Issue Date : / 25th of August 2017Contact Person for Queries: / Neil McCarthy
Contact Details for Queries:
Closing Date for Receipt of Queries: / e-Tenders Mailbox
2.00PM 15th OF September 2017
Deadline for Receipt of Tenders:
/ 2.00PM 26th OF September 2017
Part2:Instructions to Tenderers
Appendix 1:RequirementsandSpecifications
Appendix 2:PricingSchedule
Appendix 3: Tenderer’sStatementAppendix 4: Tenderer’sAide-Memoire
Appendix 5: Declarationas to PersonalCircumstances of Tenderer
Appendix 6: FrameworkAgreement
1.1TheEducation Procurement Service, (EPS),invitesresponses(“Tenders”)tothisRequestforTenders(“RFT”)fromeconomicoperators(“Tenderers”)interestedinbeingappointedto the FrameworkAgreements(“FrameworkAgreements”)fortheprovisionoftheservicesdescribedinAppendix1(RequirementsandSpecifications)tothisRFT(“theServices”).Irish Primary Schools and Irish Post-Primary Schools, will be the contracting authority for this Framework Agreement (“theContractingAuthority”) for this public procurementcompetition (“the Competition”).
The EPS is co-ordinating and undertaking the tender process as a central sourcing body on behalf of Irish Primary Schools and Irish Post-Primary Schools participating in this Framework.
In March 2014, the Central Bank published a report entitled ‘Payments in Irish Schools’ which revealed that parents and schools would both like to see far greater use of electronic payment methods in the school context. The majority of parents surveyed during the compiling of the report stated that they would make payments by electronic methods if schools had the systems in place to enable them to do so. Also reported was that for schools, the desire to migrate to electronic payments was very strong, with the majority of schools surveyed indicating a preference for a dedicated school payments system as a form of payment method.
Consequently, the objectives of this tendering exercise is marry the stated preferences of both parents and schools and seek to deliver a comprehensive range of flexible, user-friendly payment solutions which makes the sending to, and receiving payments in schools, more flexible for all. This development would go some way towards reducing the number of cash payments for school activities from the schools themselves, yet would not remove the cash payment option for those parents who prefer that method of payment. These stated objectives would also achieve the alignment of schools payments with the National Payments Plan, published by the Central Bank in April 2013.
The Irish school system is comprised of primary and post-primary schools. The primary education sector includes in excess of 3,200 state-funded primary schools, special schools and private primary schools. The state-funded schools include religious schools, non-denominational schools, multi-denominational schools and Gaelscoileanna (Irish-medium schools). The post-primary education sector comprises approximately 800 secondary, vocational, community and comprehensive schools. Secondary schools are privately owned and managed. Approximately one third of all second level schools are state-established and administered by Education and Training Boards (ETBs), while the remaining voluntary, community and comprehensive schools are managed by Boards of Management of differing compositions and operate as individual contracting authorities.
Education and Training Boards are statutory authorities which have responsibility for education and training, youth work and a range of other functions. Formerly known as Vocational Education Committees (VECs) ETBs manage and operate second‐level schools, further education colleges, multi‐faith community national schools and a range of adult, further education and training centres delivering education and training programmes, including 19 (former FAS) training centres. There are 16 Education and Training Boards spread throughout the country with over 650 sites under their remit.
Please find Key Statistics for 2015/2016 and 2016/2017 available at the following link:
Overview-School Payments Solution RequirementsFront End Requirements / Back End Requirements
Reduce/Remove cash payments for school activities from the schools themselves, but without removing the cash payment option for parents
Facilitate flexibility in making and receiving payments to schools
Align school payments with the National Payments Plan
Flexible solution available nationally to potentially 4000 schools through a variety of payment options. / Location Based/Retail Outlet
- Payments by cash or cheque
- Payments by terminal using debit/credit card
- Proximity chip
- Direct debit or standing order
- Electronic fund transfer
- Online by PC
- Smart app (apple and android) on phone/tablet
- By phone, thus not requiring internet connectivity
- Ability to pay by instalments
- Real-time recording of transactions
- Audit trail of transactions available
- Reminders facility
- Schools select payments options required.
- Options provided as links/add-ons for school roll-out
- Parents/End User selects most appropriate solution to meet circumstance/needs
- Ongoing training
- Implementation
- Support, updates
- Must be able to handle multiple instalments for multiple school activities.
