1US Please pray for the Board meetings March 1stand 2nd. Pray for good, clear communication and wisdom to know next steps to take.

2AUSTRALIA Ray and Marti Williams write, “First weekend in March is our all-church camp. We are looking to establish some good relationships. Pray that we can learn to love each other somewhere besides inside the church building. Also, we will be about halfway through the first term at Adelaide College of Ministries. Pray that the new students will be able to adjust well to school life and that the returning students will keep motivated for study.”

3 NORTH ASIA Workers write, “We will be starting a new leadership training course for our local staff. Also, many of the Bible studies people are involved in will do a review of the last year and make plans for a new start in March. Pray that we stay focused on Christ and His Word and are a blessing to all around us.”

4PAPUA Dan and Louise Hubert write, “Felix, a deaf boy, has retained a few hand signs. However, we haven't been able to get him much medical help. Please pray that we will be able to make some progress soon.”

5SPAIN The Campinya Church in Puebla de Cazalla dedicated the month of January to "31 days of reflection" focusing corporately on different attributes of God's character, various disciplines of the Christian life and certain aspects of the church. Pray that this will result in greater unity and commitment both personally as well as a community and that its effects will continue to be felt this month.

6ZIMBABWE Sean and Kim Doyle write, “Pray for funds to finish, roof & furnish Harare Theological College’s library extension & new computer lab.”

7SOUTH ASIA A worker writes, “Please pray for perseverance for our brothers and sisters in this country as they live out their faith in a difficult situation. Also pray for arrangements of a Bible extension training course we’ll do in April for local church leaders.”

8MEXICO Ralph and Ellen Shepard write, “During the fall months Ellen was busy teaching English to six students. Pray with her as she is planning to ask some of them if they would like to study the Bible together with her.”

9FRANCE Tom and Phyllis Bassett write, “Joël is a brand new believer. He is blind from MS and his wife is divorcing him. He has the courage to attend all our bible studies and church services. Please pray for him.”

10SWEDEN Beth Webster writes, “March 10thmarks the start of public worship services for Fridhemskyrkan, a church plant started by New Life Church. Please pray that many of the contacts we have been cultivating for the past few years in the neighborhood and beyond will join and be touched by the worship and fellowship. Fridhemskyrkan is also planning an Easter outreach for families on Kungsholmen in Stockholm on March 30th. Pray that we will be able to effectively share the good news of the Resurrection with the families in our neighborhood.”

11MOBILIZATION Jim Rathbun, David & Kathy Sedlacek, Taina Luhtala, and Jason Evans will be providing workshops and sharing TEAM opportunities with students during the annual World Evangelization Conference at Dallas Theological Seminary March 11-15. Pray for divine appointments and fruitful interaction resulting in more workers for the global harvest.

12 MIDDLE EAST Workers write, “Please pray for secret meetings of local Muslim-Background believers in our area, where leaving Islam to follow Christ is against the law. These are not "meetings" in the Western sense of a church gathering, but clandestine interactions between believers who communicate when & how they can with one another. Some are families, most are individuals and couples. Where two or three are gathered, Jesus is there.”

13TAIWAN Jeremy and Ruth Hsu write, “Please pray with us for the Gospel-barren city of Dashe. Pray for the reversal of the spiritual climate, hope and unity for remaining pastors, God’s love in action for community kids, a movement to raise up Jesus’ disciples, and teammates to join us in this battle.”

14CHAD Mark and Diane Vanderkooi write, “Pray with us that the Lord will send us just the right couple at just the right time to help us raise up a new generation of Kwong children who walk in His ways. Many children come to our house each day, and we are unable to give them the attention and care they need.”

15SOUTH ASIA Workers write, “We are facing a doctor shortage in our hospital the next couple of months. Pray for quiet nights and extra "stretch" for those on call. Pray also that those coming for care each day will have ears to hear and open hearts.”

16AUSTRALIA Ray and Marti Williams write, “On March 16th, Marti is leading a seminar for young adults at an "Equip Conference" - a multi-denominational gathering designed to "equip" young adults for more effective ministry. Her theme will be finding your identity in Christ. Pray that she can communicate effectively and that those attending will keep moving ahead.”

