development Plan be shown in the plan.
  10. A traffic management plan and a work zone Management plan during the construction period be prepared.
  11. Width of the flyover / elevated road on outer ring road to be maintained as per the existing under pass on Madhuban Chowk
  1. UTTIPEC Governing body in its meeting held on 20.2.09 under the chairmanship of Hon'ble L.G, Delhi accorded its approval, based on the recommendation and observation/concern of the working group meeting with following additional observations:-
  1. In order to facilitate conflict free local movements (pedestrians/cyclists and NMV's etc) junction movement as per advice of traffic police, MCD, and UTTIPEC experts be incorporated in the proposal
  2. Intersection at Mukarba Chowk should take into account the proposal of zonal plan (Zone P-1, Narela) specially along Railway Line
  3. Traffic Management / work zone management plan during construction be prepared in consultation with traffic police for the influence area of about 1 km on either side of the road
  1. Location Map :
  1. Copy of the approved plans:FINAL PLAN-sheet1, FINAL PLAN-sheet 2, FINAL PLAN-sheet3, FINAL sheet4, FINAL PLAN-sheet5, FINAL PLAN-sheet6, FINAL PLAN-sheet7.
  1. For additional details: kindly contact Project Manager (Flyover project- circle F-13), PWD, Mukarba Chowk, Delhi

Ph: 27691871, Mob: 9818180952.