- Integration with legacy MIS and accounting systems by means of automated outputs.
- Produce outputs in .XML, .csv or .xls formats or other standard output formats as required
- Adhere to the highest Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards, SSL Encryption thresholds
- Must allow for full-trace auditability and payment reconciliation
- Production of receipts
- Updating of student records throughout education cycle
- Must provide unique identifier per transaction to facilitate receipting.
- Track payments
- Provide Balance Information
- Generate reports
- Integrate with existing systems
- Reconciliation for accounting and banking purposes
- Audit Trails available
- Data Standard and Data Protection
- Integrate with existing financial, management and payments systems and planned Finance Shared Service.
- Secure Data Storage
- Integrate with school admin systems
- Group Users by field
- Add users to groups
- Generate messages to groups by email/SMS
- Generate reminders to users regarding outstanding payments
- Provide Balance Information
1.2ThetitleofthisRFTis“Request for Tenders to establish aMulti-Lot Framework Agreement of Single Suppliers for the Provision of School Payment Solutions for the Irish Primary and Post-Primary School Sector” (“RFT Title”).
1.3The CompetitionrelatestotheestablishmentofFrameworkAgreementsfor10lots
(“Lots”)as follows:
Section A- Irish Primary School SectorLot 1 Irish Primary School Sector / Cash, cheques, D/D, S/O / Card Terminals / Online / Retail / Tendering Y/N?
Option 1 / Option 2 / Option 3 / Option 4 / Response
Lot 2Irish Primary School Sector / Cash, cheques, D/D, S/O / Card Terminals / Online / Tendering Y/N?
Option 1 / Option 2 / Option 3 / Response
Lot 3Irish Primary School Sector / Cash, cheques, D/D, S/O / Online / Tendering Y/N?
Option 1 / Option 3 / Response
Lot 4Irish Primary School Sector / Cash, cheques, D/D, S/O / Card Terminals / Tendering Y/N?
Option 1 / Option 2 / Response
Lot 5Irish Primary School Sector / Cash, cheques, D/D, S/O / Retail / Tendering Y/N?
Option 1 / Option 4 / Response
Section B-Irish Post-Primary School Sector
Lot 6Irish Post-Primary School Sector / Cash, cheques, D/D, S/O / Card Terminals / Online / Retail / Tendering Y/N?
Option 1 / Option 2 / Option 3 / Option 4 / Response
Lot 7Irish Post-Primary School Sector / Cash, cheques, D/D, S/O / Card Terminals / Online / Tendering Y/N?
Option 1 / Option 2 / Option 3 / Response
Lot 8Irish Post-Primary School Sector / Cash, cheques, D/D, S/O / Online / Tendering Y/N?
Option 1 / Option 3 / Response
Lot 9Irish Post-Primary School Sector / Cash, cheques, D/D, S/O / Card Terminals / Tendering Y/N?
Option 1 / Option 2 / Response
Lot 10Irish Post-Primary School Sector / Cash, cheques, D/D, S/O / Retail / Tendering Y/N?
Option 1 / Option 4 / Response
Proof of Concept/Value for Money
This project will initially be piloted with a 100 schools across both the Primary and Post-Primary sectors. The objectiveof this processis to solidify the rollout plan of the multifaceted solution which provides the entire spectrum of payment methods to parents, yet delivering the flexibility to allow schools to interface their existing MIS and financial systems, regardless of what those systems are on a national level. Ultimately, the suite of options provided by winning tenderers will have to stand on its own merits as being attractive for schools to engage with, this will be best served through the focused initial rollout to the 100 schools followed by national rollout once proof of concept and value for money has been established.
- TheContractingAuthorityintendstoenterintoaFrameworkAgreementwiththeTendererwhichissuccessfulinthecompetitionforeach individual Lot.
- For the avoidanceof doubt, the sameTenderermaywin no more than two (2)Lots in Section A, Irish Primary School Sector Lots 1-5.
- The same Tenderer may win no more than two (2) Lots in Section B, Irish Post-Primary School Sector Lots 6-10.
- Where a supplier wins more than 2 Lots in any given section, Rank Lot Preference will be used to allocate two Lots to that tenderer.
- Where a Lot has not been awarded the evaluation team will have the discretion to appoint any qualified supplier to that lot.
