****** December 17, 2013 ******

6 Park Ave., Arkport, NY

Call to order: Regular Board Meeting, 7:00PM

Pledge to the Flag:

Roll Call: Mayor Charles Flanders Trustee Mike Brewer Trustee Ezra Geist Trustee Jon Hedges Trustee Susan Thompson

Absent Call: None

Others Present: Jennifer Bush, Clerk; Bob Mauro, DPW; Cathy Smith, Book Center; Norman Kennell; Mary Smith; Bernard Smith; Timothy Bailey; Sue White; Braden Arnault; Ken Isaman; Neal Simon, Tribune.

Approval of Minutes- No corrections or additions to the November 19, 2013 regular board meeting minutes as written.

M75 Motion made by Trustee Geist, seconded by Trustee Brewer, to approve the November 19, 2013 regular board meeting minutes as written. Roll Call. All Ayes. Motion carried.

Mayor Flanders waived the agenda to introduce Ken Isaman from the Steuben County Risk Management Office. He has information regarding our Worker’s Comp. Insurance and the Arkport Fire District. Ken first wanted to give a letter to the Mayor and the Board stating the Town of Hornellsville has no objection to the Village giving John and Kristi Gemmell an easement for the use of Village property to enter their property. Their property is currently land locked and Steuben County Highway Dept. will not give them access to the County road.

Ken stated the Arkport Fire District is still on the Village Worker’s Comp. Insurance. He stated he was told about removing them, but the paperwork from the village was never finished. Steuben County has a self insured program. Worker’s Comp. premium is based on 60% payroll, 20% claims and 20% assessment value. Therefore the fire district has to have another way to calculate their insurance needs. Ken contacted PERMA to find out how the fire district’s part of the premium is calculated. They have to use historical information such as how many claims have been submitted and how many volunteers are in the company. In 1956 the County created local law #2, and under section four it states a fire district is not considered a separate entity. Hornellsville, Arkport and So. Dansville must all be in the County Insurance program to allow the fire district to be covered. The fire district is considered a special district, but not a separate entity.

Trustee Thompson stated she had a conversation with Norm Kennell concerning his conversation with Ken Isaman. He was told that although our Board had voted in 2012 to not include the Arkport Fire District on our worker’s comp. plan the coverage did continue because the paperwork was not completed. Trustee Thompson contacted NYCOM, our advisors on government, and stated that this coverage was an impermissible gift to the Fire District. NYCOM has advised we do not want to continue to have the Fire District on the Village’s worker’s comp.

Trustee Hedges asked if the Town of Hornellsville could carry the Fire District on their policy.

Ken Isaman will talk with his advisors for the Town and see if it is possible. He will get back to us.


Cemetery – Tom Hunt – Report on file (gray) Absent – No lots sold for the month of November. One burial.

Code Enforcement Officer- Bill Rusby – Report on file (green) Absent - One building permit issued in the month of November to Kay Marie Wyant. One demolition permit issued to Dan Lacy. Nothing new from the Planning Board. Ken Bauch has been asked to apply for a building permit to continue work on the commercial area of 7 Main St. Arkport.

DPW/Water Department – Bob Mauro – Report on file (blue) – Mike Peer of the Village Café is still worried about his water service. Tried to find his curb stop and couldn’t. Rural Water will be back to do some work in the Village and Bob will have them try to locate it. Started servicing our equipment. Started having some problems with the plow on the F550, but don’t want to put money into a plow we are going to get rid of. Plan to remove a couple of Maple trees along the front of the cemetery. Trustee Brewer asked how the salt stored at their barns is portioned out with the Town of Hornellsville. The Mayor asked about the “Addison Street” sign that has been removed. It is missing, do not know who removed it or why.

Book Center – Cathy Smith – Report on file (pink) – There were a total of 258 books checked out for the month of November, 194 Arkport owned books, 64 STLS and 29 Interlibrary. 54 people visited the Book Center. Brian Hildreth from STLS attended our December 2 Book Center Board meeting. Mr. Hildreth held a discussion about having e-readers in the Book Center. More information is needed on how the readers will be loaded with the books and how they will be purchased. Cathy needs to give Diane the names of people at other libraries that have e-readers so Diane can find out how they pay for the books that are loaded.

Treasurer – Diane Jewell – Report on file (white) Absent - General Fund and Water Fund. Trustee Jon Hedges gave report.

Resolution#13-9 Supplemental Appropriation to the 2013-2014 Water Fund Budget:

Decrease Contingent Appropriations (WF) $4,364.55 and increase Transportation & Distribution-.P/R $1,398.73 and increase Transportation & Distribution – Misc. $2965.82. No net change to budget.

M76 Motion made by Trustee Brewer, seconded by Trustee Thompson, to approve Resolution #13-9 as read. Roll call. All ayes. Motion carried.

M77 Motion made by Trustee Thompson, seconded by Trustee Geist, to approve the Treasurer’s reports as distributed. Roll call. All ayes. Motion carried.

Public Comment: None

Old Business & Tabled Items:

Worker’s Comp. Insurance: Ken Isaman. Heard from Mr. Isaman earlier in meeting. The Village will wait for his response. Trustee Hedges suggested we contact our attorney Mr. Vogel again and update him with the information. Trustee Thompson has been in contact with John Mancini at NYCOM. Mayor Flanders appointed Trustee Thompson to work with John Vogel and NYCOM regarding all information about our worker’s comp. issue.

Oak Hill Rd. Water Plant Property Use: John and Kristi Gemmell. The Trustees have already voted to approve the easement if it is OK with John Vogel, our attorney. The Gemmels need to make a write up of the description of the piece of land they will need for the easement.

New Business:

Steuben County Dept. of Public Works Mobile Work Program: Steuben County has four crews available that are made up of workers on public assistance and are supervised by Public Works Dept. crew leaders. The Village must provide the tools and materials, they provide the labor. Bob Mauro will contact June Murray at Steuben County Public Works at 664-2466 and check on dates. He will give me info. if I need to send a letter to confirm our request.

Ratification of Abstract #6, vouchers #173 thru #206, in the amount of $96,983.12.

M78 Motion made by Trustee Hedges, seconded by Trustee Geist, to approve ratification of Abstract #6, vouchers #173 thru #206, in the amount of $96,983.12. Roll call. All ayes. Motion carried.

Next Meeting Date: January 21, 2014


M79 Motion made by Trustee Geist, seconded by Trustee Brewer, to adjourn the Board meeting at 7:58pm. Roll call. All ayes. Motion carried.

Respectfully Submitted,

Jennifer D. Bush

Village Clerk

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