Crab Orchard Elementary
SBDM Meeting
Minutes for
Thursday, August 23, 2012
1. Opening Business:
a. Call to order
The following members were present: Dreama Tomlison, James Pope, Crystal Preston, Rhonda McKnight, and Brian Swinney.
b. Approve the agenda
Brian Swinney made the motion to approve the agenda, 2nd by Crystal Preston, consensus.
c. Approve minutes from May 22, 2012
Crystal Preston made the motion to approve the May 22, 2012 minutes, 2nd by Brian Swinney, consensus.
d. Approve minutes from August 6, 2012
Rhonda McKnight made the motion to approve the Aug. 6, 2012 minutes, 2nd by Crystal Preston, consensus.
e. Approve minutes from August 22, 2012
Rhonda McKnight made the motion to approve the Aug. 22, 2012 minutes, 2nd by Crystal Preston, consensus.
2. Student Achievement-nothing to discuss at this time
3. Planning
a. Set regular meeting date and time
Meeting times will be as follows: 3rd Thursday of each month at 4:30. All members present agreed.
b. Elect a secretary
Crystal Preston made a motion for Missy Frith to continue being the secretary, 2nd by Brian Swinney, consensus.
c. Elect a vice chair
Rhonda McKnight made the motion for James Pope to be our vice chair, 2nd by Brian Swinney, consensus.
d. Consultation of math interventionist position
The interview committee selected Susan Wyler for 129 days Math Interventionist.
e. Parent members for 12-13 committee structure
SBDM parent members will talk to parents to see who will be willing to volunteer to be part of our committees. They will update this list at our next meeting.
f. SBDM required policies & decisions Checklist
There are several revisions needing to be made to our SBDM policies and decisions. We will do this according to most needed over a period of time. There are no new policies at this time.
g. Section A & B working budget approval
James Pope made a motion to approve Section A & B, 2nd by Crystal Preston, consensus.
h. Grading Policy – 1st reading
Our 4th and 5th grade teachers have considered revising our grading scale. At this time the district is considering creating a grading scale across the board for each school. The advantages of this would be each school would have the same assessment as well as the same expectations. SBDM have decided to table this until the next meeting.
4. Program Reviews
a. Update- do one every 3 years; 12-13 will do the K-3 Program Review
We will only have to submit a program review one time a year for K-3.
5. Budget Report-Nothing to discuss at this time
6. Committee reports
Aug. 21 team meeting-Meetings consisted of proposing a different motto for our school/students. “Every Student, Every Classroom, Everyday”.
CIITS-was introduced.
Updates on our FRC-Gail Owens
Updates on our Guidance-Kim Dillard
7. Open discussion
Intermediate playground-Mr. Pope said that the 4th and 5th grade teachers were concerned about their students playing on the playground in the conditions it was in. Mrs. Tomlison said there is a schedule in which our custodians are cleaning the park weekly, with the summer cleaning this had been over looked, but it will be cleaned from this point. Also, it was cleaned the morning of this meeting by our head custodian. Comments about how pretty and clean our building is. Brian Swinney asked about the painting of the gym, which has already begun; they have the worse of the 4 walls already painted. The United Way will be here on Sept. 12 do work on the gym lobby. PTO president position was mentioned, we will need someone who is willing to work hard on fundraisers, our next project would be to purchase a bigger marquee sign so we can put up posting encouraging and inspiring quotes.
8. Adjourn.
Brian Swinney made the motion to adjourn, 2nd by James Pope, consensus.
Next meeting will be Sept. 20. Approved on 9/20/12