Members are invited to submit an application for the International Award, a bursary of up to £1,000, to enable a BPW member to either undertake an international research project of special interest to herself and of relevance to BPW or to assist her in attending a major conference at the UN of relevance to BPW, such as CSW. It must be completed during the period 1 January to 31 December 2016.

Applicants must have been a member of BPW for at least 12 months prior to the date of application and continue to be so in 2016. Applications should be submitted by 31st January 2016 on the official application form, which is available from BPW UK, 74 Fairfield Rise, Billericay, Essex CM12 9NU or from the website. The successful applicant will be notified by 1 March 2016.

Selection Criteria

The award will be adjudicated on the following criteria:

1. A project which will:

a) Benefit the member either personally or in relation to her work.

b) Benefit BPW in terms of publicity or which may provide future input to BPW activities.

2. A submission that identifies clear objectives.

3. A proposal that demonstrates how the applicant will use her own initiative and resources to make the necessary overseas contacts and arrangements to carry out her award project successfully.

4. The presentation of a realistic itinerary and budget.

5. An application which shows a commitment to complete the award successfully and an undertaking to publicise the award within BPW and externally.

Specific Requirements

The applicant will undertake to:

1. Present a written report 3 months and 6 months after the date of notification of the granting of the Award and immediately after completion of the project.

2. Submit a comprehensive final report, including details of the Awardee’s international work, achievements and how these can be used for the benefit of BPW not later than 31 December 2016.

3. Attend the BPW Annual General Meeting in April 2016 to outline her project and in 2017 to present her report to Conference (Please note that expenses will not be paid for these conferences and you may therefore want to include the cost in your budget).

4. Speak at BPW meetings and events wherever and whenever possible and to carry out, as far as she can, any other speaking engagements, broadcasts etc. which may benefit BPW.

Adjudication and Interviews

All applicants for the Award will be considered by a panel of adjudicators chaired by the National President and including a member of the International Working Group. A short list of candidates may be called for interview. Travelling expenses for those called will be paid by BPW.