Miller-Baird – ca. 1940s, Alva, Oklahoma
Miss Lois Miller Becomes The Bride of Kenneth Baird Sunday Morning
A marriage of interest was solemnized Sunday morning at 10:00 a.m. in the home of Mr. and Mrs. O. B. Miller, 1031 Eighth Street, when their daughter, Miss Lois Miller, became the bride of Kenneth K. Baird, son of Charles A. Baird, Wichita.
Rev. G. R. Vaughan of the Christian church read the impressive marriage vows before the fireplace, which was banked with ferns and palms. The mantel was beautifully decorated with gold mums entwined among the ferns.
Preceding the ceremony, Mrs. Birch Haines played “Orange Blossoms,” by Granfield. Selections from those were played during the ceremony by Mrs. Haines. The traditional wedding march was played.
The bride wore a street length dress of autumn gold with matching accessories. She wore a corsage of cream tea roses, her sorority flower. The bridegroom wore a gray business suit.
Mrs. Baird is a graduate of Sebetha High school and Northwestern State College, where she was a member of Delta Sigma Epsilon sorority and Kappa Delta Pi, honorary fraternity. At Oklahoma University where she did graduate work, she was a member of Pi Mu Epsilon. She is now employed at the Central National bank at Alva.
Mr. Baird is a graduate of Oklahoma University where he was president of the Accounting club and a member of Beta Gamma Sigma, honorary fraternity. He is now manager of the Baird Motor Company.
Immediately following the ceremony, a wedding reception was held. After the bride had cut the first piece of cake, Miss Josephine Baird served. Mrs. Joe Bagenstos presided at the coffee table. The table was attractively centered with a bowl of gold mums.
For her going away costume, the bride chose a pottery rose dress with antique accessories. Following a wedding trip to points of interest in the eastern states, the couple will make their home at 1204 Fourth Street.
Out-of-town guests at the wedding were Charles A. Baird, Wichita, Kansas; Miss Josephine Baird, Stillwater, Oklahoma; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hansen, Pauls Valley, Oklahoma; and Warren Baird, Stillwater, Oklahoma.