OnceaFrameworkAgreementisenteredintowithasuccessfulTenderer,certainpublicsectorbodiesassetoutorreferredtoatclause1.8ofthisRFT(eacha“PotentialFrameworkClient”andcollectivelywherethecontextsopermitsorrequires“PotentialFrameworkClients”)willbeeligible(althoughnotobliged)toenterintocontractsforservices(“Call-offContracts”)withthesuccessfulTenderer(the“FrameworkMember/Supplier”).APotentialFrameworkClientwhichentersintoaCall-off Contract with a Framework Supplier shall be herein referred to as a “Framework Client”.
Further details relatingtothe requirementsare set out atAppendix1of thisRFT.
TenderersshouldnotethatitisamandatoryrequirementofparticipationintheCompetitionthatTendererscompletetheAppendix 1 and Appendix 2DocumentsprovidedasaseparateattachmenttothisRFT.Thepurpose of these documentsis to simplifyand streamline the tenderresponseprocess forallTenderersand to simplyandstreamline theevaluation process forthe ContractingAuthority.
1.3.1TheCompetition isdivided into ten(10)Lots as set out below,namely:
Section A- Irish Primary School SectorLot 1 Irish Primary School Sector / Cash, cheques, D/D, S/O / Card Terminals / Online / Retail / Tendering Y/N?
Option 1 / Option 2 / Option 3 / Option 4 / Response
Lot 2Irish Primary School Sector / Cash, cheques, D/D, S/O / Card Terminals / Online / Tendering Y/N?
Option 1 / Option 2 / Option 3 / Response
Lot 3Irish Primary School Sector / Cash, cheques, D/D, S/O / Online / Tendering Y/N?
Option 1 / Option 3 / Response
Lot 4Irish Primary School Sector / Cash, cheques, D/D, S/O / Card Terminals / Tendering Y/N?
Option 1 / Option 2 / Response
Lot 5Irish Primary School Sector / Cash, cheques, D/D, S/O / Retail / Tendering Y/N?
Option 1 / Option 4 / Response
Section B-Irish Post-Primary School Sector
Lot 6Irish Post-Primary School Sector / Cash, cheques, D/D, S/O / Card Terminals / Online / Retail / Tendering Y/N?
Option 1 / Option 2 / Option 3 / Option 4 / Response
Lot 7Irish Post-Primary School Sector / Cash, cheques, D/D, S/O / Card Terminals / Online / Tendering Y/N?
Option 1 / Option 2 / Option 3 / Response
Lot 8Irish Post-Primary School Sector / Cash, cheques, D/D, S/O / Online / Tendering Y/N?
Option 1 / Option 3 / Response
Lot 9Irish Post-Primary School Sector / Cash, cheques, D/D, S/O / Card Terminals / Tendering Y/N?
Option 1 / Option 2 / Response
Lot 10Irish Post-Primary School Sector / Cash, cheques, D/D, S/O / Retail / Tendering Y/N?
Option 1 / Option 4 / Response
TenderersshouldnotethataseparateFrameworkAgreementwillbeenteredintoinrespectofeachLot.ReferencesinthisRFTto"FrameworkAgreement"shallbedeemedtorefer,asthecontextsoadmitsorrequires,toeachFrameworkAgreemententered into in respect ofLot 1 toLot 10.
•The Contracting Authority intends to enter into a Framework Agreement with the Tenderer which is successful in the competition for each individual Lot.
•For the avoidance of doubt, the same Tenderer may win no more than two (2) Lots in Section A, Irish Primary School Sector Lots 1-5.
•The same Tenderer may win no more than two (2) Lots in Section B, Irish Post-Primary School Sector Lots 6-10.
•Where a supplier wins more than 2 Lots in any given section, Rank Lot Preference will be used to allocate two Lots to that tenderer.
•Where a Lot has not been awarded the evaluation team will have the discretion to appoint any qualified supplier to that lot.
TenderersarerequiredtocompletePage4 and Page 5(ParticipationMatrix)ofAppendix 1to indicate whichLot(s) theyareapplyingfor.
TenderersarerequiredtocompletethosepartsoftheAppendix 1 documentwhicharerelevanttotheLot(s)forwhichtheyareapplying.Fortheavoidanceofdoubt,whereaTendererisapplyingfor multiple Lots, allrelevant parts ofAppendix 1 must be completed.
1.3.2TheContractingAuthorityisconductingthisCompetitionundertheopenprocedureassetoutintheEuropeanCommunities(AwardofPublicAuthorities’Contracts)Regulations 2006 (asamended).
