Kappa Kappa Psi Constitution

Zeta Epsilon Chapter



(1.1)This organization shall be known as the Zeta Epsilon Chapter of Kappa Kappa Psi, National Honorary Band Fraternity for College and University Bands.

(1.2)This Chapter shall be located at Michigan State University in East Lansing, Michigan.

(1.3)The authority of this document shall be subordinate to that of the Fraternity’s National Constitution.



(1) General

(1.1)Chapter membership types shall be as prescribed in the National Constitution.

(1.2)The Chapter shall not recognize membership until all initiation fees have been paid and the initiation, as prescribed by the Ritual, has been completed.

(1.3)The Kappa Kappa Psi Fraternity expressly prohibits discrimination by any component part of the Fraternity, or by any person acting on behalf of the Fraternity, on the basis of race, national origin, gender, religion, handicap, sexual orientation, or marital status. Furthermore, Michigan State University regulations prohibit discrimination on the basis of color, gender, height, veteran status, weight, race, creed, ethnic origin, sex, age, political persuasion, sexual orientation, disability status, or martial status. This organization will adhere to thisthese regulations, as it is the policy of this Fraternity to foster a spirit of mutual respect among all people, especially those involved with the college and university bands, remembering that music is the universal language.

(2) Prospective Membership

(2.1)Membership in the Fraternity may be offered to a Michigan State University student in good academic and social standing after or duringduring or after satisfactory completion of one semester in a Michigan State University band.

(2.2)The process of voting on prospective members will be as prescribed in the National Constitution.

(2.3)Names that receive approval for the Membership Education Program shall be sent an invitation from the Prospective Membership Coordinator to enter the Membership Education Process. These invitations shall be sent to the Prospective members within one (1) week afterof acceptance.

(2.4)A Prospective Member will have one (1) week after receiving his/her invitation to accept and enter the Prospective Membership Process.

(2.5)The Prospective Training Process shall be defined by the Prospective Membership Coordinator and the Prospective Membership Educational Manual, and shall be completed in a maximum of twelve (12) weeks.

(2.6)It is the policy of this Chapter and the National Office of Kappa Kappa Psi that hazing of the Prospective Members will not be tolerated. Hazing, as defined in the education manual, National Office documents, and other appropriate sources, shall be grounds for suspension, or in the case of a Suspended member, immediate expulsion proceedings.



(1) Officers

(1.1)The list of offices to be filled in this Chapter shall be as defined in the Chapter By-laws, Article I.

(1.2)Duties of the officers shall be as defined in the Chapter By-laws, the National Constitution, and the National Officer’s Manual.

(1.3)Each Chapter officer shall be an Active member of the Fraternity at the time of election and during the term of office.

(1.4)All officers may be required to maintain an up-to-date handbook of information pertinent to insights, experiences, and any official forms current to their respective offices.

(2) Elections

(2.1)Elections shall be held either at a meeting held no earlier than the eighth week of classes of spring semester, but no later than the eleventh week of classes of spring semester. Officers shall be elected by a simple majority of those Active members present.

(2.2)Nominations shall be made from the floor one (1) week prior to elections.

(2.3)If any one (1) candidate does not receive a simple majority vote, a second vote shall be taken between the two (2) candidates with the most votes.

(2.4)The officers shall be installed at the first meeting after District Convention, provided that this is before the fourteenth (14) week of classes in spring semester. If District Convention is after the fourteenth (14) week of classes in spring semester, the new officers shall be installed at the meeting directly after elections.

(2.5)If a vacancy occurs in any office except President during the year, the Chapter members shall nominate candidates for the vacancy at a regular meeting. Election of the new officer shall be by a simple majority vote of those Active members present. The new officer shall finish the unexpired term of office.

(2.6)In case of the Presidency of the Chapter being vacated, the Vice-President shall assume the President’s duties immediately and a new Vice-President shall be elected.

