Corporate Strategic Action Plan

Quarter 2 (April-September 2016)

Priorities / Year 2 (2016/17) Task / Quarter2 Performance
Target / Status / Quarter 2 Update
Key Objective 1: A flourishing local economy
To positively embrace the Local Enterprise Partnership to influence its plans, priorities and impact upon our District maximise the use of National funding opportunities such as the City Deal and Regional Growth Fund to boost business opportunities in our area / Implementation of Warwickshire Growth Plan / Funding secured for Growth Plan / On target / Projects incorporated in Coventry & Warwickshire Local Enterprise Partnership (CWLEP) Strategic Economic Plan
Influence Local Enterprise Partnership to secure Growth bids for SDC area / 120 engagements with businesses & 40 business assists / On target / 216 businesses have been engaged. 8 new jobs have been created & 3 direct B2B opportunities have been enabled
Work with our partners to ensure that new development provides the necessary schools and transport infrastructure for local residents, especially the working population / Implementation of the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) arrangements / Approval of arrangements in July 2016 / Off target / During the Examination in Public on the CIL charging arrangements the inspector required the Council to produce additional/updated evidence. This has delayed approval to at least February 2017. PROPOSED NEW TARGET – April 2017 (Year 3 Action)
Contribute to the development of the County Transport Plan / March 2017 (WCC lead agency) / n/a
Completion of the Infrastructure Delivery Plan / June 2016 / Off target / ATI Projects commissioned to develop plan - scheduled for completion by the end of March 2017
To encourage new small businesses throughout the District through focussed initiatives such as the provision of business incubation units / Undertake a review of the implementation of Venture House / September 2016 / Off target / A review will be undertaken after 12 months of operation in April 2017. PROPOSED NEW TARGET – September 2017 (Year 3 Action)
Undertake a review of evidence to inform potential new locations for future years / September 2016 / Off target / This will be informed by the review of Venture House and the outcomes of the Strategic Review. PROPOSED NEW TARGET – September 2017 (Year 3 Action)
Maximise the benefit of the local tourist industry including support for the local Destination Management Organisation, Shakespeare’s England / Implementation of Destination Management Plan / Ongoing – as per action plan / On target / Ongoing
Commission the Economic Impact Assessment for SDC area / Action to be moved into Year 3 Action Plan / n/a / Following review of Tourism and Data Intelligence commissioned by SDC, the Tourism Economic Impact Assessment will now take place Summer 2017 and every 2 years thereafter. PROPOSED NEW TARGET – September 2017 (Year 3 Action)
To support further development of the broadband infrastructure across our District which will assist businesses with the connections they require / Implementation of BDUK Contract 2 Phase 2 / March 2017 / n/a / Following BT announcing an unexpected price per property increase for this phase of the work, Warwickshire County Council have sought to engage with other suppliers in order to ensure that they get best value for money. This meeting will take place in December 2016
Key Objective 2: People and their environment
Facilitate the delivery of housing targets including working with developers to identify suitable land and locations for developments and ensuring 35% affordable housing provision / Adoption of the Canal Quarter Supplementary Planning Document / August 2016 / Off target / Revised timescales for preparation of this SPD to be set in the Local Development Scheme (LDS) to be agreed at Council in December 2016
Adoption and implementation of Core Strategy / June 2016 / Achieved / Adopted 11 July 2016
Maintain quality leisure facilities District wide, with particular emphasis on enhancing facilities in Alcester and completing the refurbishment of Stratford-upon-Avon Leisure & Visitor Centre / Strategic review of leisure provision across the District / October 2016 / Off target / The refurbishment of Stratford Leisure Centre has reached Practical Completion and weare currently in the defectsliability period. Work is progressing ona district wideSportsFacility Study, this will confirmthe futuresports and leisureneeds for the district
Embrace the landscape and environmental protection provided by our Core Strategy when considering new development / Undertake a review in relation to the implementation of the landscape and environmental issues included within Core Strategy / March 2017 / Achieved / All planning decisions are now made in accordance with all of the provisions of the Corporate Strategy including the landscape and environmental policies. All planning appeal decisions are reviewed to assess correct application of these policies
Undertake the Green Belt review following the adoption of Core Strategy / Target to be agreed following adoption of Corporate Strategy / n/a / Technical work undertaken by LUC on behalf of the Coventry and Warwickshire authorities completed