17PERU Brenda Matthews writes, “Please pray for creativity, cultural sensitivity, and effectiveness in looking for ways to share the Gospel with those who don’t have a personal relationship with Christ. Please also pray for the Lord to indicate the people I should be working with to train in ministry.”

18JAPAN Tim and Aileen Selander write, “BJapan is a media ministry that is making audio/visual programming aimed at getting Japanese believers rooted in the Word. We are expanding into smartphone and web delivery. Please pray that we will reach many believers with our Bible teaching materials.”

19AUSTRIA Ian and Beth Chadwick write, “Please continue to pray for Ian and his basketball contacts. We've been invited to a baby's christening from a member of his team. This is an event normally reserved for family. We feel honored to be a part of that. There is also another guy who is curious and eager to come and watch a live church service with us through North Point online.”

20 PHILIPPINES David and Kathy North write, “We will be installing a young pastor as the head pastor in the church we have planted in Mandaue. Pray for Martin as he takes over the leadership of Pathway Community Church.”

21ITALY Andy and Jaycie Johnson write, “Last week we had a local Italian book-binder, Antonio, along with his wife, Julia, and 17-month old son, Zack, over for dinner. Antonio is very post-modern in his beliefs, including a large base of new age structure. He is very willing to talk, but has refused to read through any of the Bible with us at this point. Though, he sees us as having a "good energy," we know this as being the Holy Spirit within us. Please pray that God would continue to use us in their lives as He sees fit.”

22NORTH ASIA Workers write, “The cell church continues to reach out and has been studying the book of Matthew on Tuesday nights. Please pray as we help prep this as well as strategize about the next church start up.”

23 SWEDEN New Life Church Stockholm passed the milestone of 20 years of public ministry in January. On March 23rd they will host a celebration of what God has done in that time. Please pray that many who have been touched by God over the years will return for the party and be an encouragement to the current congregation.

24CZECH REPUBLIC Dave and Angie Staedtler: write, “Please pray with us as we are praying and deciding on a long-term project for our future ministry here in the Czech Republic. Pray that God would give us His wisdom.”

25MIDDLE EAST Workers write, “Please pray for workers to have a fresh wind of passion blow upon them, rekindling earnest effort to reach the lost all around them. May God give His witnesses a sense of urgency to pursue the goal of spreading the knowledge of Him at every opportunity.”

26GERMANY Dorcas Sommers writes, “At Black Forest Academy we are looking forward to when we will once again host the International Christian Educator Conference that brings together Christian educators from Europe and Africa here in southwest Germany. What a special gift of location we have that is sought after by schools that are often found in large cities or small places in hostile areas. Pray that this conference could be a blessing and time of renewal for us all.”

27NORTH ASIA Workers write, “We need your prayers for us for wisdom and strength .We have four weekly groups (three are Bible study groups for diplomats) plus many visits and contacts.Pray for prepared hearts.”

28JAPAN Mike and Mariko Yaney write, “Please pray that our current Japanese Bible study students would attenda local church with us and get connected before we leave for home assignment in June.”

29SOUTH ASIA Workers write, “We really enjoy our two language teachers. Neither are believers, though they have taught our teammates for years and work through Biblical vocabulary and basic theological concepts with us! We were pleased to get to host them and their families for a chicken fajita dinner right before Christmas, and are continuing to pray that He will open up their eyes to the truth of His Word as they readit with us.”

30MIDDLE EAST Workers write, “Beginning in April, we will have opportunities to start attending services at both indigenous churches in our area. Pray that God would make it clear to everyone involved which one He would have us partner with.”


31SPAIN Workers in Sevilla Christian School / MQ Church plant write,

“Praise the Lord for the opportunity to house a Christian French exchange student, C. Pray that God will use her to bless our ministry and open new doors of opportunity especially with young people at the local university.

Praise the Lord for continued friendships with V & C and M & S. We have enjoyed some special visits together over the holidays. Pray that God will touch their hearts with the truth.

Praise the Lord for progress being made in the building of Phase 0 of the School project.Pray that the architect will finalize the plans for two classrooms dedicated to after-school activities which will help to generate income for the rest of the building. Pray that God will provide all that is needed: permits, good sources for materials, staff, and funding for the remaining costs. Pray that we will all be a light to the community and that God will protect each one involved in the project.”
