Questionnaire IT Skills for Students – Deakin University

1. Does the University provide online IT/Computer skills/training for students?
1(a) What is the product used? / 2. If yes, is the training delivered through a LMS, such as Blackboard or WebCT? / 3. Is there verification that the student has undertaken the work? / 4. Is the student’s result stored on the student record system? / 5. Copy of University policies, procedures and/or guidelines if available.
6. Contact person
ANU / Yes, free of charge, provide both IT and library (info literacy) training in a combined program, see for program Teach Yourself (we use a number of links and programs). / No, delivered as a mixture of hand's on and online. students enrol online using a local database enrolment system / Only via presenter marking off the attendance list, but will be able to verify online with new system in operation 2003 / not as yet, but will in 2003 / parallel training program for staff as for students. Staff pay via their Finance manager - see terms and conditions
Bond University / Not online, all students must complete a face-to-face core subject in computer skills for one semester. / N/A / N/A / N/A / N/A
Contact: Gulcin Cribb,
University Librarian
Charles Sturt University / Some basic training and assistance through the orientation program. Also a bit through Student Services, but nothing that’s extensive or comprehensive. / Not for students. / N/A / NA / There are no specific guidelines for ONLINE training though we have them for traditional IT training for staff.
Kerryn Amery

Curtin University / We have purchased 300+ self paced IT courses from SmartForce which we make available to staff and students. Specifically, we provide on our Start-up CD which goes out to every student 25 lessons on the Microsoft desktop productivity tools. SmartForce. We have just signed an extension on the original agreement which has given us significantly more titles to be made available to staff & students. / No. At present material can be downloaded by academic staff and installed. We did purchase the Web monitoring tool which can be used to monitor progress but as yet we have not taken advantage of it. / No. Some Schools have begun to include the self paced material within their teaching programs ..... so I suppose there is some sort of verification? / No see previous. / As yet no but we are working on some guidelines to re-engineer our current face-to-face programs to bring in some self paced flexible material for those staff who find it difficult to attend. All going well we should have this in place by second semester next year.
Contact: Des Thornton, A/Director Educational and Online Technologies ()
Deakin University / No – but we are planning to do so / Investigating a number of products, such as NetG, Smartforce etc. / We hope to deliver it through WebCT Vista / N/A / Contact: Sue McKnight,
Edith Cowan University / yes through a series of workshops/seminars conducted via the Academic Skills Advisors. considering NetG / Not at present although it will be in Blackboard / No. / No. / No policy in place.
Contact: Mark Ridge,
Manager IT Support Services.
Flinders University / No. , does not provide this type of training for students. / N/A / N/A / N/A / Bill Cations,
University Librarian
Griffith University / Yes (we provide both hands-on computing skills workshops for a range of supported software applications as well as access to self-paced online training)
Monash LearningFast (at this stage only the TeachMe interactive modules, online manuals and online tutorials) Have investigated Websters E-Learning and LearnKey - LearningFast still better suits our needs at this time. It is delivered directly through the LearningFast site (hosted by MLF) - there are links from within BlackBoard / There is an administration module that can accommodate this / Yes - viewable by both student and "administrator" / No policy in place
Mark Sutherland, Manager, Information Literacy Services, Division of Information Services,
07 5552 8987
James Cook University / No, but will in 2003. We have chosen LearningFast after a detailed evaluation of it and NETg / We are interested in this, but probably not in 2003 / We haven't yet considered whether this is feasible / No plans at present / No policies, etc
, telephone 07 4781 4612
Latrobe University / Yes – there have been trials at two regional campuses during 2002 with plans to offer more broadly from 2003. / A number of products were examined and two trialled. NETg is the product the University will proceed with. / I don’t know, but I could find out if you need to know. / N/A / Unaware of any but could verify if they exist.
Liz Burke, 9479 1926

Macquarie University / Not currently, but we are planning to do so from Semester 1, 2003. In 2001-2 we used ElementK.
Investigating a number eg Learning Fast, NETg, ElementK / We have previously tried delivering ElementK through WebCT but a huge amount of function-ality was lost. / N/A / N/A / There is none.
Trish Edmonds
02 09506512

