This is a short version of EMEWS to remind folk that the East Midlands Orienteering Association AGM will be held on the 16th September 2013 in the Pace Room, St Mary’s Church, Clifton Village, Nottingham at 7.30pm

After the AGM Natalie Shaw of British Orienteering will give a talk on the programmes currently being undertaken by British Orienteering and to discuss any feedback we may have.

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The 49th East Midlands Orienteering Association AGM

Notice is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting of the East Midlands Orienteering Association will be held at 7.30pm on Monday 16th September 2013 at the

Pace Room, St Mary’s Church, Clifton Village, Nottingham

Note: The AGM will be preceded by an EGM to agree the constitution changes.


1. Apologies for absence

2. Approval of minutes of last AGM September 17th 2012

3. Proposed standing order changes

4. Chairman’s Report

5. Treasurer’s report including membership numbers and presentation of accounts

6. Approval of Balance Sheet and Income and Expenditure Statement

7. Election of Principal Officers


Vice chair

Financial Secretary

Development Co-ordinator

8. Appointment of Independent Financial Advisor

9. Budget projections for coming year to 30.6.2013 and recommendations for

membership fees, equipment rental fees and event levies (Treasurer)

10. Fixing of charges

Membership fees

Event Levies

Electronic equipment rental fees (formal agreement that no longer required)

11. Plans for the coming year (Chairman)

12. Close of formal meeting followed by open discussion

Tea and biscuits will be provided



Present: Ernie Williams (LEI) (in the Chair), Paul Beresford (NOC), Roy Denney (LEI), Roger Edwards (LEI), Derek Gale (DVO), Mike Gardner (DVO), Bob Haskins (LEI), Ranald Macdonald (DVO), Viv Macdonald (DVO), Paul Murgatroyd (LOG), David Olivant (NOC), Pauline Olivant (NOC), Hilary Palmer (NOC), Chris Phillips (LEI), Roger Phillips (LEI), Ursula Williamson (LEI) and John Woodall (NOC)

EGM Minutes

The EGM was called to agree the new version of the EMOA Constitution.

Roy Denney (LEI) and Ranald Macdonald (DVO) both talked about the new constitution and commended it to the attendees. The constitution was felt to provide the proper level of governance, while still protecting officials. Some discussion took place about what happened if there were no officers to fulfil the key roles in the committee. It was pointed out that the old constitution did not cover this, nor did the new one. However, the formal committee membership is much smaller, so it should allow quorate meetings to be easier to hold.

The attendees of the EGM voted unanimously to accept the new constitution, and thus the AGM was held under the rules of the new constitution.


1. Apologies for absence: Apologies were received from Sean Harrington (LOG) and Peter Hornsby (LEI).

2. Minutes of the 47thAGM held on Sunday 17th October 2011. It was agreed that the minutes were a true record as proposed by Roy Denney (LEI) and seconded by Mike Gardner (DVO).

3. Chairman’s Report

The Chairman’s Report had been published in EMEWS prior to the meeting. It is reproduced here:

This, my final Annual report to the membership, is a review of the activities of the Association over the past year and I will be looking positively towards the future both within and outside of the Region.

Members are benefiting from being part of a flourishing Regional set-up as demonstrated by the well established East Midlands League and with the League Tables and League Awards being co-ordinated by Roger Williamson and, following Roger’s untimely death, by Ursula Williamson, and the introduction of the East Midlands Urban League being co-ordinated by Paul Murgatroyd, together with the successful introduction and continuation of the Satellite Clubs project, the individual Club Summer and Winter Leagues, and the increasingly popular Club Activity Nights and Coaching Sessions throughout the Region.

Allied to the above is the developing co-operation between the Clubs and, aided by our Fixtures Secretary Ian Whitehead, the co-ordination of an increasing range of events be they local, regional and national. One major fixture which played an important part in the Region in the last twelve months was the CompassSport Cup and Trophy Final hosted by DVO at Longshaw last October and, in the coming months, two East Midlands Clubs will be playing a significant role in the ‘Major Events’ calendar with the Midland Night Championships being hosted at Spring Cottage on 3rd November closely followed by DVO hosting the East Midlands Championships at Eyam in just under three months on 25th November.