(2.7)Nominees not elected to a higher office may be nominated from the floor for subsequent offices.

(2.8)The President and Vice-President shall be Active members of the Fraternity who have been Active for at least one year prior to their term of office; however, this time restriction may be waived in any one year by a simple majority vote of the Chapter members present at a meeting.

(2.9)The election date may be determined by a simple majority of those Active members present at a meeting; however, that such date will not cause the Chapter to violate paragraph 2.1 of this section.

(3) Recall

(3.1)A written petition signed by a simple majority of the total Active Chapter membership must be presented to the Active body for consideration of a recall.

(3.2)A vote for recall shall be taken one (1) week following the presentation of the petition to the Active body.

(3.3)A two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of those Active members present shall be required for a recall.



(1.1)All members must sit on at least one committee as appointed by the Chapter President.

(1.2)The President shall appoint each committee’s chairman and members.

(1.3)Each committee shall choose a recording secretary who will keep minutes from each of the committee’s meetings; he/she is required to send them out via e-mail to the chapter Recording Secretary who will attach them to the minutes.

(1.4)Each committee shall meet at least once a month during the academic year.

Meetings shall be weekly when possible, but no less than once per month during the academic year.

(1.5)There shall be four (4) committees: Membership, Service, Social (Brotherhood), and Finance.

(1.6)At the end of each semester and/or at the termination of a committee, the committee members shall submit a typewritten report of their actions and their future plans to the Recording Secretary for entry into the Chapter files.

A project report form must be submitted no later than 14 days after the completion of each committee project.

(1.7)The President may appoint any additional committees as he/she deems necessary.



(1) Regular Meetings

(1.1)The meeting time and place shall be determined at the beginning of each semester and shall be approved by at least two-thirds (2/3) of those Active members present.

(1.2)Meetings shall be weekly when possible, but no less than once per month during the academic year.

(1.3)The meetings shall be governed according to the principles of parliamentary procedure as outlined by the most recent edition of Robert’s Rules of Order.

(1.4)At least fifty percent (50%) plus one (1) of all Active members, including two (2) officers, shall constitute a quorum at all regular and special meetings.

(1.5)A regularly called meeting may be canceled by a seventy-five percent (75%) vote of the Active members, or by the President with the approval of fifty (50%) of the Chapter officers, provided that such cancellation will not cause the Chapter to violate paragraph 1.2 of this section.

(2) Special Meetings

(2.1)Special meetings may be called by an affirmative vote of seventy-five percent (75%) of the Active members or upon the recommendation of the President and approval by fifty percent (50%) of the remaining Chapter officers.



(1.1)Chapter delegates for National or District Convention shall be elected as outlined in the National Constitution.

(1.2)Delegates shall be Active members in good standing with the Chapter at the time of the election.

(1.3)Delegates shall prepare a written Chapter report to be represented at the Convention after gaining the Chapter’s approval of said report. The report shall be presented to the Chapter for said approval at least one (1) meeting prior to the Convention. Delete?

(1.4)Delegates shall submit a typewritten report of his/her activities as delegate and shall turn over all pertinent information and materials to the Chapter.

(1.5)If no delegate is to be sent to the Convention, the President shall submit a written request to another Chapter asking for a proxy to be seated as the representative of the Chapter.



(1) Amendments

(1.1)This Constitution may be amended at any regular meeting by a seventy-five percent (75%) vote of those Active Members present.

(1.2)Proposed amendments shall be presented by member or committee to the Chapter in writing at least one (1) meeting prior to the vote.

(1.3)An amendment, when passed, shall take effect immediately unless otherwise specified in the amendment.

(2) By-Laws

(2.1)The By-laws shall contain all provisions necessary to amplify and carry out the purposes of this Constitution.

(2.2)Any proposed By-law shall be submitted by member or committee to the Chapter in writing at least one (1) week prior to a vote.

(2.3)By-laws may be amended at any regular meeting by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of those Active members present.

