November 1, 2008 – All Saints


Today we remember the saints, all those who have died in the peace of Christ, those known to us and those unknown. As we ask the saints to intercede for us, let us take joy in the knowledge of their presence among us.

Penitential Rite

Lord Jesus, you are the Lord of all time and all places: Lord, have mercy.

Lord Jesus, you came to win salvation for all peoples: Christ, have mercy.

Lord Jesus, you came to show us the path to heaven: Lord, have mercy.

Scripture Readings

Rev 7:2-4, 9-14 A vision of the multitude from every race, nation, people and tongue.

1 John 3:1-3 What we shall be has not yet been revealed.

Matt 5:1-12a The beatitudes

Prayers of the Faithful

Presider In union with Mary the Mother of God, and with all the saints, let us bring our prayers before God our heavenly Father.

Minister On this feast of All Saints, let us pray for the unity of all Christians who share their faith in Jesus: for cooperation among the churches in their common ministry to the poor, to young people and to all who are seeking a deeper relationship with God … we pray,

Let us pray for our nation and all the nations of the world: for a unity of purpose and conviction as we strive to build a more just society; and for peace … we pray,

For those who cannot be with us today: for those who are sick or suffering; for those in nursing homes and those who cannot leave their homes … we pray,

For those who are near death: for a peaceful passing to the next life … we pray,

We remember those who have died … (names). For all those who have died this past year in our community and all our loved ones who have gone before us … we pray,

For what we need to be the person God intends us to be … for an increase in the virtues of humility, generosity, love, gentleness, chastity, temperance and diligence … for all that we need to be holy … we pray,

Presider Good and gracious God, hear the prayers of your people this day. May we learn from the example of your saints to seek you above all things and to live in this world as your new creation. We ask this through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

November 2, 2008 – The commemoration of All the Faithful Departed


On this All Souls Day, we remember those who have died and those who are grieving the loss of someone dear to them. We also remember that someday we shall die. Let us ask God for the grace to live our lives well so that when we die, we will have few regrets about how we spent our time on this earth.

Penitential Rite

Lord Jesus, you conquered death and rose to new life: Lord, have mercy.

Lord Jesus, you wept at the death of your friend Lazarus: Christ, have mercy.

Lord Jesus, you comfort those who mourn and bring all of us to new life: Lord, have mercy.

Scripture Readings

Isa 25:6, 7-9: God will wipe away every tear.

Rom 6:3-9: If we have died with Christ, we will be raised with him.

John 6:37-40: I will raise you up on the last day.

Or select other readings from the Masses for the Dead

Prayers of the Faithful

Presider My friends, our God hears every voice that is lifted in prayer. Confident of our God’s love for us, let us pray.

Minister Today we remember those who have died …

For our loved ones who have passed from this life: for those we dearly miss … we pray,

For those who died with whom we did not have a last word, a final embrace; for comfort in the knowledge that we will meet again … we pray,

For those who died leaving us with unresolved hurts or bitter words; for faith that all is forgiven … we pray,

For those who died by violence and in fear: for victims of war, poverty or injustice; for those who died with no one to mourn their passing … we pray,

For those of our community and our families who have died this past year; for all those who have been buried from this place of worship (for all who are buried in our cemetery) … we pray,

For those who are grieving: for comfort for the wound that will not heal; for companionship for those who are lonely; for confidence for those who are afraid for their future … we pray,

(USA) Finally, let us pray for our nation as we elect our new leaders on Tuesday. For wisdom and clear thinking; for honesty and integrity; for a peaceful process ... we pray,

Presider Good and gracious God, you have promised that death is not the end of life. Give faith to the doubtful, courage to the fearful and comfort to the suffering, and inspire all of us to trust in your care for us. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.

November 9, 2008 – The Dedication of the Lateran Basilica in Rome


Today we remember a building, St. John Lateran, the first Christian basilica, dedicated on November 9 in the year 324. Why is this building so important? Because it is the cathedral of the pope — not St. Peter’s, but humble St. John Lateran. In fact, we celebrate not the building so much as all that it symbolizes: our unity in Christ; our human impulse to be the community of believers; our gathering and re-gathering to worship and our going forth again and again to live as Christ in the world. As St. Paul says in today’s second reading, the community of believers is God’s temple wherein the Spirit dwells. And so, friends, let us ask for mercy for those times when we have not honored the temple we are.

Penitential Rite

Lord Jesus, you drove out those who were dishonoring the temple: Lord, have mercy.

Christ Jesus, you made of your body a temple of the Lord: Christ, have mercy.

Lord Jesus, you call us to be the temple of the Holy Spirit: Lord, have mercy.

Scripture Readings

Ezek 47:1-2, 8-9, 12 The water from the temple gives life.

1 Cor 3:9c-11, 16-17 You are the temple of God.

John 2:13-22 Jesus is the new temple.

Prayers of the Faithful

Presider Called to be a holy community, let us fulfill our duty as believers and pray for the world.

Minister We pray for the church spread throughout the world among people of every nation, race and language: for holiness and humility and joy in community … we pray,

We pray for peace throughout the world: for diplomats and peacemakers who discover common ground and for all people who seek to avoid war and strive to live together in peace … we pray,

(USA) This Tuesday is Veterans Day. Let us remember those men and women who served in the Armed Forces: for those who came home hurt in body and mind; for those who never came home; for those serving today and those who love them … we pray,

Let us pray for those who most need our prayers: for the very sick, the very old and those who are infirm, the very poor, refugees, those whose lives are in danger and all those in the path of war … we pray,

We remember those who have died (names). Let us remember especially those who have lost their lives in war and for all those who are mourning the loss of a loved one … we pray,

Presider Loving God, look upon us today and on all your people gathered all over the world. Bless us and make us one people, your people, forever and ever. We pray in Jesus’ name. Amen.

