Exam 3

HIST 1302 – U.S. History II

Example Assessment

This is an example of an assessment for HIST 1302. It will be completed in approximately 1 hour.

PART I – Multiple Choice

Select the best answer for each of the following questions, and mark the corresponding letter on your Scantron. One (1) point each.

1.  ______chose Herbert Hoover as their 1928 presidential candidate because they thought that he would continue President Coolidge's pro-business policies.

a)  Democrats

b)  Progressives

c)  Socialists

d)  Republicans

2.  During the Great Depression, jobless hoboes headed ______in search of seasonal agricultural work.

a)  To Mexico

b)  To Canada

c)  Northward and eastward

d)  Southward and westward

3.  Marcus Garvey used the Universal Negro Improvement Association to encourage African Americans to:

a)  Gain economic and political independence

b)  Assimilate into white society

c)  Attend vocational schools

d)  Obey segregation laws

4.  Most whites who patronized Harlem institutions in the 1920s saw the neighborhood as:

a)  The source of an exciting new cultural movement

b)  Nothing more than a slum

c)  A place to experience true racial equality

d)  An exotic place with a lively nightlife

5.  During the 1920s, American foreign policy:

a)  Retreated into isolationism

b)  Embraced Wilsonian internationalism and the League of Nations

c)  Rejected Wilsonian internationalism but remained involved in the world economically and politically

d)  Emphasized state action over private-sector diplomacy

6.  In the eyes of rural dwellers of the 1920s, cities were:

a)  Seldom of interest

b)  More interesting than the countryside

c)  Better than the countryside because they were more diverse

d)  A menace to traditional values

7.  When the stock market hesitated in the fall of 1929, investors:

a)  Saw a chance to get stocks at bargain prices

b)  Ignored the dip

c)  Expressed confidence in its soundness

d)  Began selling their overvalued stock

8.  Republicans hoped the 1921 Washington Disarmament Conference would:

a)  Revise the Treaty of Versailles

b)  Stop research into sophisticated new weapons

c)  End war completely

d)  Preserve peace without forcing the United States to join the League of Nations

9.  Welfare capitalism was created by:

a)  Traditional labor unions to assist workers

b)  Socialists

c)  The government to address the needs of the less fortunate

d)  Businesses to encourage loyalty to the company

10.  The automobile industry changed American life by:

a)  All of the other choices

b)  Allowing workers to move out of cities and commute to work from the suburbs

c)  Creating related industries that increased employment opportunities

d)  Causing small towns to decay

11.  In its effort to concentrate on prosperity at home, the Harding administration supported:

a)  The deregulation of industry

b)  High tariffs to protect American businesses

c)  All of the above

d)  Price supports for agriculture

12.  The Dawes Plan:

a)  Halved Germany's annual reparations payments and initiated American loans to Germany

b)  Made provisions for the United States to assume Germany's war debts

c)  Authorized the mobilization of United States military forces to ensure that Germany would pay reparations

d)  Called for the United States to join the League of Nations

13.  The Hoover administration responded to the problems of the American people during the Great Depression by:

a)  Censoring writings that were critical of the government

b)  Asking the rich to accept a tax increase

c)  Coordinating government relief programs to relieve the suffering of jobless Americans

d)  Insisting that no one was starving

14.  The relatively new industry in the 1920s that linked the possession of material goods to the fulfillment of spiritual and emotional needs was:

a)  Advertising

b)  Steel manufacturing

c)  Chemical manufacturing

d)  Public relations

15.  Professional baseball in the 1920s:

a)  Was played on weekdays, when workers could not attend games

b)  Remained dominated by college rivalries

c)  Attracted players and spectators from the working class

d)  Was fully integrated, both on the field and in the seats

16.  Among its achievements, the Fair Labor Standards Act curbed ______.

a)  Price gouging

b)  Lockouts

c)  Unemployment

d)  Child labor

17.  Bitter opponents of discrimination charged that NRA stood for "______."

a)  Not Really Appropriate

b)  Negro Removal Administration

c)  Negroes' Rights Abolished

d)  Negro Run Around

18.  The Southern Farm Tenants Union criticized the Agricultural Adjustment Act because it primarily benefited ______.

a)  Land owners

b)  Whites

c)  Consumers

d)  Northerners

19.  The experience of growing up in an environment of substantial wealth and Christian values left Franklin Roosevelt with a code of ethics that:

a)  Made him believe only elites were suited for leading the country

b)  Left him wondering how to reconcile capitalism and Christianity

c)  Deemed that the privileged should look after the welfare of the poor and weak

d)  Made him feel that the values of self-reliance and religion separated the strong from the weak

