Summative 90% Formative 10%
Tests = 100 points Homework = 3 points
Projects = varies Classwork = varies
Quizzes = 50 points Warm-ups = 3 points
1. Students will enter the classroom quietly and orderly and sit in their seat to begin the warm-up and copy the homework.
2. Be prompt.
3. Be courteous.
4. Be prepared. (pencils, coloring tools, paper, etc.)

1. Each student isresponsible for making up work missed when he/she is absent. If absent, students in an honors class are required to get homework from Google classroom or the HW is not accepted.
2. Determining make up work and due dates should be initiated by the student by logging intogoogle classroom.
3. I am available most mornings and immediately after school for make-up work Monday through Friday.
4. My e-mail address at school is:

*5. You may call me at home:students should have mythe number written at the top of this.in their binder. /
Each day, every student is required to bring the following materials to class:
1. Notebook: Three-ring binder
2. Agenda aka planner
3. Pencils, coloring tools, paper, etc.

SOCIAL STUDIES 3-ring binder
The social studies 3-ring binder serves many purposes. It will enable students to reflect, analyze, and process historical content. It will improve and refine students’ note-taking and organizational skills, and it will also be study guide for the year.
We will periodically partially clean out the binder. Some pages will be kept all year. /
  1. Homework will usually be assigned each class and is available in Google classroom. Parents can use Google calendar to access HW.
  2. If absent, students in an honors class are required to get homework from Google classroom or the HW is not accepted.
  1. Most assignments are due the very next time we meet as a class.
  1. Homework will be verified each class on a homework log for completeness and general accuracy. I print this on colored paper so it is easier to find.
  1. Homework logs will be used to record and verify assignments. After 5 assignments have accumulated homework logs are collected and graded. Each HW assignment is 3 points and each HW log is 15 points. When I post HW in Phoenix, I will type an explanation of what each of the five assignments were as well as the date it was assigned.

Eagle Ridge Middle School Mrs. Jarvis Home phone: