
V = Vrootz

VA = Vroots Additions

CT = Covers, Tributes & Assorted Connections

FT = First John Fahey Tribute

FF = "Don't you have anything better to do? A John Fahey Fan CD"

HB = How Bluegrass Music destroyed my Life by John Fahey

(Drag City, 2000)

AAFM = Anthology of American Folk Music (edited by Harry Smith)

~ = see Fahey tune

## = Fahey used title or quoted lyrics only

Artist Index: CD Index


Ackerman, Will CT5

Acuff, Roy V3

Aleman, Oscar VA7


Anderson, James FF

Anderson, Marian V9

Anderson, Nels CT9

Angeletti, Maurizio CT1

Armstrong, Louis VA7

Arnold, Eddie V1

Ashley, Clarence V2 V7 VA7 VA8

Atkins, Chet VA4

Atkins, Chet and Merle Travis V10

Auldridge, Mike V8

Austin, Gene VA9

Baden Powell V8 VA2 VA6

Bad Segue CT8

Bailey Brothers VA9

Baker, Duck CT6

Baker, Etta V3

Ball, Estil C VA2 VA5

Bapat, Ulhas V5

Barbecue Bob V2 V3

Barefoot Bill VA8

Basal CT8

Basho, Robbie V9 CT5

Basho-Jurgens, Steffen CT8

Basie, Count V1 VA7

Beach Boys V6

Beatles VA5

Bechet, Sydney VA3

Becker, Reinhard CT3

Benecke, Tex V6

Berkshire Bell Ringers V6

Bertrand, Jimmy VA8

Blind Blake V4

Blue Boys VA8

Blue Sky Boys V7 VA2

Boggs, Dock V2 V7 V10

Bookbinder, Roy CT5

Boyd's, Bill, Cowboy Ramblers VA4

Breaux, Clemo & Joseph Falcon VA6

Brown, L D CT8

Brown, Milton VA1

Brown, Willie V2

Burnett & Rutherford V2

Busby, Buzz VA9

Butler, Elias CT6

Butler, Sam V4 VA8

Byrd, Joseph CT6

Calt, Steve and Dave Mann CT2

Camaramans CT7

Canned Heat V9 VA4

Cannon, Gus VA4

Carter Family V1 V2 V4 VA7 VA8 VA9

Carter, Fred V4

Cat Iron VA8

Clayborn, Rev Edmund VA9

Cline, nels V9

Cole, Cozy V7

Coleman, Ornette VA7

Collins, Shirley CT7

Coltman, Bob, & Joe Bussard V8

Connolly, Stephen CT2

Cooley, Spade VA1

Cooper, Stony V1

Corbin, Denny & Cher V8

Cotton, Elizabeth V3 V4 VA5

Cleveland, Big Boy V7

Crase, James VA7

Croker, Brendan & the 5 O'Clock Shadows CT7

Crumpton, Dennis & Robert Summers V3

Cul de Sac V8 CT1 CT9

Damien, T V8

Daniels, Julius V2

Daria, Robert CT8

Davis, Rev Gary V4 VA1 VA8

Dell Vikings VA5

Dellaira, Michael CT6

De Meijer, Gert CT3

Derek and the Dominoes VA4

Deutschmeister Band V6

Dilleshaw, John V2

Domino, Fats VA5

Donegan, Lonnie VA8

Dorsey, Jimmy V6

Dudon, Jacques V9

Dvorak V5

Dylan, Bob VA2

Eaglin, Snooks VA9

Eans, Jim V1

Edwards, Cliff VA3

Eisenbeil, Bruce CT7

Elgart, Les & Larry V6

Englehardt, Toulouse CT1

Esquivel V6

Ellington, Duke V1 VA6

Fahey, John V8 V9 V10 FF

Falcon, Joseph V3

Firk, Backwards Sam V8 CT1 CT3

Fitzgerald, Ella V6

Flatt & Scruggs V1 VA5

Fleetwoods VA5

Flubber CT1

Ford, Tennessee Ernie VA8

4Treck CT7

Frenchy's String Band V4

Gaillard, Slim VA5 VA7

Gamelan Batel V7

Gastr del Sol CT2

Gentry, Bobbie V6

Georgians VA3

Gilbert, Ronnie VA1

Gilewitz, Richard CT3

Gliere V5

Good Old Boys VA1

Gould, Morton V10

Graham, Davy CT7

Graves, Blind Roosevelt VA6

Gray, Glen VA7

Grayson & Whitter V4

Greenhill, Mitch & Mayne Smith V9 FT1

Grossman, Stefan V8 V10 CT2 CT5 CT7

