Three - Four Year Schedule Template (Full time students)

Should be amended/augmented for each School; Students may also customise. The Annual Reports and Reviews are mandatory.

M1 / M2 / M3 / M4 / M5 / M6 / M7 / M8 / M9 / M10 / M11 / M12
Year 1 / Annual Report
and Context Survey / Response from Review / Decision on transfer from general status to PhD/MPhil/other / Revised report if necessary
Year 2 / Annual Report and Paper of Publishable Quality / Response from Review / Decision on progression as PhD/MPhil/other / Revised report if necessary
Year 3 / Annual Report
and Thesis Draft / Response from Review / Revised thesis draft / Response to revised thesis / Submit or continue
Year 4* / Thesis Draft / Response from Review / Revised thesis draft / Submit or continue / Thesis Draft / Response from Review / Revised thesis / Response to revised thesis / Submit

* A 4th “continuation” year is automatically added by the University if the student has not submitted by the end of Year 3. A matriculation schedule with significantly reduced fees will be issued.



Progress Review Event Summary

With reference to the template

Y1/M8 Annual Progression Review

The University requires the return of an annual review form for each student, normally by June. This form constitutes part of the School’s annual review procedure and documentation, which also includes:

·  student’s review report

·  supervisor’s review report

·  review outcome report

·  a context survey and literature review

Y1/M10 Annual Progression Review Decision

The 1st year review outcome report may have specified a revised report or some other work. This will be taken into account when making the decision on transfer from general research student status to PhD or MPhil.

Y2/M8 Annual Progression Review

The 2nd year annual review, in addition to the University’s annual progression form involves:

·  student’s review report

·  supervisor’s review report

·  review outcome report

·  a paper of publishable quality of not less than 8 pages

Y2/M10 Annual Progression Review Decision

The 2nd year review outcome report may have specified a revised report or some other work. This will be taken into account when making the decision on continuation or change of status.

Y3/M8 Annual Progression Review

The annual progression form and a substantive thesis draft. If no substantive draft is available it is likely that continuation into Year 4 will be required.

Y3/ {M9 – M12} Thesis Revision and Submission

Y4 Continuation Year