Kappa Kappa Psi Constitution

Zeta Epsilon Chapter




(1) General

(1.1)The officers of the Chapter will be as follows: President, Vice President, Recording Secretary, Corresponding Secretary, Treasurer, Parliamentarian, and Historian.

(1.2)The duties of the officers of the Chapter will be as outlined in the National Constitution and as additionally outlined in this document.

(2) President

(2.1)The President shall preside at all meetings of the chapter.

(2.2) The President shall sign all contracts and other instruments of business involving the chapter.

(2.3)The President shall be designated as the official representative of the chapter whenever such represesentationrepresentation shall be required and shall preside over the process of preparing and sending all reports to the National Headquarters of the Fraternity.

(3) Vice President

(3.1)The Vice President shall, in the absence of the President, preside at all meetings of the chapter and shall advance the purposes of the fraternity by promoting the work of the chapter as performed by its several officers and committees.

(3.2)The Vice President shall preside over the education, training, and initiation of all members, unless another officer has been elected to that duty.

(4) Recording Secretary

(4.1)The Recording Secretary shall record and email the minutes of the Chapter meetings to all Active members prior to the next meeting.

(4.2)He/she shall be responsible for the upkeep of the Chapter files. The files shall be organized and kept up to date by the end of each semester.

(4.3)He/she shall maintain a permanent record of each member.

(4.4)He/she shall be responsible for keeping the roll.

(4.5)He/she shall be responsible for the presentation of the names of members to be considered for suspension.

(4.6)He/she shall be responsible for securing a typewritten report from every committee chairman to be filed in the Chapter records.

He/She shall compile all online project reports submitted by committees at the beginning of each month andhard copies of said reports shall be provided to each committee to be filed in their binder at this time.

(4.7)At the beginning of each academic year, and after the initiation of a new pledge class, he/she shall prepare Chapter rosters that include name, address, phone number, and instrument played.

(5) Corresponding Secretary

(5.1)The Corresponding Secretary shall be responsible for all intra-Chapter correspondence, inter-Chapter correspondence, and all other forms of correspondence.

(5.2)He/she shall present all articles for publication in the Kadenza and the Podium to the Chapter for the Chapter’s approval before their submission.

(5.3)He/she shall produce a newsletter with the Historian to be sent out at least twice a year to all Alumni and Honorary members still in contact with the Chapter.

(6) Treasurer

(6.1)He/she shall forward to the National Executive Secretary the National Initiation dues prior to initiation.

(6.2)He/she shall forward National dues for all Active members to the National Office prior to the date such dues are required.

(6.3)He/she shall work with all committees as financial advisor.

(6.4)He/she shall be responsible for the collection of all monies for and ordering of all regalia from the National Executive Secretary.

(6.5)He/she shall be responsible for a report of the financial status of the Chapter at scheduled meetings.

(6.5.1)This report shall made at least once a month.

(6.6)The finance committee shall assist him/her in planning the expenses of the Chapter and presenting them to the Chapter.

(7) Parliamentarian

(7.1)The Parliamentarian shall be responsible for the execution of Robert’s Rules of Order at all regular business meetings.

(7.2)He/She shall be responsible for maintaining a binder with up-to-date versions of the National, District, and Chapter constitutions.

(7.3) He/She shall be responsible for making sure that the Chapter constitution is in accordance with both the District and National constitutions.

(7.4)He/She shall be responsible for annually educating chapter members in Parliamentary procedure.

(7.5)He/She shall regulate discussions both on and off the floor.

(7.6)He/She shall be responsible for the distribution of the meeting agenda at the meetings and by e-mail prior to the meeting.

(8) Historian

(8.1)The Historian shall be responsible for maintaining a written and pictorial record of the activities of the Chapter and the bands.

(8.2)He/she shall be responsible for the updating of the Chapter bulletin board and website unless another webmaster is appointed by the Chapter President.