Gueraldi , Vince and Bola Sete V10

Gulezian, Michael V9 FT2

Hackett, Bobby V6

Hadley, Bob CT1 CT2

Halfway House Orchestra VA1

Hamada, Takasi CT3

Handy's, W C, Memphis Blues Band VA3

Harpe, Neil and Max Oches CT5

Harris, Woody CT1 CT2

Hartford, John V9

Harvey, Roy & Leonard Copeland V3 V4

Hawkins, Buddy Boy V2 VA3 VA4

Hayes, Clifford, Dixieland Jug Blowers VA3

Hedges, Michael V9

Hendrix, Jimi V8

Hensley, Walter V4

Herbert, Didier V3

Herman, Woody V6

Heywood, Phil CT1 CT3

Hickory Wind V9

Hobbs, Smiley VA2

Hodes, Art V4

Hoopii, Sol VA6

Holiday, Billie VA3

Homegas V8

House, Son V3 VA6

Hudson, Frank CT8

Human Abstract CT7

Hurt, M John V2 VA1 VA6 VA7 VA9

Hutchison, Frank V2 V4 VA4 VA6

Insect Trust CT7

Ives VA4

Jackson, Bo Weavil see Sam Butler

James, Skip V2 V4 V10 VA4 VA6

Jefferson, Blind Lemon VA6

Johns, Evan & His H-Bombs V6

Johnson, Blind Willie V1 VA7

Johnson, James P VA3

Johnson, Robert V4 VA5

Johnson, Robert V4

Johnson, Tommy V2 VA6

Johnson, Turner VA5

Jolson, Al VA8

Jones, Grandpa V1 V3

Jones, Isham VA3

Jones, Little Hat V2

Jonz, Jasper FF

Jordan, Luke VA8

Jungle Band VA6

Kaiser, Henry CT6 FT3

Kazee, Buell VA6

Keary, Ian CT3

Kellogg, Phil FT2 FF

Ketelby V5

Kimbrough, Lottie VA4

Kottke, Leo V8 V10 CT1 CT3 CT7

LaFosse, Andre CT3

Lang, Peter V8 CT1 CT6 FT3

Leadbelly VA4 VA7

Ledford, Mainer, Morris V4

Lee, Bertha V4

Lee, Geoffrey CT7

Lee, Wilma V1

Lemire, Estelle V9

Lewis, Ted VA3

Lewis, Furry V3 VA3 VA4

Liberace V6

Louise, Helen & Jo Ferera V3

Louvin Bros VA2

Lunsford, Bascon Lamar V2

McCoury, Rob CT1

McDonald, Country Joe V8 CT3

McDowell, M Fred V3 VA7

McGee, Sam V2 VA1 VA7

McIntorsh Elder & Edwards VA7

McMitchen, Clayton VA4

Macon, Uncle Dave V4 V10 VA4

McTell, Ralph VA6 VA9

Mahoney, Tinh CT3 CT5 CT7

Mamas and the Papas VA5

Mann, Woody CT3

Maphis, Joe V8

Mason, Rev Moses VA4

Memphis Sheiks VA7 VA9

Menabo, Roberto CT2

Midnight String Quartet V6

Miller, Dale CT3 CT6

Miller, John CT5

Mills Brothers VA7 VA9

Miss Murgatroid V9

Monk-One/Billy Martin CT6

Monroe, Bill V1 V3 V7 V10 VA1 VA5 VA6 VA7

Monroe Brothers VA5

Moore, Willie V2

Morris, Jess V2

Morton's, Jelly Roll, New Orleans Jazzmen VA6 VA9

Mozart VA3

Mudurian, Jack VA7

Muldoon, Charles CT8

Nitty Gritty Dirt Band V9

Nix, Rev AW VA9

Nomi, Klaus V10

Ochs, max V8

O'Day, Molly V1 V7

Oliver, King VA8

O'Rourke, Jim V9

Osbourne Brothers VA5

Paley, Tom CT5

Partch, Harry VA7

Patton, Bertha VA8

Patton, Charlie V1 V2 V3 V4 VA2 VA3 VA6 VA7 VA8 VA9

Paul, Les & Mary Ford V7

Pearson, David CT8

Pelt CT3

Perkins, Carl VA9

Phillips, Phil VA5

Pierce, Webb V1

Pinnacle Boys V7

Platters V7 V9 VA5

Popple, David FF

Presley, Elvis VA5 VA9

Presnell, Mrs Edd V3

Proctor, Chris CT3

Prokofiev V1 V5

Puleo, Johnny & his Harmonica Gang V7

Radha Krishna Temple CT5

Ragtime Ralph CT8 CT9

Rampi, Phillip CT6 FF

Randolph, Billy V7

Reid, Harvey CT1

Reinhardt, Django VA6 VA8 VA9

Renbourne, John CT7

Reno & Smiley V1 V4

Robb, Terry CT6

Robertson, Eck V2