OnceaFrameworkAgreementisenteredintobetweentheContractingAuthorityandtheFrameworkSupplier,Call-offContractsmaybeawardedbyPotentialFrameworkClientsin accordance with themethodologyset out below:
Inrespectofboth FrameworkAgreements,anyPotentialFrameworkClientthathasarequirementfortheServiceswhicharethesubjectofaFrameworkAgreementmayserveaNotificationtoActivateServicesForm(“NASF”)substantiallyintheformsetoutinPart1ofAnnex5oftheFrameworkAgreementontheFrameworkSupplierappointedtothatFrameworkAgreement.
FollowingtheexecutionoftheNASFbyboththePotentialFrameworkClientand the Framework Supplier, the FrameworkSupplier will providethe ServicestotheFrameworkClientinaccordancewiththetermsandconditionsoftheCall-offContractwhichshallbesubstantiallyintheformsetoutinPart2ofAnnex5 of theFrameworkAgreement.
1.4Any FrameworkAgreementthatmaybe awardedfollowingthisCompetitionwillbeforatermoffortyeight(48)months(“theFrameworkAgreementTerm”).ThetermofanyCall-offContractawardedundertheFrameworkAgreementswillvary,dependingontheFrameworkClient’srequirements,butthetermofanyCall-offContractshall not exceedfortyeight (48)months unless section 1.5 below is found to apply.
1.5During the fourth year of the Framework Agreement; following a review of the uptake of the schools sectors and where it is established that the uptake by the schools has not reached or exceeded a 75% uptake during the life of the framework, the contracting authority will have an option to extend the framework by 12 months with an option to extend for a further period of 12 months to a maximum of 24 months. Such extension(s) will be conditional on not having achieving a 75% uptake by the framework clients. An extension period may also be for periods of less than 12 months dependent on sector needs.
1.6Tendersmustbereceivednotlaterthan2.00pmon26th of September2017.Tendersthatarereceived lateWILL NOTbe considered in this Competition.
1.7TenderersshouldnotethatneithertheContractingAuthoritynoranyFrameworkClientshallbeunderanyobligationtopurchaseanyminimumvalueorvolumeofServices under the FrameworkAgreementsor the Call-offContracts.
1.9PotentialFramework Clients
ThePotential FrameworkClientsare:
Irish primary, post-primary and special schools, groups and clusters of schools and Education and Training Boards.
Education and Training Boards, (ETBs), will utilise Lots 6-10 for all of their site requirements including further education colleges, multi‐faith community national schools and a range of adult, further education and training centres.
1.10TheContractingAuthorityseekstoencourageparticipationonafairandequalbasisbySmallandMediumEnterprises(“SMEs”)inthisCompetition.SMEsthatbelievethescopeofthisCompetitionisbeyondtheirtechnicalorbusinesscapacityareencouragedtoexplorethepossibilitiesofformingrelationshipswithotherSMEsorwithlargerenterprises.Throughsuchrelationshipstheycanparticipateandcontributetothesuccessfulimplementationofanycontracts,agreementsorarrangementsthatresultfromthisCompetitionandthereforeincreasetheirsocialandeconomicbenefits. Larger enterprises are also encouraged to consider the practical ways that SMEs can be included in their proposals to maximise the social and economic benefits of the Framework Agreements that result from this Competition.
2.1.1Whileeveryefforthasbeenmadetoprovidecomprehensiveandaccuratebackgroundinformation,requirementsandspecifications,Tenderersmustformtheirownconclusionsaboutthesolutionneededtomeettherequirementssetoutinthis RFT.Tenderersandrecipients of this RFTmaywish to consult theirownlegaladvisers in relation to this RFT orthe subject matter thereof.
2.1.2AllinformationsuppliedbyTenderersmaybetreatedascontractuallybindingontheTenderersifacceptedbytheContractingAuthorityandincludedintheFramework Agreement(s).
2.1.3ThisRFTdoesnotconstituteanofferoragreementtoenterintoanyFrameworkAgreementand/oranyCall-offContract.Fortheavoidanceofdoubt,theconclusionofaFrameworkAgreementwithaFrameworkSupplierdoesnotguaranteetheawardofanyCall-offContractundertheFrameworkAgreement.Neitherthisdocumentnor anyinformationsetouthereinshallberegardedasacommitmentorrepresentation onthepartoftheContractingAuthority or EPS oranyPotentialFrameworkClienttoenterintoanyFrameworkAgreement,Call-offContractorothercontractualarrangementas the case maybe.