To say that 2013 will be a busy year for the East Midlands is an understatement, with the Midland Championships being held on 3rd February and hosted by NOC at Sherwood and, shortly after, the Regional Round of the CompassSport Cup and Trophy hosted by LEI at Fineshade on 17th February. Just weeks following 2013 JK there is the Elite and Age Class Weekend with the British Sprint Championships at Loughborough University on 20th April being hosted by LEI and the British Middle Distance Championships at Stanton Moor on 21st April being hosted by DVO. LOG will be hosting the Yvette Baker Trophy Final on 7th July at Belton Park and, later in the year, DVO are hosting the British Schools Championships at Shipley on 17th November.

Looking even further forward, there is every possibility that EMOA and the East Midlands Clubs will be asked to make a significant contribution, as we did in 2004 at the JK in the Lake District, at JK 2014 in South Wales. Precisely what we will be asked to do and where is not yet known at the time of typing (late August) but I am sure that the membership of EMOA will once again rally round in support of WOA to create a successful and memorable four day JK at Easter time.

Little could be achieved without your Association having a sound financial footing and your Association has been, and hopefully will continue to be, guided by Viv Macdonald as Treasurer, who led a thorough review of financial income and expenditure, the funding of the Satellite Clubs, and the awarding of grants to EMOA members, for which we offer our thanks. All of this work was linked to the review of the existing EMOA Development Plan and your Committee, after intensive discussion, have agreed a new Development Plan for the next three years which will act as a secure foundation for orienteering within the Region, particularly in support of continuing success for the members of the East Midlands Junior Squad, support of and provision for coaching at all levels of expertise and experience, and for the training of Event Organisers, Planners and Controllers together with Mappers and Coaches. In the past year a successful Annual Volunteer Day was arranged in late 2011 by Pauline Olivant at Groby Community College with courses for Event Safety, Event Organisation and Event Planning being provided. In May 2012 Ranald Macdonald and Roger Edwards organised a Controllers and Event Officials Conference Day at Rushcliffe Country Park, with sections of the day being led by Dave Peel, David Olivant and Roger Edwards, and with all present being able to enjoy food and drink ably provided by Viv Macdonald – to those who organised and arranged and to all of those who took part – thank you.

Another major step forward has been the decision in the past year to review and re-structure the Constitution, with the majority of the work being undertaken by Ranald Macdonald, Roger Edwards, Roy Denney and Bob Haskins – hopefully by the time this Annual Report is formally presented at the 2012 AGM the new Constitution and the accompanying Standing Orders will have been positively voted into place by a quorate EGM and will be available for use in future years.

I would like to take this opportunity to say a final ‘thank you’ to all of the members of the Committee for their continuing support throughout what has been a momentous year as detailed in this Report, and managing as we all did without a Vice Chairman and without a Secretary, though the latter role was dealt with by myself and EMEWS Editor Mike Gardner. Hopefully there will be volunteers to take on the positions of the four new Officers as listed in the new Constitution, and that they, together with the members of the 2012-2013 Committee, will ensure that that the activities of the Association and the membership will continue to maintain the reputation which we have outside of our Region for reliability, willingness to assist and advise, and being prepared to be at the forefront of new initiatives.

Last but not least, it has been an honour to be able to serve as your Vice Chairman for three years and then as Chairman for three years – I trust that I have been able to serve you all as well as possible throughout the past six years, and I can now look forward to watching the Association develop and grow further in the years ahead.

At the meeting, Ernie brought up the fact that since writing the report EMOA had agreed to assist in the organisation of JK2014. There was some discussion on the exact involvement for EMOA at the meeting.

The meeting formally accepted the Chairman’s report.

4.Secretary’s Report including activity statistics.

As we have no secretary, there is no formal secretary’s report. Ernie stated he would publish a report in EMEWS later which would cover number of controller, number of courses held, and number of satellite clubs.

5. Treasurer’s Report including membership numbers and presentation of accounts.

Copies of the Report were circulated via EMEWS 243 and at the meeting.