Robeson, Paul VA1 VA3

Rodgers, Jimmie V1 V3 V4

Rodgers, Mike CT3

Rose, Jack CT4

Rosmini, Dick V8

Ruskin, Rick V9 CT5 FT1

St Saens V7

Sandoval, Hope CT8

Sandberg, Larry CT5

Sauceman Brothers VA9

Schmidt, Charles CT4 CT9 FT1 FF

Schumann, Coco VA6

Segura Brothers V3

Sete, Bola V8 V10 VA2 VA7

Shankar, Ravi V8

Sharp, Elliot CT7

Shaw, Artie V1

Shuffler, George VA5

Sibelius V5

Simone, Nina VA3

Sinatra, Frank VA8

Slooven, Gerard CT7

Smith & Allgood V4

Smith. Arvid (Tory Voodoo) CT1 CT2

Snow, Hank V1 VA6

Snow White soundtrack VA4

Spottswood, Dick VA9

Stafford, Jo V6

Stanley Bros V1 V7 VA1 VA5

Staples Singers V3 VA8

Stephens, Uncle Bunt V2

Stereolab V9

Stockhausen V9

Story, Carl V1

Stranglen, Andrew CT3 FF

Stravinsky V5 VA1

Sykes, Roosevelt V4

Tedesco, Tommy V8

Terry, Sonny & Brownie McGhee V3

TG (Gondard) CT7

Thompson, W B FF

Too Early Consort V6

Too Tight Henry VA9

Traum, Artie, & Cindy Cashdollar CT7

Travis, Merle V4 V7 V10 VA1 VA5

Two Poor Boys V2 V3 VA4

Tubb, Ernest V1

Ukelele Ike VA3

Unknown artist VA4 CT2 CT7 CT8 CT9

Vaughan Williams V5

Wakefield, Frank V9

Waters, Muddy VA6

Watson, Doc CT7 VA7

Waybacks CT3

Weaver & Beasley V2

Weaver, Sylverter V10 VA3

Weller, Lester FF

Wellins, Matt CT8

Wendt, Brian CT7

Whetstone, Tony CT8

White, Bukka V3 V4 V8

Wilkins, Rev Robert VA9

Williams, Blind Connie V3

Williams, Hank V1

Wills, Bob V3

Winston, George V8 CT1

Wiseman, Mac VA8

Wittenberg, Mitchell CT6 CT9 FF

Work, Henry Clay V5


CD Index:

CD 1 - LEAVING CANAAN (The Center Of Interest Will Not Hold ) 5

TOTAL TIME 73:05 5


TOTAL TIME 78:49 7

CD 3 : LEAVING BASTROP (Honey Part 2) 9

TOTAL TIME 77:33 9


TOTAL TIME : 77:52 11

CD5 LEAVING VENICE BEACH ("The Classics") 13

TOTAL TIME 77:20 13

CD 6 LEAVING YOGAVILLE WEST (Christmas Without John Fahey) 14

TOTAL TIME : 52:49 14

CD 7 - LEAVING SALEM ("Radio Free Vrootz") TOTAL TIME 55:43 15

CD 8 - LEAVING AZALEA CITY (Contemporaries) 16

Total time : 69:48 16


Total time : 78:17 18

CD 10 : A Disgusting, Degenerate Life (Leaving Babylon) 19

Not too many Degrees of Separation - Vol 1 20

Not too many Degrees of Separation - Vol 2 21

Not too many Degrees of Separation - Vol 3 22

Not too many Degrees of Separation - Vol 4 22

Not too many Degrees of Separation - Vol 5 23

Not too many Degrees of Separation - Vol 6: More Additions 24

Not too many Degrees of Separation - Vol 7: More Additions 24

Not too many Degrees of Separation - Vol 8: More Additions 25

Not too many Degrees of Separation - Vol 9: More Additions 26

Covers-Tributes: Volume 1 27

Covers-Tributes: Volume 2 27

Covers-Tributes: Volume 3 28

Covers-Tributes: Volume 4 28

Covers-Tributes: Volume 5 28

Covers-Tributes: Volume 6 29

Covers-Tributes: Volume 8 30

Covers-Tributes: Volume 9 31

Tribute Disc #1 31

Tribute Disc #2 31

Tribute Disc #3 32

Fahey Fan CD 32



Notes towards an interpretation of a dream of the origins of John Fahey

"The Volk do, on occasion, come up with wonderful creations."