Nocommitmentofanykind,contractualorotherwise,willexistunlessanduntilaCall-offContracthasbeenexecutedinaccordancewiththeprocesssetoutatClause5oftheFrameworkAgreement.TheattentionofTenderersisdrawninparticulartotheprovisions ofClause5 of theFrameworkAgreement.
Anynotificationof“preferredbidder”statustoaTendererbytheContractingAuthority or EPS shallnotgiverisetoanyenforceablerightsbytheTenderer.TheContractingAuthority or EPSmay,atitsabsolutediscretion,canceltheCompetitioninrespectofoneorbothLotsatanytimepriortoaformalwrittenFrameworkAgreementbeingexecutedbyoronbehalfoftheContractingAuthority.TheContractingAuthority or EPSdoesnotbinditselftoacceptthelowestpricedoranyTender for eitherLot.
2.1.4ThisRFTsupersedesandreplacesallpreviousdocumentation,communicationsandcorrespondencebetweentheContractingAuthority and EPSandTenderers.Tenderersshouldplacenorelianceonsuchpreviousdocumentationandcorrespondence.TenderersrespondingtothisRFTshouldstudythecontentsofthisRFT carefully, including the information and documents contained in theAppendices. The Tenderers’ attention is drawn particularly to the Tenderer’s Aide- memoire at Appendix 4.
2.1.5All references to legislation in the RFT shall be to such legislation as modified, amended or consolidated.
2.2.1Subjecttoparagraph2.2.3below,anyfailuretocomplywiththerequirementsofthisparagraph2.2.1mayrenderaTendernon-compliantandtheTendermayberejected.Tenderers should:
a.RespondbywayofcompletionoftheAppendix 1 and Appendix 2 documentsandincludealldocumentationspecifiedinthisRFTandinthese documents;
b.FollowtheformatoftheAppendix 1 documentandrespondtoeach elementintheorderas set out in the Appendix;
c.ComplywithallrequirementsassetoutwithinthisRFTandintheAppendix 1 and Appendix 2 documents.
2.2.2Ifthedocumentsarealteredoreditedinanyway,theTendermaybedeemednon-compliantandmaybe rejected.
2.2.3Failuretocomplywiththerequirementsofthisparagraph2.2.3willrendertheTender non-compliant and itwillbe rejected.Tenders must:
a.BereceivedbytheEPSinaccordancewithparagraphs 2.6.1 and 2.6.2 below;
b.Includeastatement,confirmingwhetheranyoftheexcludingcircumstanceslistedinthe European Single Procurement DocumentapplytotheTenderer.TenderersmustincludewiththeTenderthedeclarationatAppendix5tothisRFT(“Declaration”).WheresubmittingTendersviatheeTenderspostbox,ascannedsignedcopyoftheDeclarationmaybesubmitted electronically.TheContractingAuthority and EPSmust be abletoreadthescannedsignatureoftheTenderer.Ifpossible,pleasesigndocumentsusingblueink.IftheContractingAuthority and EPScannot readthescannedsignature,Tenderersmayberequestedtore-submittheir Tenders;
c.Include theTenderer’s Statement requiredunderparagraph 2.4 below;and
d.Be submitted in the EnglishorIrishlanguagesonly.Allcorrespondenceand queries raised in relation to this RFTshall beinthe English orIrish languages only.
2.3.1TheContractingAuthority(orEPSonitsbehalf)will,subjecttotherightofcancellationofthisCompetition(assetoutatparagraph2.1.3above),selectthesuccessfulTenderer(s)tobeincludedintheFrameworkAgreementstoprovidetheServicessoughtunderthisRFTbyapplyingtheQualificationCriteriaandtheAwardCriteria specifiedin Part 3 ofthis RFT.
2.3.2EachFrameworkAgreementshalloperatepursuanttotherulessetoutintheFramework Agreement, a draft ofwhich isat Appendix6 to thisRFT.
2.3.3The procedure by whichCall-offContractsshallbe awardedissetoutatClause5oftheFrameworkAgreement.Tenderersare requiredtoconfirmtheiracceptanceofthetermsoftheFrameworkAgreementandtheCall-offContractintheTenderer’sStatementatAppendix3.Tenderersmaynotseektoamendornegotiatethe terms ofthe Framework Agreement orthe Call-offContract.