The Treasurer reported that Event Levy income had been fairly constant. Of 20 events at level C, only 6 had used an area used the previous year. Overall membership numbers were very slightly down from 838 to 802 and units down from 477 to 464.

The year end Income and Expenditure Report showed a similar income from event levies and also a similar income from membership. The overall income which now does not cover the satellite club funding shows income of £7,204 and expenditure of £7,075, a nominal ‘profit’ of £129.

The Independent Financial Examiner had confirmed that the Income and Expenditure Report and the Balance Sheet were a true and fair statement of the finances of EMOA. Andy Lucas was thanked for undertaking this task.

6.Approval of Balance Sheet and Income and Expenditure Statement

Acceptance of the Report, balance sheet and income and expenditure statement was proposed by Roy Denney and seconded by Chris Phillips.

7. Election of Principal Officers

This took place under the new constitution.

Post / Proposed / Proposer / Seconder / Outcome
Chairman / John Woodall / Ranald Macdonald / Roy Denney / Elected
Vice Chairman / Vacancy
Financial Secretary / Viv Macdonald / Ranald Macdonald / Chris Phillips / Elected
Development Co-ordinator / Ranald Macdonald / Roy Denney / Chris Phillips / Elected

All of the new officials pointed out that they were standing for one year only. The East Midlands clubs need to help develop a succession plan by encouraging others to volunteer for these roles next year.

The signatories to the bank account will therefore be the Chairman and the Financial Secretary.

8.Election of Other Officers

The only other officers on the committee in the new constitution are the club reps. The delegates and other roles will be identified by the new committee at their next meeting and then advertise them to the membership in EMEWS after that meeting.

9. Appointment of Independent Financial Examiner.

Viv Macdonald agreed to ask Andy Lucas if he would perform the role again next year.

10.Budget projections and Fixing of Charges

The Treasurer presented a project 3 year budget to align with the 3 year development plan. The main proposed changes were to remove the £25 excess from level C EMOA events, to subsidise the junior squad to £1,000 (which had been agreed with the junior squad co-ordinator), an increase in EOC grant as this was no longer funded by British Orienteering, and a rise in money put aside for grants.

There was then a lot of discussion on the budget and the associated membership fees (see below).

The Treasurer agreed that after the meeting they would update the budget and re-publish it in EMEWS.

11.Fixing of Charges.

(a) Membership fees: The meeting agreed with a proposal to do the following:

Remove the Family membership fee in line with British Orienteering

Reduce the Senior membership fee to £2

Maintain the Junior membership fee at £1.

Maintain the Associate membership fee at £10

Maintain the Club membership fee at £15.

This was proposed by Derek Gale and seconded by Ursula Williamson. The fees set out above were voted on with 9 in favour, 2 against and 4 abstentions. Therefore these fees were passed.

(b) Event levies: The meeting agreed with a proposal to retain the event levies at their current rates. That is 40p per adult and 10p per junior with the first £25 being exempt. This was proposed by Roy Denney and seconded by Roger Edwards. The levies set out above were voted on with 10 in favour, 2 against and 5 abstentions. Therefore the levies ere passed.

(c) Electronic equipment rental fees: All electronic equipment now resides with the clubs. In order to finalise the situation it was agreed that the permanent loan situation should now formally be changed to state that the equipment now belongs to the clubs. This was agreed unanimously by all present and formally proposed by Chris Phillips and seconded by Hilary Palmer.

13.Plans for the coming year.

Ernie Williams drew attention to the following:

(a)An Annual Volunteer Day was again planned. There is also a need for a controller’s course which may take place on the same day (or not). There is also planned to be a further Planners/Controllers session (which will concentrate on experienced planners / controllers).

(b)There are a wide range of events planned for the East Midlands across all the clubs in 2013.

(c)The East Midlands League continues to do well and has now been joined by the Urban League (thanks going to Paul Murgatroyd for assisting in setting this up).

(d)We seem to have a flourishing region and thanks go to all involved in running the region and the clubs within the region.

14.Any Other Business

John Woodall thanked Ernie Williams for his 3 years as Chairman and previous 3 years as Vice-Chairman of EMOA.