November 16, 2008 – Thirty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time


My friends, in November the church calls us to remember that this life is passing. This week’s parable is about how to live that life: fully alive and employing all that God has given us. Let us pray for the grace not to squander the gifts of this good life.

Penitential Rite

Lord Jesus, you are the light of the world: Lord, have mercy.

Lord Jesus, you came to lead us out of darkness: Christ, have mercy.

Lord Jesus, you came to show us the way to a full and holy life: Lord, have mercy.

Scripture Readings

Prov 31:10-13, 19-20, 30-31 The woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.

1 Thess 5:1-6 We are children of the light. Stay awake.

Matt 25:14-30 The parable of the talents

Prayers of the Faithful

Presider Brothers and sisters, it is our faith that God hears our prayers and that prayer makes a difference in this world. Confident in that faith, let us pray.

Minister Let us pray for the church: for Christian communities everywhere; for our Jewish and Muslim brothers and sisters; for respectful dialogue among all believers … we pray,

For peace among the nations: for light, wisdom and clear thinking in the face of fear … we pray,

For those who have been elected to office and for those who have served and will soon step down; for a peaceful transition … we pray,

For all those whose lives are threatened: those whose work is dangerous;

those who live with violence and the fear of violence; for all those in harm’s way … we pray,

For those who are frustrated in the use of their gifts and talents and are seeking a way to serve more effectively; and for those whose lives are a gift of service to others … we pray,

We remember those who are sick or in pain; for all those for whom we have promised to pray … we pray,

We remember those who have died … (names). For all those who are dying with no one to pray for them … we pray,

Presider Loving and generous God, you give us all that we need to become the holy men and women you call us to be. Inspire in us the desire to live full and gracious lives faithful to your Gospel, trusting in your promises. We pray in Jesus’ name. Amen.

November 23, 2008 – Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ the King


Today we celebrate Jesus Christ as our King. We are his subjects. In the Gospel Jesus tells us how we will be judged at the end of our life. Let us ready ourselves to listen as subjects listen to the command of their king. Let us listen as if our lives depended on it.

Penitential Rite

Lord Jesus, you are the servant king who dies for his people: Lord, have mercy.

Lord Jesus, you are the good king who defends the lives of the poor: Christ, have mercy.

Lord Jesus, you command us to imitate you in all things: Lord, have mercy.

Scripture Readings

Ezek 34:11-12, 15-17 The shepherd who will judge between one sheep and another.

1 Cor 15:20-26, 28 Christ is the king who will hand over the kingdom.

Matt 25:31-46 The final judgment and the commandment to serve the least

Prayers of the Faithful

Presider Brothers and sisters, today we proclaim that God is God of the whole world and that the salvation won by Jesus Christ is salvation for all. Let us remember our duty as believers and pray for the whole world.

Minister Let us pray for the church: for those who bring the message of hope to those tempted to despair; who comfort those who are suffering; who make the world a vision of the kingdom of God ... we pray,

We pray for our country: for responsibility, honesty, fairness and all those virtues necessary for our citizens to live in peace with each other and with all nations of the world … we pray,

For those with Gospel privileges: for those who are hungry, thirsty, without clothing or shelter; the sick, the imprisoned, the refugee and the stranger … we pray,

We remember those who cannot be with us today; those who are ill or in pain or

living with a debilitating condition; those who are serve as missionaries; those in the Armed Forces and stationed far away; and for those who love and care for them … we pray,

We remember those who have died . . . (names). For all those who are grieving and will especially miss their loved one on Thanksgiving Day … we pray,

Presider Good and gracious God, you sent us your son Jesus as a servant king to establish your kingdom. Grant us what we need to choose to live as members of that kingdom and to live out your Gospel message here on earth. We ask this through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

November 27, 2008 – Thanksgiving Day (USA)


Today is the day we set aside for giving thanks. Let us ask God for grateful hearts.

Penitential Rite

Lord Jesus, you healed the ten with leprosy: Lord, have mercy.

Lord Jesus, only one returned to thank you: Christ, have mercy.

Lord Jesus, we long to be people of gratitude: Lord, have mercy.

Scripture Readings

Sir 50:22-24 Bless God who has done wondrous things.

1 Cor 1:3-9 St. Paul gives thanks.

Luke 17:11-19 Ten lepers are healed; one gives thanks.

Or see other options in the Lectionary.

Prayers of the Faithful

Presider Let us remember with gratitude the many blessings we enjoy and call to mind those who are in need. Let us pray.

Minister For those who need our prayers: for those who will be traveling this weekend; for those who are sick or suffering; for the poor and those without enough to eat; for refugees and those without homes; for those in harm’s way … we pray,

For those who are lonely at holiday time: for men and women in the military and all who must be away from their loved ones; for those without family or whose homes are unhappy; for those mourning the loss of someone they love … we pray,

Let us pray for solutions to this world’s problems: solutions born out of the confidence that there is enough, that God provides for all of us, that with generous hearts and open minds, there are solutions that do not require violence. For peaceful, just, holy pathways to living with each other on this earth … we pray,

For those who make our lives more gracious: for the opportunity to worship together; for artists and musicians and good cooks; for people who love us and make us feel welcome and cared for; for our families and our good friends ... we pray,