How to Select the Right Conformal Coating Spray for PCB?

One of the most important steps in PCB assembly is the need for conformal coating for PCB. The process of choosing a conformal coating spray is a complex one as it involves a number of confusing decisions revolving around selections and compromises.

However, it is a decision that must be made to get the ideal conformal coating spray for PCB coating. Here is a list of things to look for in order to make sure that the conformal coating for PCB is qualified for the task that one has in mind:

  1. Temperature range

The conformal coating for PCB will be exposed to a range of temperatures depending on the uses and operations that the PCB is designed for. For this reason, the material with which the conformal coating spray is created needs to comply with the requisite temperatures, keeping a futuristic idea of PCB function in mind.

  1. Different exposure

PCBs are generally stored in different places depending on the differences in their functional aspect. It could be stored indoors in a house, or in a factory environment. The conformal coating spray for PCB is a substantial investment to make and therefore the coating material needs to be selected with care to avoid economic wastage.

For this, the environments to which the PCB is expected to be exposed, whether extremely hot, or highly humid, or in presence of corrosive gases needs to be carefully considered before making a choice as to which conformal coating spray to choose.

  1. Reworking the Conforming Coat

The longer the durability of the PCB; the higher are the chances that there might be a need for reworking the conforming coat over a period of time. This would mean that the need for using easily reworked conforming coat for PCB can be selected to ensure minimum wastage and maximum ease and efficiency in the PCB protection processes.

  1. Considering the application processes

The PCB application process is an important factor to consider when the decision to invest in conforming coat spray is being taken. This is because the application processes involved on the one hand can be more or less easy on the protective material. However, there can be a situation of application requirements that are far more stressful to the PCB coating, which would stir the need for more careful consideration while choosing the PCB coating.

The kinds of application processes to consider would include exposure to solvent based materials, UV curable materials and dipping, amongst others.

  1. Curing Time Required

From the point of view of production and assembly, it is evident that the shorter the duration of curing time for PCBs, the better it is for economic efficiency. A short cure time would spell for the producer the ability to ship the PCB more quickly, thereby enabling the purchaser to receive it in the best possible state in terms of quality, spelling better profits and goodwill.