Updated 05-14-13

1. All the information that is on the website or sent to you is, of course, free of charge. You may reproduce the information as deemed necessary. If you alter it and reproduce it, then please annotate that as appropriate. I am of the firm conviction that ministering the Word of God should be totally free of charge.

2. There are no required textbooks for this college. All of the information that you will need to know is found in the lecture notes.

3. If you disagree with any of the information that is presented, that is fine; but, please do not share that with us. As would be the case when a tremendous amount of information is given out, it is very likely that some of it will be unfamiliar, or even deemed in error. But, do pray for us in those areas of concern, if any. We are an independent Baptist church and Bible College; our beliefs may very well be different than yours in many doctrinal areas. It would be prudent for you to begin this Bible College instruction with an open, but discerning, mind. I myself keep learning new things every week, and I keep adjusting old, long-standing beliefs to be more in line with the truth of God’s Word. I have designed this Bible College curriculum to be very ‘meaty’ and not necessarily ‘politically’ (or religiously) correct. I believe that you will greatly benefit from the style and format that is used in this program.

4. The Bible College is located online at ; the old website is it is slowly being phased out. This old site has several helpful links that can be gone to without a password. The new site requires a User name and Password; I can give you this once I receive your enrollment form. Year One thru Year Two are fully uploaded to our new site. Year Three is being uploaded weekly as we complete the lectures. We are scheduled to have Year Four fully uploaded by August of 2014. Our Master’s College Program is being uploaded weekly also; it will be fully uploaded by August 2014 also. If you have trouble playing the videos, there is a ‘Troubleshooting’ link that can hopefully solve any issues. If there is no solution, then you have the option of sending us an 8 to 32 Gb (or larger) flashdrive (memory stick) that we will load videos and notes to and then mail back to you. A 32 Gb stick will hold about 1 year’s worth of coursework.

5. You may take as long as you like for each of these classes. We do have a limit placed on how fast a student can complete coursework (currently set at 3 exams submitted per week). My desire is that you proceed at the rate of 1 set of lectures per week, every week. I will try to encourage you to choose this schedule and then to stay faithful with it. Feel free to update us regularly as to your progress. We pray for each student on a weekly basis.

6. Testing does not need a Proctor, though the use of one will keep everything ‘beyond reproach’. It is your choice whether to use one or not. All exams (and study guides/ study notes) are located on the website. Grading is fairly lenient and merciful, so don’t be too concerned about all this. Almost all the tests are ‘multiple choice’ (‘K’ question type). The goal is for you to learn, not memorize every detail. Please keep track of when tests are by following each course’s schedule. Study guide alerts are posted by the appropriate lecture numbers on the Lecture Notes subpages.

7. If the lecture notes and/or the video lecture do not make something clear, please do not hesitate to contact me by email. I am here to help you learn. email:

Again, if you disagree with something, that is fine, but do not share that with me. Though, if you think I may have mis-stated something and are requesting clarification, that is fine to share with me.

8. In order to receive actual college credit for these courses, all lecture videos and notes need to be watched/read and all tests need to be taken, and an overall passing score (50%+) achieved for the course. You may take these courses without credit (i.e. audit); the important part isn’t necessarily passing the exams and receiving a diploma, but in learning the Bible and serving the Lord.

You can ‘retake’ an exam that you might have done poorly on. The maximum grade that you could get, however, is a “C”…even if you received 100% on the retake. You can retake an exam as many times as necessary. Thus, theoretically, you could guarantee yourself to get at least a “C” average for this college.

9. Certificates will be mailed out for any course that is successfully completed (usually one per semester). Formal Transcripts will be kept with all Exam grades for each course. You can request a copy of your transcript at any time. I should be able to send transcripts every semester. There will be a formal graduation here in Omak for anyone completing all 4 years. They will be awarded a diploma for a Bachelor of Arts degree in Theology (and a Master of Theology degree for the graduate program). We are not accredited with any governmental or private accreditation organization. But, we firmly believe that the Lord Jesus Christ has accredited us! Just because a ‘college’ is not ‘accredited’ does not mean that it is inferior. Accreditation is only important if the one who is evaluating your college deems it to be so. Thus, for pursuing a career in the ministry, or even in the ‘secular’ world, accreditation is only an issue if the ‘employer’ (church) deems it to be so. In most Independent Baptist churches, accreditation is not an important issue.