-  JF

CD 1 - LEAVING CANAAN (The Center Of Interest Will Not Hold )


1. Fahey Gong - single gong from Raga called Pat IV - 0:20

2. Prokofiev - Birth of Kije - 4:12

From "Lt Kije Suite"

Performed by Netherlands Radio Philharmonic - Antal Dorati,

Recorded May 1974 in Hilversum, Holland

Decca Records

~ Russian Christmas Overture

3. Shaw, Artie - Nightmare - 2:52

Album : "Begin the Beguine"

Recorded 27 September 1938

Bluebird B-7875

4. Ellington, Duke - Mood Indigo - 4:50

Album : "Rainbow Room, N Y C 1967"

Recorded 1967

5. Basie, Count - Flat Foot Floogie - 4:26

Album : "Legendary Big Bands"

Recorded: unknown

Essential Music BB39422

6. Prokofiev - Kije-Romance - 4:42

[see number 2]

7. Eddy Arnold - Bouquet of Roses - 2:34

Album : "As Good as it Gets - HILLBILLY"

Recorded 1948, Composers: S Nelson, B Hilliard

DO 250502

8. Webb Pierce - Walkin' the Dog - 1:32

Album "Webb Pierce Wondering Boy"

1995 Fat Boy Records

JF : "I liked Webb Pierce a lot." HB 247.

9. Hank Snow - Sunny Side of the Mountain - 2:58

Album : "Hank Snow - My Early Country Favorites"

Recording date unknown

BGM Direct Marketing


10. Bill Monroe - Blue Yodel #7 - 2:51

(also known as "Anniversary Blue Yodel" )

Album "The Father Of Bluegrass : Bill Monroe and His Bluegrass Boys, The Early Years 1940-1947 "

ASV Living Era series

JF: "It was blacker than the blackest record I had ever heard. It reached out and grabbed and it has never let go of me. I went limp. I almost fell off the sofa. My mouth fell open. My eyes widened and expanded. I found myself hyperventilating. When it was over I tried to get up and go and get a paper bag to restore the correct balance of power between oxygen and carbon monoxide…. It was like I had woken up to a new and thrilling and exciting horror movie." HB 253

11. Molly O'Day - Poor Ellen Smith - 2:39

Album : "Columbia Country Classics The Golden Age Vol 1" CD - CK 46029

recorded 04/04/1949

Composers : Lynn Davis-Molly Davis

12. Grandpa Jones & Ramona - I Don't Love Nobody - 1:22

Album : "The World's Greatest Bluegrass Bands, Number 2"


13. Carl Story - My Lord Keeps a Record - 2:49

same as above

14. Wilma Lee & Stony Cooper - Are You Walkin' and a Talkin' for the Lord? - 2:06

Same as #11

15. Flatt & Scruggs - Don't Get Above Your Raisin' - 2:40

Same as above

16. Jim Eans - Little Brown Hand - 2:23

from the collection of Joe Bussard "Classic Bluegrass Vol 2"

orig.: Decca 28552

JF : "a bluegrass coon song. A light, happy song, probably the last coon song ever written… A few years later when I met Jim Eans…he said that he had written it sometime before the civil rights movement and wasn't trying to poke fun at the blacks" HB 268-9.

17. Ernest Tubb - Tomorrow Never Comes - 3:04

same as #7 above

Recorded 1944

Composers: E. Tubb, J. Bond

18. Stanley Bros. - Life's Railway to Heaven - 2:21

Wango Records #1784

~ Life is Like a Mountain Railroad

19. Reno & Smiley - I'm Using My Bible As a Roadmap - 2:30

from the collection of Joe Bussard "Classic Bluegrass Vol 1"

orig.: King 1045

20. Jimmie Rodgers - Traveling Blues - 2:45

Album : "My Rough and Rowdy Ways"

Recorder 1931

RCA Victor

21. Hank Snow - Bluer Than Blue - 3:06

Album : "Hank Snow My Early Country Favorites"


22. Hank Williams - Alone & Forsaken - 2:00

Album : "Alone with His Guitar"

Recorded: Radio performance and first demo jan-may 1949


JF: "the most distressing desolation song I have ever heard. It's even in a minor key." HB 279.

23. Blind Willie Johnson - Praise God I'm Satisfied - 3:10

Album : "Praise God I'm Satisfied"

Recorded 1929

Yazoo 1058

JF : "When he played 'Praise God I'm Satisfied' I broke down in tears and cried for about 15 minutes. I can't explain it, that's just what happened." Frets Magazine August 1980.

24. Carter Family - Can the Circle Be Unbroken - 3:08