SchoolName: Insert Your School Name / State/Territory: Queensland

Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden Queensland Program



In signing this document, your school is committing to:

  • Garden classes of 45 mins each week (or fortnightly for greater than 6 classes)
  • Kitchen classes of 90 mins each week (or fortnightly for greater than 6 classes)
  • Employment of a dedicated permanent part-time Garden Specialist
  • Employment of a dedicated permanent part-time Kitchen Specialist
  • Attendance and participation in all kitchen and garden classes by the classroom teacher
  • Sufficient preparation time for the two Specialists outside of class time
  • Allocation of a Program Coordinator from the teaching staff
  • Whole-school commitment to the philosophy of the Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden Program
  • Whole-school commitment to introduce the Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden Program into the school curriculum
  • Demonstrated ability for the school to fund associated staffing and ongoing Program costs
  • Required space for an edible garden, kitchen classroom and dining area.

You will also have examined the construction and Program managementbudgets, identified the areas toward which the grant will be allocated, and are both aware of and willing to commit any additional school funds that may be required.

Principal’s name: / ______
Signature: / ______
  1. Checklist of mandatory attachments

Click to check

Attachment AGarden plan– preferably an A3 1:100 or 1:200 plan.

Minimum requirement: outline plan with dimensions and photos

Attachment BKitchen plan – preferably an A3 1:100 or 1:200 plan

Minimum requirement: outline plan with dimensions and photos

Attachment CSchool site plan from the Department of Works EQ

Attachment DGardenInfrastructureBudget

Attachment EKitchenInfrastructureBudget

Attachment FProgram ManagementBudget

Attachment GLetters of support from potential partners/sponsors pages

Attachment H4 photographs*

Principal signature on Executive Summary (page 2)

School Council President or equivalent signature (page 9)

Regional Director signature (page 9)

Please note:

  • Please do not include CDs or additional items, and do not bind or staple – bulldog clips please.
  • Mailed applications: submit 3 signed copies of the completed Application Form, Attachments and photos, in no larger than A4 format (photocopies are acceptable), post-dated 9September 2011 to:

Queensland Program Applications

Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden Foundation

PO Box 104 Abbotsford VIC 3067


  • Emailed applications: by 11:59pm on 9September 2011, with images in jpeg, gif or pdf format only (max 500 KB file sizes)

* Photography requirements:

  • Minimum 2 photos of proposed and/or existing garden area
  • Minimum 2 photos of proposed and/or existing kitchen area
  1. School Information

Name of school
Street address – line one
Street address – line two
Postal address – line one
Postal address – line two
School telephone number / + 61 (Select0203040708) 9999 9999
School fax number / + 61 (Select0203040708)9999 9999
Name of Principal / SelectMiss.Ms.Mrs.Mr.Dr.Prof. First Name Last Name
Principal telephone number / + 61 (Select0203040708)9999 9999
Principal mobile number * / + 61 (04)99 999 999
Principal email address
Name of secondary contact / SelectMiss.Ms.Mrs.Mr.Dr.Prof. First Name Last Name
Title or role
Secondary telephone number / + 61 (Select0203040708)9999 9999
Secondary email address
Name of application compiler / SelectMiss.Ms.Mrs.Mr.Dr.Prof. First Name Last Name
Title or role

* Contact may be required during school holidays

How did you find out about this Program (for example Kitchen Garden Foundation website, State /Territory Education newsletter, friend)?
  1. School Enrolment – Projectedin 2011/2012

3.1Estimated total student enrolment (pre-primary to Year 7):

3.2Estimated total enrolment in participating year groups (Years 4 to 7):

If ‘Other’ is selected please explain:

3.3Estimated number of classes required for participating year groups:

  1. Infrastructure – Your Garden and Your Kitchen

The Garden

4.1Please provide information about your existing and proposedgarden space.Please note that garden space includes space taken up by water tanks, composting bins, chooks etc., not just productive growing space.

a / Existing garden space / square metres
b / Proposed new garden space / square metres
c / Total garden space / square metres
d / Total area of garden per child in Program / square metres
e / Distance to water supply from garden/proposed garden space / metres
f / Distance to power supply from garden/proposed garden space / metres
g / Greenhouse / SelectExistingProposedNot proposed
h / Shed / SelectExistingProposedNot proposed
i / Orchard / SelectExistingProposedNot proposed
j / Class meeting area / outdoor learning area / SelectExistingProposedNot proposed
k / Tanks / SelectExistingProposedNot proposed
l / Irrigation / SelectExistingProposedNot proposed
m / Chook house / SelectExistingProposedNot proposed

4.2Provide a brief description of the existinggarden space, including labour and material used to build it, including the size in square metres. (If your school currently has no garden space, please proceed to next question.)Maximum 150 words.

4.3Provide a brief description of the proposed newgarden space, including labour and material which will be used to build it, and include the size in square metres. (If your school has no plans to extend garden space, please proceed to next question.)Maximum 150 words.

