LoadLogger – a shovel production monitoring tool

A brand new revolutionary, inexpensive, profit making, intelligent management tool has been developed by Rockmate Technical Services and is presently working on 4 major open cast coal sites in the UK. It has provided management with a dump truck load counting system, loads are displayed within 10 seconds on the managers office computer. Colleagues within the office can access the data and be kept up to date with what is going on at the rockface. It is so simple that the driver needs no training, the manager can use his computer for other jobs whilst LoadLogger works in the back ground.

LoadLogger replaces paper based systems, where the driver would tick each load on a sheet which need to be handed in at the end of the shift, tallied up and a report generated for the manager next day! It also replaces hand held clicking counter systems where loads have to be similarly tallied up at the end of shift with both manual systems having all its inherent human errors

LoadLogger is safe to use, it replaces electronic systems where an operator needs to physically make a connection with the black box on the machine at the end of every week or day. LoadLogger removes the risk of the operator falling off a ladder and being injured whilst collecting the data!

It can be used in conjunction with GPS truck dispatch systems to give an independent load count. GPS receivers loose their positions because of the position of the satellites in relation to the antenna and the open pit geometry resulting in gaps in the data. Some systems admit they cannot count the load or loads other systems will ‘guestimate’ with the available data.

LoadLogger allows managers to measure their management decisions Like how much difference will a truck allocated from one shovel to another shovel make to production. What are the consequences of refuelling trucks at break times as against parking them up during the shift? In a word it allows management to mine intelligently.

The system has been designed to increase working time in a shift at no extra cost. For an accountant and investors that means extra profit!

LoadLogger can be fitted on all brands of plant, both new and old.

LoadLogger is an inexpensive system.

For further information contact:

Mike McLoughlin, Mining Engineer, Rockmate Technical Services Limited, 90 Whitehouse Lane, Nantwich, CW5 6HH, UK, T:0044(0)1270 627160; F:0044 (0)1270 620 118 email: sales’at’rockmate.com

Rockmate Technical Services Limited, formerly Mike McLoughlin trading as Rockmate Technical Services has been developing software since 1985. Software is working in the UK, EU, USA and China. Agents are available in all the aforementioned regions. Products include Rockmate – a blast optimisation system, dXmCubed a ground modelling system, Shiftboss a dump truck GPS based work study system.