There being no further business the Chairman thanked all present for their attendance at the 2012 AGM and declared the meeting closed at 21.30.

The meeting was closed and an open discussion took place on topics such as urban league events for next year.

Mike Gardner



Treasurer’s Reports for 49th EMOA AGM

EMOA – Income from event levies in 2012/13 (2011/12 & 2010/11 in brackets)

Based on levy of 40p per senior; 10p per junior; less £25

Event / Income / Seniors / Juniors
Notts City / 37.70 (-) (52.00) / 153 (-) (179) / 15 (-) (54)
Longshaw / 80.70 / 246 / 73
Wirksworth / 22.40 / 115 / 14
Lincoln / 61.40 (49.00)(51.60) / 207 (175) (183) / 36 (40) (34)
Byron’s Walk / 47.00 (44.90) (-) / 163 (161) (-) / 68 (55) (-)
Carsington / 67.90 (72.30) (32.60) / 215 (226) (122) / 69 (69) (88)
Spring Cottage / 20.70 / 107 / 29
Eyam Moor / 99.40 (-) (34.30) / 287 (-) (133) / 96 (-) (61)
Beacon Hill / 61.20 (-) (80.00) / 204 (-) (242) / 46 (-) (82)
Walesby / 65.20 (60.60) (34.60) / 205 (191) (133) / 82 (92) (64)
Charnwood / 22.20 (-) (-) / 109 (-) (-) / 36 (-) (-)
Calke Park / 70.10 (52.00) (-) / 216 (179) (-) / 87 (54) (-)
Sherwood (MC) / 238.30 (-) (-) / 608 (-) (-) / 201 (-) (-)
Fineshade (CSC) / 94.90 (16.80) (-) / 280 (97) (-) / 79 (28) (-)
Crich / 73.20 (-) (54.20) / 228 (-) (181) / 70 (-) (68)
Harlaxton / 16.20 (-) (-) / 97 (-) (-) / 24 (-) (-)
Harlow Wood / 55.60 (-) (40.80) / 187 (-) (151) / 58 (-) (54)
Bagworth / 31.00 (-) (21.20) / 131 (-) (105) / 36 (-) (42)
Bramcote / 47.80 (20.30) (-) / 169 (100) (-) / 52 (53) (-)
Bradgate / 41.40 (70.25) / 134 (145) / 128 (55)
Chesterfield / 26.50 (-) (-) / 125 (-) (-) / 15 (-) (-)
Black Rock / 62.10 (-) (-) / 205 (-) (-) / 51 (-) (-)
Notts University / 30.60 (-) (12.30) / 133 (-) (87) / 24 (-) (25)
Burbage / 39.90 (-) (0) / 147 (-) (79) / 61 (-) (17)
Totals / 1413.40 / 4671 / 1450
Total no of runners / Income / Seniors / Juniors
2009/10 – 19 events / 4912 / 1100 / 3614 (74%) / 1298 (26%)
2010/11 – 23 events / 4932 / 992 / 3605 (73%) / 1327 (27%)
2011/12 – 22 events / 4973 / 963 / 3675 (74%) / 1298 (26%)
2012/13 - 24 events / 6121 / 1413 / 4671 (76%) / 1450 (24%)
East Midlands Orienteering Association – Income & Expenditure for 2012 / 13 at 30 June 13
2011 - 12 actual / INCOME / 2012 - 13 budget / 2012 - 13 actual
£ / £ / £
1,567 / Membership / 1,340 / 1,173
963 / Event Levies / 1,000 / 1,413
32 / Interest / 25 / 0
100 / Sponsorship and other income / 100 / 100
4,477 / EMJS Income / 4,000 / 2,882
65 / EMJS clothing sales / 100 / 0
Grants from Las / 0 / 300
7,204 / INCOME (excluding project) / 6,565 / 5,868
Training, Grants
Grant to squad / 1,000 / 0
5,010 / Junior coaching & training / 4,000 / 1,839
607 / EMOA dev day and conference / 500 / 673
50 / Coaching / 100 / 192
635 / Support to elite /senior competitors / 750 / 440
0 / Conference expenses / 300 / 78
Coach education / 1,600 / 1,500
Room hire Chesterfield/Matlock / 1,200 / 88
164 / Trophies & certificates / 200 / 312
1,456 / sub total / 9,650 / 5,122
Running Costs
83 / Phone, Post, & web licence / 100 / 60
