3211 Providence Drive, DPL 101
Anchorage, Alaska 99508-4614
(907) 786-1096



MEMO TO: [name of Outside Examiner

FROM: Dr. Helena S. Wisniewski
Vice Provost for Research and Graduate Studies
Dean of the Graduate School

SUBJECT: Outside Examiner

Thank you for serving as the outside examiner for Virginia Cress Parret’s PhD Dissertation Defense.

The defense date and time are as follows:

Date: month/day, 2012

Place: SSB 302


The student’s advisor is Dr. [name of advisor]

The presence of an “outside examiner”, representing the Office of the Graduate School, is required of all Ph.D. oral examinations (except the Placement Examination). If this is a dissertation defense the student should bring you a copy of the dissertation no later than one week prior to the defense date.

The outside examiner is appointed by the Graduate School and must have a primary assignment from a different department than the candidate and chair of the advisory committee. The function of the Outside Examiner is to “determine that a stringent, unbiased examination is given and that it is fairly administered and evaluated.”

Please complete and return the enclosed “Report of the Outside Examiner” form within one week of the examination to the UAA Graduate School. Please be aware that a copy of the Report of the Outside Examiner is provided to the Department Chair of the student’s program and to the Dean of their school/college upon request.

cc: UAA Graduate School
UAF Graduate School
Dr. Christiane Brems

3211 Providence Drive, DPL 101
Anchorage, Alaska 99508-4614
(907) 786-1096



Program: Community and Clinical Psychology

Type of Examination: PhD Dissertation Defense


Time: 12:00 – 1:00 PM

Location: SSB 302

How would you rate this examination’s rigor and difficulty in terms of (1) recent examination of the same sort in which you have participated as either a committee member or outside examiner, and (2) similar examinations given in your program?

If the examination was a dissertation defense, (1) when did you receive the dissertation? (2) In your judgment, will the dissertation as presented require substantial modifications? (3) Would you like the opportunity to review the final dissertation?

In your judgment, were the student’s communication skills adequate? What was lacking?

Judging from this examination, are you comfortable with the academic standards set and maintained by this student’s program?


Print Name

Please complete and submit this form to the UAA Graduate School, 3211 Providence Drive DPL 101, Anchorage, Alaska 99508, within one week of the examination. Thank you.