Council Meeting Minutes

June 7, 2016

The Regular Council Meeting was called to order Mayor Pro-Tem Weaver at 7:30 p.m. with pledge to the flag and a moment of silence to honor those serving our country. Present: Trustees Hippen, Pahl, Weaver, Hoopingarner & Stear … Attorney Connor, Engineer Lott, Treasurer Braden and Clerk Klatt.

Guests: Jim Evans representing Hanna City Park District to request liquor license for Heritage Days event on August 26 & 27 from 5p.m. to 10p.m. each night and to request donation to help with expenses for Heritage Days. A fundraiser will be held at Culver's in Peoria on June 16 with portion of sales going toward Heritage Days. After discussion, Hippen made motion to approve liquor license for Heritage Days on August 26 & 27 from 5 - 10 p.m. each night and waive fee … Hoopingarner seconded … ROLL CALL VOTE: Hoopingarner: yes, Stear: no, Hippen: yes, Pahl: no, Weaver: yes … motion carried. Pahl made motion to approve donation the same as last year … $1500.00 to Hanna City Park District for expenses of Heritage Days … Stear seconded … ROLL CALL VOTE: Stear: yes, Hippen: yes, Pahl: yes, Weaver: yes, Hoopingarner: yes … motion carried. Carla Kimmell, Farnsworth Group, Pontiac, to propose modification to sewer & water line design for Dollar General. There would be no material changes to water line. Dollar General is proposing small private grinder pump to service just their store and install force main to Village manhole line … at their expense. Pump station and force main will remain responsibility of Dollar General. Stear made motion to approve modification to sewer line plans when use agreement between Village and Dollar General has been approved by Mayor and Attorney and signed by Dollar General … Pahl seconded. ROLL CALL VOTE: Hippen: yes, Pahl: yes, Weaver: yes, Hoopingarner: yes, Stear: yes … motion carried.

Minutes: Trustee Hippen made motion to approve the minutes of the regular meeting on May 17, 2016 … Seconded by Trustee Hoopingarner … all ayes … motion carried.

Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer's Report reviewed … Stear made motion to accept Treasurer’s Reports and pay all outstanding bills ... Hippen seconded. ROLL CALL VOTE: Pahl: yes, Weaver: yes, Hoopingarner: yes, Stear: yes, Hippen: yes … motion carried.

Engineer's Report (Lott): Farnsworth has completed preliminary Main Street project and would like to meet with Streets & Alleys Committee early next week to review and finalize plans.

Attorney’s Report (Connor): Nothing to report.

Finance (Hoopingarner): Hoopingarner made motion to approve 2016-2017 Fiscal Year Budget as presented and available for public viewing … Stear seconded. ROLL CALL VOTE: Hoopingarner: yes, Stear: yes, Hippen: yes, Pahl: yes, Weaver: yes … motion carried.

Sewer (Pahl): Pahl made motion to approve repair of five manholes by J. C. Dillon at cost not to exceed $6,000.00 … Hoopingarner seconded. ROLL CALL VOTE: Stear: yes, Hippen: yes, Pahl: yes, Weaver: yes, Hoopingarner: yes … motion carried. Pahl made motion to approve purchase of a push camera to inspect sewers from C&H Repair & Supply at cost of $9,436.30 … Hippen seconded. ROLL CALL VOTE: Hippen: yes, Pahl: yes, Weaver: yes, Hoopingarner: yes, Stear: yes … motion carried. Engineer Lott will work with Jim Swearingen to review check valve on Lakeshore Drive. As oxygen level is close to maximum, Pahl made motion to purchase aerator for sewer lagoon from Absolute Aquatics at cost of $747.90 … Hippen seconded … ROLL CALL VOTE: Pahl: yes, Weaver: yes, Hoopingarner: yes, Stear: yes, Hippen: yes … motion carried.

Guest: Scott Knutt to inquire about Village regulations for fence permit. He was asked to draw up plans and measurements for desired fence and apply for variance.

Sewer (Pahl) continued: Discussion on agreement with IL American Water for water shutoff to customers with unpaid sewer bills. Attorney and Council will review prior to next meeting.

Streets & Alleys (Weaver): Weaver approved Invoice 1896 from Group Materials for rap surface in amount of $113.90 … and Invoice 11160 from Westside Aggregate for CA-6 Recon in amount of $75.46 … both to be paid from MFT funds. Weaver made motion to approve payment of $668.97 for culvert pipe and coupler at 512 N. Runkle Street from MFT funds … Hippen seconded. ROLL CALL VOTE: Hoopingarner: yes, Stear: yes, Hippen: yes, Pahl: yes, Weaver: yes … motion carried.

Minutes from May 3, 2016 meeting states Invoice from Leman Precast in amount of $580.00 for concrete catch basin for runoff from bulk water plant would be paid from General Fund … since it is eligible for MFT program, General Fund will be reimbursed in that amount from MFT funds.

Police & Planning (Johnson): Johnson absent. Since previous No Trespassing signs were stolen from Village property, new signs will be installed. Trustee Johnson will be asked to discuss parking problem in alley with property owners and/or Sheriff's Dept.

Water (Hippen): Approved four checks in amount of $200.00 to be paid from water escrow account. Attorney Connor will amend ordinance to show payments for shutoff fees for restoration of water service to be paid in cash or certified funds. Attorney will draft amendment for payments from non-customers on behalf of water customers to be cash or certified funds only.

Buildings & Grounds (Stear): Will discuss Noize Communications agreement at next meeting.

Other: Hoopingarner made motion to appoint Trustee Hippen as accessibility coordinator and Brenda Pluskwik as assistant accessibility coordinator … Hippen seconded … ROLL CALL VOTE: Stear: yes, Hippen: yes, Pahl: yes, Weaver: yes, Hoopingarner: yes … motion carried.

Council asked to review Personnel Manuel for discussion at next meeting.

Update on Village property at the corner of Farmington Road & 1st Street was tabled until next meeting.

Public hearing on pre-annexation agreement at 1223 N. Murphy Road will be held on June 21, 2016.

Correspondence: Mayor will be responding to letter from EPA.

Meeting adjourned at 9:039 p.m.

Submitted by Myrna Klatt, Village Clerk