Minutes of the meeting held on Wednesday 10th September 2008 at 7.30pm in the Glasbury Village Hall

Present Councillors: M Sims, C Graham, P Yeomans, A Williams, R Joseph, S Rees, J Northam,

B Lloyd, A Boyle

In Attendance: L Morlidge (outgoing clerk) A Clipson (newly appointed clerk) and

County Cllr M Morris

Members of the public: None

1)Apologies: Cllr B Price.

2) Declaration of Interest:


3) Minutes of the meeting held on 9th July 2008

The minutes were unanimously approved.
Minutes of the emergency meeting held on 17th July 2008

The minutes were unanimously approved.

4) Matters Arising:

  • B Price has confirmed his wish to continue as a councillor by signing the declaration of acceptance of office
  • A letter was sent to planning re the glazing at The Chapel. No reply has been received.
  • A letter of thanks has been sent to the Black Mountain Lions Club in respect of their donation towards benches.
  • Martine Arrowsmith has been advised that Cllr B Lloyd would act as representative for the Ffynnon Gynydd Commoners Committee.
  • PCC has responded regarding mud on the U1400 road Llowes. An inspection of the site will be made and work will be arranged to try and alleviate the problem.
  • No reply has been received regarding the removal of payphones.
  • No reply from PCC regarding fencing across the footpath at Coopers Bank/Cornhill. Cllr M Morris to ask new rights of way officer to inspect.
  • Have received a quote of £30 from Jim Smith re Glasbury notice board repair. It was agreed this should go ahead and Clerk to advise Jim Smith.
  • Ffynnon Gynydd school has suggested the Community Council meet the school council in the autumn term. The clerk to follow up.
  • The audit return has been sent off. A cheque has been sent to Rachel Williams, the internal auditor.
  • The Code of Conduct has been advertised and the ombudsman advised of the new code of conduct and new council membership
  • Response received from PCC regarding core areas for street lighting. These are:
    - traffic signal controlled pedestrian crossings and zebra crossings
    – streets covered by public CCTV
    – areas where there is factual police evidence of anti social behaviour at night
    –street with traffic calming provisions
    – adjacent to hospitals, medical centres and surgeries with 24 hour service
    – sheltered housing
  • Letter received from PCC regarding changing the legal status of The Green Glasbury from common land to a village green. Consultation is anticipated to take place during 2008 in respect of the new law but it is unlikely that the Registration Authority will be in a position to accept applications until 2009-2010 at the earliest.
    It was agreed that nothing could therefore be done at present. Clerk to circulate papers to Glasbury councillors.

5)Appointment of new clerk Annie Clipson
Interviews were held at Glasbury Village Hall. Hours were determined with input from One Voice Wales who were very helpful with information on procedures and the contract.
4 application packs were sent out, 3 received back and 2 shortlisted.
The appointment of Annie Clipson as new clerk was proposed by Cllr A Boyle and seconded by Cllr P Yeomans. The appointment was formally agreed unanimously.
The change of signatory to receive bank correspondence from Nat West bank was proposed by Cllr B Lloyd and seconded by Cllr S Rees.


(A) Weekly Lists

14/7/08 – none

21/7/08 – none

28/7/08 – none

4/8//08 – none

11/8/08 - P20081234 – Pen Bryn yr Hydd LLowes extension

26/8/08 – none

1/9/08 – none

8/9/08 – none

(B) Planning applications received

P20080833 Rogerstone Farm Cwmbach farm building (comments 17.7.08)
Concern expressed regarding run off from farm buildings into streams. Cllr M Morris advised that this has been passed

P20080803 Byre Barn Boughrood conversion (no comments 20.6.08)

P20080917 Bryn yr Hydd Glasbury (no comments 17.7.08)

(C) Decisions

PR4191/03 Yew Tree Site Glasbury – withdrawn

PR6655/00 Maesllwch Castle Glasbury flat – conditional

P20080555 os5620 Ffynnon Gynydd Glasbury dwelling – full


a) Clerks Salary £287.05. and final expenses £20.74 made up of £15.69 postage, £2.26 photocopying and £2.79 paper. Proposed by Cllr J Northam and seconded by Cllr C Graham.

b) A quotation for a brass plaque has been obtained for £23.45 excl VAT to be placed on Black Mountain Lions Club bench. Clerk to send a proof of wording to Black Mountain Lions Club and once agreed arrange for plaque to be completed.

c) Jim Smith’s quote of £30 for the playground repair was agreed. The clerk to contact Jim Smith.

d) The quote received from PCC in respect of playground repairs following the ROSPA report was discussed.
It was agreed unanimously that the repairs identified as medium risk totalling £294 and the replacement metal gate costing £314.54 should be undertaken.

It was also agreed that this should be done by PCC due to insurance and time issues. The cost of the gate could be met from the capital fund.
The cost of matting at £4062.41 could not go ahead unless separate funding could be found. The clerk to contact PCC.

e) Membership of One Voice Wales has been completed and Cllr M Sims provided Cllr J Northam’s name as representative for quarterly meetings on the basis that it could be changed if necessary. It was proposed by Cllr A Boyle and seconded by Cllr B Lloyd that Cllr J Northam be the representative.

8)Planning Procedures

L Morlidge went through the changes to planning procedures from the last meeting. It was proposed by Cllr J Northam and seconded by Cllr P Yeomans that the revised planning procedures be adopted.