(8.3)He/she shall be the liaison between the Active membership and all Honorary and Alumni members of the Chapter.

(8.4)He/she shall be responsible for maintaining an up-to-date record of all Alumni and Honorary members of the Chapter.

(8.5)The Historical SecretaryHistorian shall produce a newsletter with the Corresponding Secretary to be sent out at least twice a year to all Alumni and Honorary members still in contact with the chapter.



(1.1)Attendance is required by every Active member at all business and committee meetings, Rituals, and other official Fraternity events.

(1.1a) In order for a fraternal event to be made official, it shall receive a majority vote from the Chapter.

(1.2)Each Chapter member shall be allowed three (3) absences per semester without penalty from all business and committee meetings, Rituals, and other official Fraternity events.

(1.2a)As a courtesy, members are responsible for contacting theRecording Secretary, and Committee Chair when applicable, in writing, concerning each absence prior to any mandatory chapter event.

(1.2b) These absences shall be recorded in both business and committee meeting minutes.

(1.3)A member who acquires three (3) absences in a semester must appeal an absence if the absence can be considered an excused absence.

(1.3a)An absence can be considered excused because of illness, family death, class conflict, or other reasons acceptable to the officers.

(1.4)An absence can be appealed by presenting the situation to the Recording Secretary, at an arranged time, who will make a recommendation to the officers on the next course of action.

(1.5)Absences can be omitted from a member’s record by a majority vote of the officers.

(1.5a) Minutes from all officer meetings concerning attendance shall be made available to the Chapter.

(1.6)More than three (3) unexcused absences per semester shall constitute grounds for suspension.

(1.7)A member who acquires two (2) unexcused absences shall receive a letter from the Recording Secretary that reviews the attendance policy and the number of absences the member has.

(1.8)If the officers recommend that a member be suspended, the matter will be presented to and voted on by the membership at large. The vote will be by the majority.

(1.9)If a member is vote to be suspended, then the suspension will be served in accordance with Article III of the By-laws of the Zeta Epsilon Chapter of Kappa Kappa Psi.



(1.1)Unexcused absences from more than three (3) meetings during a semester constitutes due cause for suspension.

(1.2)Failure to pay dues by the deadlines stipulated by the Chapter shall constitute due cause for suspension, unless an excuse for postponement is presented prior to these dates and is accepted by a simple majority vote of those Active members present.

(1.3)Actions not in the best interest of the Chapter and the Fraternity as a whole, as determined by the Chapter members, shall constitute due cause for suspension.

(1.4)A Suspended member loses the power to vote.

(1.5)A Suspended member may not present a motion, nor may he/she second a motion.

(1.6)A Suspended member is obligated to uphold the purposes of the Fraternity.

(1.7)A Suspended member is required to fulfill all attendance obligations as if he were an active member, according to the attendance policy.

(1.8)A Suspended member is subject to the Constitution and By-laws of the Fraternity.

(1.9)A Suspended member is expected to return to full Active statue within sixty (60) academic days from the beginning of the suspension period.

(1.10)Removal from suspension shall be by restitution of the cause for suspension and/or a petition by the individual to the Active body on or before the sixtieth (60th) day of suspension.

(1.11)Failure to be removed from suspension by the end of sixty (60) days shall result in the Chapter commencing expulsion proceedings.

(1.12)An expelled member is no longer eligible for membership in this Chapter of Kappa Kappa Psi and must promptly return to the Chapter all property and regalia of Kappa Kappa Psi.



(1) Fees and Dues

(1.1)Local Chapter dues for Active, Conditional, and Prospective members shall be left to the discretion of the Chapter officers, keeping in accordance with the National Office requirements.

(1.2)While the Chapter officers have discretion in this matter, any proposed change to the amount of local Chapter dues shall first be put to discussion before the Chapter.

(1.3)Honorary member initiation fees will be paid by the Chapter and shall entitle the Honorary member to Life Membership privileges in the Fraternity without further obligation.