2.3.5FrameworkSuppliersawardedCall-offContractspursuanttotheproceduresetoutin Clause5 ofthe FrameworkAgreementshallprovide the Services in accordancewithandonthetermsandconditions oftheCall-offContractsetoutinAnnex 5oftheFrameworkAgreement.TenderersshouldtakefullaccountoftheprovisionsoftheCall-offContractsetoutinAnnex5oftheFrameworkAgreementwhenpreparingtheirTenders.TenderersarerequiredtoconfirmtheiracceptanceoftheCall-offContractintheTenderer’sStatementatAppendix3.Tenderersmaynotseek to amend or negotiate the terms oftheCall-offContract.
EachTendererisrequiredtoaccepttheprovisionsofthisRFT.ALLTENDERERSMUSTRETURN,withtheirTender,thesignedTenderer’sStatement,assetoutinAppendix3,andreplicatedinthe signoff box contained in Appendix 1 and Appendix 2.AscannedsignedcopyoftheTenderer’sStatementmustbesubmittedelectronicallyviatheeTenderspostbox.The Contracting Authority and EPSmustbeabletoreadthescannedsignatureoftheTenderer.Ifpossible,pleasesigndocumentsusingblueink.IftheContractingAuthority or EPScannotreadthe scannedsignature,Tenderersmaybe requestedto re-submit.Tenderers maynot amend theTenderer’sStatementatAppendix3.
WhereagroupofundertakingssubmitsaTenderinresponsetothisRFTtheContractingAuthority(orEPSonitsbehalf)willdealwithallmattersrelatingtothisCompetitiononlyviatheentitywhowillcarryoverallresponsibilityasFrameworkSupplierfortheperformanceoftheCall-offContracts(“thePrimeContractor”), irrespectiveofwhetherornottasksaretobeperformed byasubcontractorand/or consortiummember.TheTenderermustclearlysetoutinits Appendix 1 response document:
aThefulllegalnameofthePrimeContractortogetherwithitsregisteredbusinessaddress(whereapplicable),registeredbusinessname(whereapplicable),companyregistration number(whereapplicable),telephoneand e-mail contact details;
bThenamesofallsubcontractorsand/orconsortiummemberswhowillbeinvolvedinthe provision ofthe Services;
dThename,title,telephonenumber,andcontactdetailsofthepersontorepresentthePrime Contractor, within the organisation of the Prime Contractor, to whom all
communicationsshallbedirectedandaccepteduntilthisCompetitionhasbeencompletedorterminated.Correspondencefromanyotherperson(includingfromanysubcontractorand/orconsortiummember)willNOTbeaccepted,acknowledgedorresponded to.
2.6.1Tendersmustbesubmitted,bywayof completionandsubmissionoftheAppendices,via the electronic postbox available on
Tenderssubmittedbyfaxor post or deliveredbyhand will NOT beaccepted.
TenderersmustensurethattheygivethemselvessufficienttimetocompleteallquestionsanduploadandsubmitallrequireddocumentationbeforetheexpiryoftheTenderDeadlinesetoutat2.6.2below.OnlyTenderssubmittedtotheelectronicpostboxwill be accepted.
2.6.2Tenders for all Lotsmustbe received not laterthan 2.00pm on 26th of September2017(“theTenderDeadline”).TendersthatarereceivedlateWILLNOTbeconsidered in this Competition.
2.6.3EachTenderer is limited to submittingone TenderforeachLot.
2.6.4InrespondingtothisRFTallTendersmustfollowtheformatassetoutintheRFT and relevant Appendices.AllTenderssubmittedinsoftcopymustbecompiledsuchthattheycanbereadimmediatelyusingPDF or MicrosoftOffice readers.
2.6.5TheContractingAuthority and EPSwillhavenoresponsibilityforcorruptioninelectronicdocuments.Tenderersmustensurethatallelectronicdocumentssubmitted arenot corrupt.
2.7.1Allqueriesorrequestsforclarificationrelatingto anyaspectofthisCompetitionorofthisRFTmustbedirectedtotheContractingAuthority and EPSusingthemessagingfunctiononthecontractworkspaceon 2.00pmon15th of September2017unlessotherwise advisedbytheContractingAuthority.