Monash University / Yes - for the past 2 years. Monash Learningfast's TeachMe and Pre-test and Assessment tool. / Online training services are delivered via portal, authenticated by single Authcate signon to MLF products. University has future plans in place to add links from Web CT to MonashLearningFast courses. / Yes - all results and usage patterns are stored in student profile on MLF server. MLF product has its own course tracking system. / No - stored on individual learning profiles within the database stored on MLF server. There are also administrative tools available for supervisors to report on student results if required. This will also be feasible via Web CT LMS. / University Training programme is part of IT Strategic Plan. IT Training Steering Committee is currently being established and will aim to provide a framework for utilizing the online training resources to enhance Staff Performance Management and Career Development opportunities.
Christine Walker, Monash IT Training Manager, Tel: 03 9905 4718
Queensland Uni of Tech / No, but will be implementing Monash Learningfast in 2003 (staff - sem 1, students sem 2). This follows an evaluation of NETg, SkillSoft, ElementK and SmartForce, and a staff and student pilot of SmartForce during 2001/2002.
Learningfast will complement the Integrated Student Literacies Program which provides students with a range of academic, information, and technological literacy activities during Orientation Week. QUT has also developed a number online resources:
Lit Kit <
Student Computing Guide < / Learningfast has its own administration module which allows users to monitor their own progress. This includes pre and post tests with completion certificates provided for results over 80%. Students will be provided authenticated access via the university's Online Learning & Teaching system (OLT) for teaching units nominated by course/unit coordinators. / Yes - viewable by both student and "administrator" / No plans at present. / No policy currently in place for staff. However, HR are currently developing a university Workforce Capabilities statement which may include an IT skills component for staff.
Literacy Contacts:
Aliisa Mylonas (Academic Literacies) 07 3864 3754
Judy Peacock (Information Literacies) 07 3864 2893
Ross Hall (Technological Literacies) 07 3864 2877
RMIT / Yes
Smartforce / Blackboard / N/A / N/A / not that I'm aware of; although we encourage staff to complete Smartforce titles before going to outside courses.
Swinburne University / Not generally. However, one division of Swinburne (Swinburne at Lilydale) does have a program within the curriculum for all under-graduate students at that campus which incorporates information skills including IT/computer skills. This is Information Methods, a core Year 1 subject for all under-graduate students at the Lilydale campus. Further information from Susan Roberts
We use our own curriculum material - not a commercial product. / At the Lilydale campus, we deliver the subject through WebCT. / (Lilydale):Yes.The subject is assessed by compulsory assignments and an examination. / (Lilydale): Yes / IT skills training exists for staff in the TAFE Division, but not across the Higher Education Division. Let me know if further information would be useful.
Derek Whitehead, Director, Information Resources or Susan Roberts (above) for Lilydale campus.
University of Ballarat / No, not currently / We would be seeking to run it throught WebCT (Campus Edition) / N/A / N/A
University of Canberra / Provides online access to a commercial software package for staff and students to undertake self-directed study for basic IT/comper skills. / No / N/A / N/A / N/A
Lois Jennings, Executive Director, Client Services Division
University of Melbourne / No, but the Vice Chancellor has indicated support for a subscription to an on-line IT skills training package for use in 2003. This is on the understanding that it would be an additional resource, not a comprehensive solution to IT/computer skills training. The Information Division will manage and market the package.
LearningFast is under consideration. This product was made available for Faculty of Engineering students and staff to try during semester 2 of this year. A short evaluative report of the trail was prepared. / We would hope to do so. A study is underway to determine the most suitable Learning Management System for Melbourne. We have noted that Monash LearningFast say their product is compatible with WebCT Vista. / N/A / N/A / Susan Bray ph 8344 8322
University of Newcastle / Yes. NetG / No. But NetG has promised this for a year and we will deliver it through Blackboard. / Yes. But the reporting facilities in NetG are very poor and impossible to manage with large numbers of students, so Newcastle has had to forgo verification of course completion. / No. / N/A. However HR is developing a policy for accrediting completion of online courses for staff.
Charmian Eckersley

ph +61 2 4921 5858
University of Queensland / 1)LearningFast online training via AskIT website ( offers variety of IT training e.g. MS-Office, MYOB, WordPerfect, Windows 98, ME & 2000 operating systems, Lotus Notes, General Intro to computers, the Internet and networks, webpage design, searching the internet. The LearningFast software includes 8 module Benchmark measures skills and competencies against Australian Training Standards covering essential IT topics. Assessment includes pre and post tests with completion certificates provided for results over 80%. LearningFast requires authentication.
2)QuikIT - an interactive Internet training course available via AskIT website. No authentication required. / See answer for Q1 for Learning Fast and QuickIT & WebCT – most of the courses offered at UQ offer a combination of face-to-face, print and online learning. The online component takes place in a virtual learning environ-ment created by the software WebCT. The current version of WebCT used at UQ is 3.6 Standard Edition (3.6SE). These courses are not specific to IT/Computer skills training although AskIT have created a course delivered via WebCT to train the students in the use of WebCT. Authentication is required. / LearningFast results are only stored in the LearningFast environment.
QuickIT – N/A
WebCT – results are stored within WebCT and academic staff transfer results to the central student record. / Attached.
Wendy Fitzmaurice
University of South Australia / We offer the following:
Introduction to Computing (a very basic intro to computing that is offered to mature age & inter-national students) as part of orientation activities;
Using the Uni's Computer Network - training sessions that are held as part of orientation and introduce the students specifically to the U SA's online environment
Our own resources -