150 / Hire of Meeting Rooms / 150 / 125
376 / English Orienteering Council / 594 / 594
0 / Tax / 50 / 0
609 / sub total / 894 / 779
7,075 / EXPENDITURE (excluding project) / 10,544 / 5,901
129 / Surplus / Loss (excluding project) / 1,289 / -33
71,400 / Community O income total / 0 / 71,400
66,132 / Community O expenditure total / 0 / 66,132
5,268 / Community O surplus / loss / 0 / 5,268
Bank account
Opening bank balance / 2470
Income 1 July 2012 - 30 June 2013 / 5868
Bond reduced to £8k; balance and interest
to current account / 2040
Transferred from Building Society / 543
Total / 10,921
Less expenditure / 5,901
Bank balance at 30 June 2013 / 5,020
2011/12 / Summary of assets / 2012/13
2,470 / Year end balance / 5,020 / *
10,032 / Investment bond / 8,019 / *
1,342 / Building Society account / 800
13,844 / Total assets / 13,839
*includes balance from Community O
East Midlands Orienteering Association
Budget 2013 - 14 / General Fund
INCOME / 2012/13 / 2012/13 / 2013/14 / 2014/15 / 2015/6
budget / actual / budget / budget / budget
Membership / 1340 / 1173 / 1250 / new membership fees / 1250 / 1250
Event Levies / 1000 / 1413 / 1000 / no change to levy / 1000 / 1000
Interest / 25 / 0 / 0 / interest reinvested with bond / 0 / 0
Sponsorship and other income / 100 / 100 / 100 / from Ultrasport for advert in EMEWS / 100 / 100
EMJS Income / 4000 / 2882 / 3000 / reimbursement of expenditure / 3000 / 3000
EMJS clothing sales / 100 / 0 / 0 / potential sale of 3/4 tops / 0 / 0
Grants from Las / 0 / 300 / 0 / two received in 2012/13 / 0 / 0
INCOME / 6565 / 5868 / 5350 / 5350 / 5350
Regional Development Plan
Junior squad grant / 1000.00 / 0.00 / 0.00
Junior squad - expenses / 4000 / 1839 / 2000 / infrastructure & coaches expenses to support squad / 2000 / 2000
Trophies & certificates / 200 / 312 / 200 / awards needed for Urban league / 200 / 200
Volunteer development / 500 / 673 / 1100 / Annual vol dev day & conference &map course / 600 / 600
Coaching development / 100 / 192 / 200 / Coaches expenses eg first aid / 200 / 200
Conferences / 300 / 78 / 150 / Expenses for reps at conferences / 150 / 150
Support for senior/talent orienteers / 750 / 440 / 1000 / for both senior and junior orienteers / 1000 / 1000
Coach Education / 1600 / 1500 / 1500 / Use balance of Sport Eng/councils grant £4k+£300 / 1400 / 1400
Matlock community O / 1200 / 88 / 0 / Chesterfield club folded / 0 / 0
Sub total / 9650 / 5122 / 6150 / 5550 / 5550
Running costs
Phone, post and web licence / 100 / 60 / 100 / 100 / 100
Hire of meeting room / 150 / 125 / 150 / 6 meetings at £25 per meeting / 150 / 150
English Orienteering Council / 594 / 594 / 490 / subs reduced / 500 / 500
Tax / 50 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0
Sub total / 894 / 779 / 740 / 750 / 750
EXPENDITURE / 10544 / 5,901 / 6890 / 6300 / 6300
Surplus / Loss / 1289 / -33 / -1540 / -950 / -950
Membership (new members free) / £2 senior, £1 junior, no family rate
£10 associate / £15 club
Event levy (paid only if at least £10) / 40p senior, 10p junior, less £25 / rs - less £25