2.7.2Allclarificationsandresponsestoqueries/requestsforclarificationwillbetransmittedusingthemessagingfunctionalityon and EPSwillnotmakeresponsesorclarificationstoindividualTenderersprivatelyotherthaninexceptionalcircumstanceswhereconfidentialityconsiderationsrequiretheContractingAuthority/EPStorespondtoaTendereronan individual basis.
2.7.3TheContractingAuthority(orEPSonitsbehalf)reservestherighttoissueorseekwrittenclarificationsofTenders from Tenderers.
2.7.4TheContractingAuthority(orEPSonitsbehalf)reservestherighttoupdateoraltertheinformationcontainedinthisRFTandintheAppendix 1 and Appendix 2atanytimebeforetheTenderDeadlinesetoutat2.6.2above.TendererswillbeinformedofanyupdatesoralterationsthroughtheeTenderswebsite.IntheeventofsuchupdatesoralterationstheContractingAuthority(orEPSonitsbehalf)reservestherighttopostponethe TenderDeadline so as to allow Tendererssufficient timeto respond.
2.8.1AllcostsandexpensesincurredbyTenderersrelatingtotheirparticipationinthisCompetitionincluding,butnotbeinglimitedto,sitevisits,fieldtrials,demonstrationsand/orpresentationsshallbebornebyandareamatterfordischargebytheTenderersexclusively.Fortheavoidanceofdoubt,neithertheContractingAuthoritynorEPSwill have anyliabilityfor costs orexpensesincurredbyTenderers arisingout of their participation in theCompetition.
2.9.1Alldocumentation,data,statistics,drawings,information,patterns,samplesormaterialdisclosedorfurnishedbytheContractingAuthority(orEPSonitsbehalf)to Tenderers duringthe courseof this Competition:
a.arefurnished forthesolepurpose of replyingto this RFT;
b.maynotbeused,communicated,reproducedorpublishedforanyotherpurposewithoutthepriorwrittenpermissionoftheContractingAuthority(orEPSactingon its behalf);
c.shallbetreatedasconfidentialbyTenderersandbyanythirdparties(includingsubcontractors)engagedor consultedbythe Tenderers; and
d.mustbereturnedimmediatelytotheContractingAuthority(orEPSactingonitsbehalf)uponcancellationorcompletionofthisCompetition,ifsorequestedbytheContractingAuthority(or EPS actingon its behalf).
2.10.1Allpricesquotedmustbeall-inclusive(i.e.includingbutnotbeinglimitedtoallcosts/expenses/indexation),beexpressedinEuroonlyandbeexclusiveofVAT. The VATrate(s)where applicableshould be indicatedseparately.
2.10.2TenderersmustconfirmintheTenderer’sStatementsetoutinAppendix3thatallpricesquotedintheTenderwillremainvalidfor365dayscommencingfromtheTenderDeadline specified in paragraph 2.6 above. Any pricing benefits at price review stage must apply to new and existing customers. Any changes to price must align to the consumer price index at that point in time.
2.10.3AnycurrencyvariationsoccurringoverthetermofaCall-offContractareattherisk of andshall beborne bythe Tenderer.
2.10.4PaymentsforServicesprovidedshallbemadesubjecttoandinaccordancewiththeCall-offContractset outin Annex5 of theFrameworkAgreementto this RFT.
2.10.5AllTenderersmustcompletethePricingScheduleatAppendix2tothisRFTinaccordance with the instructionscontained therein.
2.11.1Tenderers must provide the Services in accordance with good industry practice and comply with all applicable laws including but not limited to all obligations in the field of environmental, social and labour law that apply at the place where the Services are provided, that have been established by EU law, national law, collective agreements and by international, environmental, social and labour law listed in Schedule 7 of the European Union (Award of Public Authority Contracts) Regulations 2016 (Statutory Instrument 284 of 2016) (the “Regulations”) . The Contractor shall be responsible for compliance with all statutory requirements of an employer and without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing shall be solely responsible in law for the employment, remuneration, taxes, immigration and work permits of all personnel retained for the purposes of complying with this Agreement.
2.11.2TenderersmustprovideastatementconfirmingthattheyhavetakenaccountoftheirlegalobligationsrelatingtoemploymentprotectionandworkingconditionsrelatingtotheprovisionoftheServicessoughtunderthisRFT.Failuretomakethestatementin theTenderer’sStatementofAppendix3 will render theTender non-compliant.