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VOCABULARY REVIEW Explain the relationship between the terms in each of the following pairs of terms.

1. ossicle, test

2. tube foot, ampulla

3. cardiac stomach, pyloric stomach

4. water-vascular system, radial canal

MULTIPLE CHOICE Write the correct letter in the blank.

1. Both echinoderms and chordates

a. lack a coelom. c. have bilateral symmetry as


b. have radially symmetrical larvae. d. are deuterostomes.

2. One characteristic that is found only in echinoderms is

a. a nerve net.

b. the presence of only two tissue layers during development.

c. a water-vascular system.

d. an endoskeleton.

3. Members of the class Echinoidea include

a. sea urchins. b. sea cucumbers. c. sea stars. d. sea lilies.

4. The surface that is opposite the mouth in a sea star is called the

a. oral surface. b. aboral surface. c. posterior surface.

d. dorsal surface.

5. Sexual reproduction among sea stars usually involves

a. separate sexes and internal fertilization.

b. separate sexes and external fertilization.

c. hermaphrodites and internal fertilization.

d. hermaphrodites and external fertilization.

SHORT ANSWER Answer the questions in the space provided.

1. What do the larvae of echinoderms indicate about the evolution of echinoderms?

2. Name the class of each of the following echinoderms: basket star, sea star, feather star, brittle star.

3. Describe the organization of a sea star’s nervous

4. How do sea stars reproduce sexually?

5. How do sea stars use their ability to regenerate as a defensive mechanism?

6. Critical Thinking Why is the lack of cephalization not a disadvantage for a sea star?

STRUCTURES AND FUNCTIONS Identify the structures labeled a–f in the drawing of part of a sea star shown below.

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Modern Biology Echinoderms