20.  The 1936 Supreme Court decision against the AAA sided with:

a)  Small tenant farmers

b)  Agricultural processors and distributors

c)  Large southern farmers

d)  Upton Sinclair, who argued the case in front of the Court

21.  In 1932, supporters of the Democratic Party:

a)  Were divided by region, religion, culture, and ethnicity

b)  Had little enthusiasm for Franklin Roosevelt

c)  Were accustomed to winning elections

d)  Thought that foreign policy and cultural issues should get more priority than economic concerns

22.  The American Liberty League's well-financed publicity campaign:

a)  Led to community protest across the nation.

b)  Helped prove that the socialist critique of the new deal was legitimate.

c)  Led Democratic Party leaders to question whether Franklin Roosevelt should run for reelection in 1936.

d)  Underscored the divisions between the business class and the Roosevelt administration.

23.  In most American's minds, Franklin Roosevelt's "fireside chats" became a fixture of his administration and:

a)  Established him as an international leader with the potential to enchant audiences in much the same way as Adolf Hitler or Benito Mussolini

b)  Created national feelings of confidence and optimism

c)  Were not all that popular because of the alternative radio entertainment available

d)  Proved hypocritical to the New Deal programs

24.  One of the most impressive achievements of the New Deal was:

a)  That the United States did not abandon democracy to confront the nation's economic crisis

b)  That it stabilized agriculture in the United States through the end of the century

c)  Its strengthening of the military-industrial complex

d)  The privatization of Social Security

25.  The Wagner Act:

a)  Prohibited African Americans and immigrants from joining unions

b)  Had expanded union membership almost fivefold by 1945

c)  Prohibited assembly-line workers from joining unions

d)  Had no effect on union membership

26.  As a result of President Roosevelt's fiscal decisions in 1937:

a)  The New Deal got a shot in the arm.

b)  Unemployment figures dropped.

c)  The country returned to normalcy.

d)  The country suffered a recession.

27.  Before winning the presidential election of 1932, Franklin Delano Roosevelt had:

a)  Served as the Republican mayor of New York City

b)  Worked his way through college

c)  Been the governor of New Jersey

d)  Served as President Wilson's assistant secretary of the navy and as governor of New York

28.  The New Deal most improved the quality of life in rural America by:

a)  Opening new markets overseas for farmers

b)  Providing electricity through the Rural Electrification Administration

c)  Expanding railroad lines

d)  Ensuring that sharecroppers and tenant farmers received a fair share of government benefits

29.  President Roosevelt was able to restore America's confidence in government and the private banking system by:

a)  Holding daily press conferences

b)  Promising the people that they had “nothing to fear but fear itself”

c)  Getting Congress to pass all the bills he proposed

d)  Broadcasting his fireside chats on the radio

30.  To overcome strong objections to the program, the framers of Social Security agreed that the program would be funded by:

a)  Raising income taxes

b)  The federal government's general tax fund

c)  Tax contributions from workers and their employers

d)  A progressive tax on workers

31.  In 1939, Congress defeated a bill to admit more ______refugees to the United States.

a)  Chinese

b)  Jewish

c)  German

d)  Polish

32.  On May 2, 1945, the Red Army captured ______, but only after three weeks of vicious fighting.

a)  Berlin

b)  Vienna

c)  Dresden

d)  The Danube

33.  ______, Franklin Roosevelt's running mate in the 1944 election, was selected to satisfy urban Democratic leaders and because he posed no threat to southern segregationists.

a)  Harry S. Truman

b)  A. Philip Randolph

c)  Henry Wallace

d)  Thomas E. Dewey

34.  After Pearl Harbor, Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto swiftly ordered the Japanese to attack American airfields and outposts ______.