The platform we use for online delivery is our own – UniSAnet
Learningfast - online tutorials that can be accessed by staff and students / We do this ourselves as we have our own platform :
/ No / N/A / There isn't one policy.
Margaret Hicks, Coordinator: Teaching and Learning Services, Learning Connection - Flexible Learning Centre
University of the Sunshire Coast / through one of our core courses, Information and Technology. Also IT Services offers a 2 hour Introduction to the USC network tutorial during O week and the first couple of weeks of classes. / No but we are investigating using Blackboard for some delivery in 2004. / Yes for the core course. / No documentation at this time. We will also look at using Blackboard for developing staff training. Current practice right now is on demand using either IT Services staff or consultants with charge backs to cost centres
Heather Gordon
University of Southern Queensland / USQ's academic regulations require the curriculum in all undergraduate programs to address 'core competencies'. Included among these is computer literacy. Most programs use a corporate course (Peoplesoft for unit) called 'Introduction to Computers', but some faculties with special needs (Engineering, Sciences) have developed their own. Whatever the course, it is available by distance education when the student studies in that mode.
Most post-graduate students study off-campus (as do most UGs actually). For on-campus postgraduates there are relevant courses that are part of staff development programs, free to research students, heavily subsidised for others.
See above. The University had offered the IDCL program but it did not gain wide acceptance /usage as it was not considered user friendly. / WebCT Vista is our program for online delivery of undergraduate courses. / The course (unit) is assessed like any other. Students must pass all core course to graduate. / Yes / IT policies generally are at
but none of them is specifically concerned with training. IT training courses are listed at though this does not include the courses the Library offers, in Endnote and use of online resources.
Madeline McPherson, University Librarian
University of Tasmania / Yes, began doing this in 2002 and provided for staff and students. Training in Generic Information Technology has been supported through the purchase of a wide range of Element K training titles. The titles cover application software supplied with the standard computer lease scheme machines, including Microsoft Office, commun-ications tools and PC and Macintosh operating systems as well as Lotus Notes, Macro-media products and other supported web development software. / Yes, WebCT / No. / No. / Statement on privacy issues
UWS / Not at this stage, however I believe the University is investigating packages such as Monash LearningFast. In the interim, the Library has purchased 12 month access to the Monash LearningFast programme for library staff only. / Not known how the University plans to offer the package. Such decisions to be made by the University's Graduate Attributes Steering Party in 2003 + / Not known, but assumed there will be verification. / Not known, however assumed such basic computer literacy undertakings will be incorporated within assessments of core programs. / None available at this stage. Such policies to be developed by Graduate Attributes Steering Party.
Robyn Benjamin, Associate Librarian (, 02 9852 5892) or Lisa Tyson, Library Systems Manager (, 02 9852 5890)
University of Wollongong / Yes but we have had a lot of trouble getting them going and keeping them working.
Smartforce / No via the web. / Yes there was when we had them working really well for 6 months they were available on and off campus and student logged in using their email user id. They would get their results with their name and id listed. Due to a whole range of factors that would take me a long time to tell, this is no longer the case. Everyone logs in under a generic log in. / As above - it was during that 6 month period - not anymore. / In the Library we have a set of IT core Competencies which we use for our own internal training. I am not aware of a similar set for all staff. I will send you a coy of the Library IT Core Competencies and I will also send you a copy of the University's Tertiary Literacy Policy.
Lynne Wright, Associate Librarian, Client Services
Victoria University / No.
N/A / N/A / N/A / NA / N/A
VUW / No. / N/A / N/A / N/A / N/A
Alan Smith, University Librarian
Lincoln University, NZ / No.
None at this stage, but various products have been evaluated and Smartforce just recommended. / No. Human delivery at present. / No. / No. / None.
Isobel Mosley, University Librarian

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Updated: 10 February 03