9)Code of Conduct

Each councillor has received lengthy declaration forms regarding declaration of interests for completion. After discussion it was agreed that each councillor should try and complete the forms individually with any problems being brought back to the next meeting. Training is being made available but no dates have been provided as yet.
Clerk to raise as an agenda item for the next meeting.

10)Standing Orders

Cllr M Sims advised that it had been discovered that the Council didn’t have any Standing Orders.

A draft was circulated which had been put together with the help of One Voice Wales. At present all pages apart from Page 1 had been taken from another council. Cllr M Sims advised that for a fee of £14.99, One Voice Wales would be able to provide an electronic version that could then be amended to fit Glasbury CC. It was proposed by Cllr A Boyle and seconded by Cllr P Yeomans that payment should be made and all agreed.
Cllr M Morris advised that fire regulations should be pointed out by the chair at every meeting and this should be added to the first page.
Cllr M Sims pointed out that item 49, advisory committees, did not apply at present but should be kept into cover future circumstances and item 54 would need to be changed to actual date of adoption.

Items in bold are compulsory.
It was agreed that a group be established to look at filling in the gaps and this should consist of Cllr M Sims, Cllr B Lloyd, Cllr J Northam and the clerk. Cllr M Sims to contact One Voice Wales for electronic version and once received the group is to meet and then report back at the next meeting.


(a) WAG - A Shared Community final guidance on charters
3 copies provided and one given to Cllr M Sims as chair.

(b) PCC – Invitation to meet Chairperson of PCC on 1.10.08 at 7.00pm at County Hall
This is a social occasion and there is an invitation for 2 representatives to attend. Cllr M Sims to attend and other councillors will consider.

( c) PCC – PCC consultation on validation checklists for new planning applications – see for checklist
Any comments to be made via website.

(d) PAVO News. To Cllr C Graham for information

(e) PCC – Appointment of single Standards sub-committee and request for completion of ballot paper

Agreed not to vote as councillors knew no candidates.

(f) Brecon Advice Centre request for funding
This request will be considered at the March meeting. Clerk to send letter advising them.

(g) Play for Wales. To Cllr P Yeomans for information.

(h) County Cllr Margaret Morris invitation to Radnorshire Liaison Meeting 22.9.08 at 7.00pm at County Hall. Cllr M Morris advised that these meetings had been resurrected and were a good place for community councils to discuss similar issues. No booking was needed.
Cllr M Morris was thanked for her invitation.

(i) PCC Changes to Registration Service consultation
Instead of 8 registration districts there will be 1 Powys registration district. The change should be transparent to the user.

(j) Community Health Council focus group minutes meeting 2.9.08. To Cllr B Lloyd for information.
Cllr J Northam attended this meeting.

(k) Clerks & Councils Direct

(l) PrimeCymru – details of volunteering project

(m) Glasdon brochure

(n) Dyfed Powys Police open day 28/9/08 10.30am – 4.00pm at Carmarthen police HQ

(o) Glasbury Hall Licence
The Village Hall committee is applying for a variation to their licence and details have been sent to Glasbury residents living in the vicinity of the hall.

(p) One Voice Wales – Conference and AGM 11/10/08

(q) One Voice Wales Cross Border Event 15/10/08 9.30am – 1.00pm at Knighton
Cllr J Northam, Cllr B Lloyd and Cllr P Yeomans to attend. Clerk to send registration form.

(r) PCC payphones – copy of draft proposal. Final decision to be published on 26/9/08.


  • Cllr C Graham has been approached by a resident regarding dog fouling on the green, which is a continuing problem. Cllr M Sims advised there were similar problems in Boughrood. Cllr M Morris advised she could get the dog warden involved but would need to be very sure of facts as any claims would need backing up.
    The option to write to residents or put a notice in each parish magazine was discussed and it was agreed that councillors should discuss way forward for own areas.
  • Cllr P Yeomans advised that the playground gate was open continually.
    The wood around the multi play area was broken so the wood chip was not being contained – this was thought not to be dangerous but was untidy. Clerk to ask PCC to rectify this at the same time as other repairs.
  • Cllr J Northam has received complaints about pavements being overgrown and people having to go on the road. Particular problem by the phone box and at Brookside. Cllr J Northam has reported this to PCC. Owners of gardens needed to be responsible for keeping the growth under control.
    After discussion it was agreed that councillors should agree a letter to go on noticeboard re dog fouling and overgrown gardens.
  • Cllr A Boyle has attended Hay & District Community Support Group and advised around the difficulty with young people volunteering and the need for CRB checks from the people they were volunteering for.
  • Cllr M Sims advised of the problem of a pavement being overgrown with gorse causing difficulties particularly for wheelchair users. Cllr M Sims and Cllr S Rees to liaise on resolving the situation.
    Cllr M Sims advised that the resurfacing of Station Road was not adequate. There are no white lines down the centre of the road but more worryingly there are no stop lines at the junction. The water no longer drains properly due to bumps in the road and there is also tar on the pavement.
    Cllr M Morris agreed that no lines at the junction was an issue and would telephone PCC as a matter of urgency.

13)Any other business

The new clerk would prefer to send out agendas and minutes via E Mail to save on postage and to be more timely. E-Mail addresses for councillors were provided apart from Cllr R Joseph and Cllr B Price.
Any agenda items should go to the chair at least 14 days prior to the meeting to allow the agenda to be circulated 7 days before the meeting.
Cllr M Sims on behalf of the council formally thanked Louise for all her support as clerk and presented her with a card and present

14)Date & time of next meeting:

12th November 2008 at 7.30pm at Glasbury village hall

There being no other business the meeting closed at 9.00pm


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