a)  On the United States Pacific coast

b)  In Australia, New Zealand, and the Dutch East Indies

c)  In Hawaii and on Midway Island

d)  In the Philippines, Guam, and Wake Island

35.  At Yalta, a seriously ill Franklin Roosevelt felt that he had gotten what he wanted from Joseph Stalin when the Russian leader agreed to:

a)  Allow the self-determination of eastern European countries

b)  Stay out of the governance of Korea and Manchuria

c)  Withdraw all troops from Berlin after the war

d)  Institute democratic reforms at home during the postwar

36.  The Selective Service Act:

a)  Required people of Japanese ancestry to report to internment camps in the Rocky Mountain region

b)  Registered men of military age to be drafted into the armed services

c)  Prohibited African Americans from serving in the U.S. military

d)  Reorganized the military into three branches: the army, navy, and Marine Corps

37.  The Reciprocal Trade Agreements Act of 1934 gave the president the power to:

a)  Impose tariffs on European fascist countries but still trade with them regardless of their tariffs on American goods

b)  Reduce high American tariffs on a nation-by-nation basis for countries that would set the same tariff standards in return

c)  Use military force, if necessary, to persuade Latin American nations to open their doors to free trade and lower tariffs

d)  Ship goods to warring nations as long as they paid in cash, reduced their tariffs, and shipped the goods on their own boats

38.  The invasion of France, called D-Day, took place on June 6, 1944, at:

a)  Normandy

b)  Pas de Calais

c)  Paris

d)  Antwerp

39.  The war overseas had a strong impact on the domestic United States economy:

a)  Forcing Americans to live in conditions even more constrained than during the Great Depression

b)  Dramatically expanding employment and wages

c)  Producing severe food shortages

d)  Producing dramatic deflation

40.  Although undermanned and outgunned, the Royal Air Force won the Battle of Britain through determination and:

a)  New radar technology and access to German secret codes

b)  Help from the American Army Air Corps and its pilots

c)  An advanced type of airplane that the Germans could not match

d)  The last-minute arrival of French planes and pilots that had escaped the blitzkrieg

41.  The great migration to urban areas brought both economic progress for African Americans and:

a)  Racial antagonism

b)  Smooth integration into urban neighborhoods

c)  Strong increases in union membership

d)  Less discrimination

42.  The Double V campaign called for both victory in the war and victory for:

a)  Thomas Dewey in the presidential election of 1944

b)  Republicans in Congress

c)  African Americans over racial prejudice at home

d)  Franklin Delano Roosevelt in the presidential election of 1944

43.  June 6, 1944, the date the Allies unleashed an assault against the German army on the beaches of Normandy, is known as:

a)  VJ Day

b)  D-Day

c)  DE Day

d)  VE Day

44.  An immediate consequence of the Nazi-Soviet treaty of nonaggression in August 1939 was:

a)  Confirmation of the effectiveness of appeasement

b)  Hitler's invasion of Poland

c)  The end of Hitler's aggression in Europe

d)  A United States declaration of war against Germany

45.  Just after the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941:

a)  Hitler and Mussolini offered to negotiate a peace

b)  Japan's emperor issued an official apology

c)  Proponents of neutrality in the United States stepped up their appeals in Congress to keep the nation out of war

d)  Congress endorsed President Roosevelt's call for a declaration of war

PART II – Map Questions

Identify the letter from each map that corresponds with the given location. One (1) point each.

Map 1

46.  Two Gulf coast states that showed very strong population growth between 1920 and 1930:

a)  Letters A & C

b)  Letters A & I

c)  Letters C & I

d)  Letters G & K

47.  A Midwestern city that experienced rapid growth between 1920 and 1930:

a)  Letter E

b)  Letter H

c)  Letter I

d)  Letter J

Map 2

48.  Center of severe drought and wind erosion:

a)  Letter B

b)  Letter C

c)  Letter D

d)  Letter G

49.  Okies' route to California:

a)  Letter A

b)  Letter C

c)  Letter D

d)  Letter E

Map 3

50.  Nation invaded by Germany in the first action of the war:

a)  Letter A

b)  Letter B

c)  Letter E

d)  Letter G


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