4.4The timeline for the garden component of this project is that the garden be completed, productive, and classes begun within 8 months of joining the Program. Will you achieve this timeline?

If No, please explain what elements will not be ready in time. Maximum 150 words.

The Kitchen

4.5Please provide the following details about your existing and proposed kitchen classroom and dining area.

a / Existing or new building / SelectExisting buildingNew building
b / Building type, e.g. transportable, brick, cladding
c / Has building been checked for presence of asbestos? / SelectYesNo
d / Access to power supply / SelectYesNo
e / Electricity upgrade required / SelectYesNo
f / Access to water supply / SelectYesNo
g / Access to gas supply* / SelectYesNo
h / Distance of kitchen to existing gas supply* / metres
i / Total area of proposed kitchen classroom and dining area / square metres
j / Number of work stations / Select34567
k / Total area per workstation / square metres
l / Length of preparation space per workstation / metres
m / Number of sinks / Select34567
n / Number of stovetops / Select34567
o / Number of ovens / Select34567
p / Harvest table / SelectExistingProposedNot proposed
q / Dining tables and chairs / SelectExistingProposedNot proposed
r / Pantry/washing machine area / SelectPantryWashing Machine(s)Both
s / Does sink contain an existing or proposed grease-trap / SelectYesNo

4.6Provide a brief description of the new kitchen and dining area and/or fit-out, including labour and material which will be used to build it. Maximum 150 words.

4.7The timeline for the kitchen component of this project is that the kitchen be completed, and classes begun, within 12 months of joining the Program. Will you achieve this timeline?

If No, please explain what elements will not be ready in time.

4.8Are there any Building the Education Revolution (BER) implications for your kitchen or garden project?

If Yes, please outline the implications here.

  1. Managing the Construction Project

5.1Who will be the allocated Project Managers for the garden and kitchen construction?Describe their relevant experience.

5.2What is the total projected cost for completing full garden, kitchen and dining facilities (including the funds you expect to receive in your Kitchen Garden Program grant – this figure should be derived from your kitchen and garden infrastructure budgets in Attachment E)?


5.3What is the total grant amount sought from the Queensland Government?(Note: Up to but no greater than $60,000 GST exclusive, or the total projected cost in5.2.)


  1. Ability to Fund Staffing and Program Costs

6.1How does your school intend to fund ongoing staffing costs identified in the Program ManagementBudget for the Garden Specialist and Kitchen Specialist?Maximum 150 words.

6.2What is the total of your salary figures over 2 years (this figure should be derived from your Program Management budget in Attachment F)?

  1. Embedding the Program Philosophy

7.1Why does your school want to implement a Kitchen Garden Program, and how will it support your strategic plan?

7.2The Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden Program requires that you timetable a 45-minute garden class and a 90-minute kitchen class for every class in the Program on a weekly basis, and for a minimum of 35 weeks of the year. Schools with more than 6 classes in the Program may work to a fortnightly timetable.

Are you willing to commit to this timetable for the full term of the Program?

(Note: all successful applicants will be required to submit a full timetable before joining the Program.)

7.3How will the Kitchen Garden Program support and enhance the traditional learning streams of Numeracy, Literacy, Science etc. in your school?Maximum 150 words.

7.4How will you incorporate the Kitchen Garden Program into your school’s curriculum planning process? Maximum 150 words.

Please indicate your school’s preparedness to participate in the following:

Formal evaluation of the Program

Group training sessions

Other training/PD as required

Collaborate on Kitchen Garden Program curriculum

(Note: Include in your Program Management Budget the capacity to send one or two staff members to regular group training, up to 4 times per year, at a metropolitan location. Include travel, accommodation if required and staff back-fill costs.)

  1. Commitment to the Program

8.1Please nominate your allocated Program Coordinator of the operational Program, and identify their current role in the school.

First Name Last Name

8.2How many hours per week will be allocated to Program Coordination, and if these are not intended to be funded by existing staff salary allocations then how will they be funded by you?

hours per week

8.3How will the school help to integrate Kitchen Garden Program specialist staff into the school community and teaching program?Maximum 150 words.

  1. Examples of Community Engagement

9.1What is the extent of current volunteer activity in your school? How does the school propose to source and retain sufficient volunteers to support the Kitchen Garden Program? Maximum 150 words.

9.2Please list your school’s existing community partners.Maximum 150 words.


By signing this application, I acknowledge that:

  • There is a whole-school commitment to the philosophy of the Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden Program
  • There is a whole-school commitment to introduce the Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden Program into the school curriculum
  • There is a demonstrated ability for the school to fund associated staffing and ongoing Program costs
  • The school has required space for the kitchen garden, kitchen classroom and dining area
  • The school has a demonstrated ability to manage the project and build the required infrastructure to the timelines outlined.

School Council President Name: / ______
Signature: / ______
Regional Director EQName: / ______
Title: / ______
Signature: / ______

Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden Queensland Program Application Form 2011