Development of design guides required to implement Core Strategy / Target to be agreed following adoption of Corporate Strategy / n/a / Gaydon/Lighthorne Heath SPD adopted 11 July 2016. Revised timescales for preparation of Canal Quarter SPD (see above) and Long Marston Airfield SPD to be set in the Local Development Scheme (LDS) to be agreed at Council in December 2016. Potential for design issues to be included within Development Requirements SPD. Timetable to be set in revised LDS
Promote Health and Wellbeing including playing an active role in the Warwickshire Health and Wellbeing Board / Continue to participate in the Warwickshire Health & Wellbeing Board / Ongoing / On target / Ongoing
Develop the Health & Wellbeing Action Plan / September 2016 / Achieved / Action Plan for the current activity presented to the Warwickshire Health and Wellbeing Board in September 2016
Implement appropriate actions identified by the Overview & Scrutiny Committee and approved by The Cabinet in terms of being a Dementia Friendly Organisation / Ongoing – as per action plan / On target / Actions which have been started or are ongoing - 14; Completed Actions - 4; Uninitiated Actions - 4
Ensure the Crime and Disorder reduction strategy actions are delivered / Implement the Action Plans for Violence, Anti-Social Behaviour and Rural Crime / Ongoing – as per action plan / On target / The Violent Crime and Anti-Social Behaviour Action Plans have both been reviewed and updated. The Rural Crime Plan has been approved and funded by the PCC for 2016/17
Continue to review funding opportunities in relation to the CCTV function / Ongoing / On target / Continue to secure funding through contributions from Section 106 and relevant Town and Parish Councils. New business opportunities are being explored
Minimise the amount of waste going to landfill / Support Warwickshire Waste Partnership initiatives relating to waste minimisation and recycling / Ongoing / On target
Identify long term solutions to particular sites throughout the District which are detrimental to the local community / Examine the potential for a solution to improve the
Co-Op site in Studley / April 2016 / Achieved / Ongoing. Following the success of the bid, arrangements are underway to implement improvements
Examine the potential for solutions to the old HMV store in Stratford / October 2016 / Achieved / A new retail outlet has opened at this site
Key Objective 3: Responsible community leadership
Seek opportunities to work with our partners to achieve benefits for our residents. Expand our programme of sharing services with other Councils / Harmonisation of Financial Management System (Phase 1) / April 2016 / Achieved / Completed
Implementation of Land and Property Project across 4 Councils / March 2017 / n/a
Determine an approach to shared services / March 2017 / On target / Review of Sourcing Strategy to be undertaken by March 2017
Ensuring that we manage our assets to meet the needs of our communities and services and where appropriate delivering commercial returns / Undertake a strategic review of budgets / October 2016 / On target / The terms of reference for the Strategic Review were approved by the Leader in April 2016. The scope of the review has now increased and it is likely that the findings will be published in Quarter 3 2017/18. An interim report will be presented to Council on 12 December 2016. PROPOSED NEW TARGET – October 2017 (Year 3 Action)
Supporting vulnerable people especially those becoming homeless, those adjusting to benefit changes and those needing supported accommodation / Implement a strategy to set out a programme for improving services for homeless people and rough sleepers and aim to ensure that improved outcomes are available to the least privileged households / Ongoing – as per action plan / On target / Gold Standard Submission currently under preparation
Work with our partners to improve the District’s infrastructure including broadband, transportation, education, utilities and emergency services / Identification of a programme for the development of infrastructure needs for the District / March 2017 / n/a
Implementation of the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL), including the methodology for resource allocation / July 2016 / Off target / During the Examination in Public on the CIL charging arrangements the inspector required the Council to produce additional/updated evidence. This has delayed approval to at least February 2017. PROPOSED NEW TARGET – April 2017 (Year 3 Action)
Identify opportunities to improve access to local services, especially those in remote communities / Roll out additional Customer Access Terminals (CAT) across the District / Wellesbourne, Kineton and 1 Rural (Long Compton proposed) / On target / Kineton still under consideration due to connectivity issues
Maintenance of existing Customer Access Terminals (CAT) already in place within the District / Ongoing / On target / 7 out of 9 Customer Access Terminals are online. 2 are offline (Henley & Bidford) awaiting desks
Speak up for residents locally and nationally so that local communities are in a better position to help themselves / Continue to represent the Council at the Local Government Association and the District Council’s Network / Ongoing / On target / Increased representation at regional District Council Network (DCN) events. Place booked for attendance At DCN Conference in February 2017
Participation with partner organisation activities in line with annual review / Ongoing / On target / Strategic Review exercise undertaken to engage with over 30 local stakeholders and partners