6 August 2013
Dell Incorporated
Round Rock, TX 78682
Wednesday, 1 May 2013
(Meeting #39)
Members Present
Alec McMillan (Chairman) USNC, VP –Technical Rockwell Automation
William T Fiske* Member Intertek
Wynn Bowman Member Star Associates
Kenneth Gettman Member NEMA
John Green Member Cooper Industries (NEMA)
Jodi Haaz Member IEEE
Megan Hayes Member NEMA
Donald Heirman Member Don HEIRMAN Consultants
William G. Lawrence, Jr Member FM Approvals
Bernie Liebler Member AdvaMed
Calvin Luong Member CSA Group
Joseph Musso Member UL
Florence Otieno Member TIA
Ronald Reimer Member Rockwell Automation
Charley Robinson Member ISA
William H. Scofield Member The Boeing Co. (ECC Corp)
Steven Swanson*† Member Corning Incorporated
Jeffrey Waymouth Member OSRAM SYLVANIA
Charlie Zegers USNC General Secretary ANSI
Tony Zertuche USNC Deputy General Sec. ANSI
Guests Participating
Bill Belt Council Member CEA
Sonya Bird Council Member UL
Cheryl Blum Council Member TIA
Ken Caird*† USNC Rep. SG3 GE Energy
Kimberly Delort†* SG 5 Representative UL
Timothy Duffy Chair, USNC CAPCC Rockwell Automation
Mark W. Earley Council Member NFPA
Elaina M. Finger Chair, USNC C&CEC Corning Incorporated
Elizabeth George VP, Global Regs/Standards Philips Healthcare
John P. Goodsell Council Member Hubbell Inc.
Paul Green Treasurer, USNC/IECEE Intel
Paul J. Hearty, Ph.D. Council Member Sony Electronics
Gary Kushnier VP, International Policy ANSI
Kevin Lippert USNC VP–Membership Eaton Corp
Steven Margis Vice Chair, USNC/IECEE UL
Dan Manole†* USNC Rep SMB SG 1 Rockwell Automation
James E Matthews, III IEC VP/SMB Chair Corning Incorporated
Timothy P McNeive Council Member Thomas & Betts
Dennis A. Oddsen TA, TC 23/WG 8 Hubbell Inc.
Greg Orloff Council Member CSA Standards
Philip Piqueira USNC President GE
Stephen G. Rood Council Member Legrand/Pass & Seymour
Gary Schrempp Council Member Dell, Inc.
Sam Sciacca Council Member SCS Consulting
Al B. Scolnik Council Member NEMA
Paris Stradivarius Council Member FM Approvals
Gary Stuebing USNC Rep SMG SG 6 Cisco Systems
Robert A. Williams Council Member UL
Trudie Williams* Council Member US DoD
Members Not Participating
Hae Choe AAMI
Stephan Halper Secure Components
Patrick Salas GE
* = Via Teleconference
† = Part Time
Section 1 – Organizational Matters
1.1 Welcome, Opening Remarks and Introductions
Alec McMillan called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m. (CDT), welcomed everyone to Round Rock and thanked Dell for hosting. He then briefly spoke of the decreasing amount of participation from the USNC Members in terms of group involvement and technical contributions especially for votes and comments. Mr. McMillan acknowledged that this is a not just a TMC or USNC problem, but an IEC-wide issue that needs to be addressed to ensure that there is constant and effective participation.
1.2 Approval of Agenda (USNC/TMC 786)
1.2.1 Approval of Consent Agenda
The Chairman called attention to the Consent Agenda (USNC/TMC 786) and asked if any items should be removed for detailed discussion. None were suggested, it was moved, seconded and
VOTED #1 To approve the Consent Agenda (USNC/TMC 786)
(This motion was approved unanimously.)
1.2.2 Approval of Balance of the Agenda (USNC/TMC 786)
Mr. McMillan invited any additions or changes to the balance of the agenda and none were suggested. It was moved, seconded and
VOTED #2 To approve the Balance of the Agenda (USNC/TMC 786)
(This motion was approved unanimously.)
Section 2 - Status of Outstanding Action Items
Action Item #1
Jack Sheldon asked that the survey from his presentation, prepared by IEC Central Office, be sent out to the TMC participants for completion.
Status: Completed
Action Item #2
It was decided that the USNC should find out which TC/SC Chairs from the US will be immediately affected by the decision on term limits since it could have a big impact on the USNC.
Status: Completed
Action Item #3
An email will be developed and sent out to new Group Managers outlining their expected roles and responsibilities.
Status: Pending – Mr. Zertuche explained that a document already exists that outlines the Group Managers’ responsibilities which will be updated.
Action Item #4
Alec McMillan asked that the CENELEC White Paper be distributed to the TMC for comment so that the USNC President and USNC Staff can review it before deciding on the next steps to address these issues. He also asked that additional examples of similar instances be sent to the USNC Office for review and possible inclusion in the document.
Status: Completed
Section 3 – Discussion on USNC Strategic Objectives – Core Element 4: Building recognition of the value proposition of standardization work by current and prospective stakeholders
Alec McMillan led the discussion on the development of action plans for the USNC’s Strategic Objectives Program, specifically on the recommendations for Core Element 4 (ATTACHMENT A) after the teleconference held on 15 April 2013. An update is due to the USNC President, Phil Piqueira, and the USNC Council by the September USNC Management Meetings. TMC Members and interested parties were asked to volunteer to take on the specific Action Plans in Core Element 4. This Core Element’s leaders, Bob Williams and Mr. McMillan, would assign the remaining Action Plans without champions to different participants who have not already volunteered. Tony Zertuche read each of the Action Plans within Core Element 4 to highlight them and hopefully spur interest and volunteers.
Section 4 – TMC Task Force on CENELEC and The Dresden Agreement
Sonya Bird and Steve Swanson (who called in) led a dialogue on the possible next steps stemming from the TMC’s CENELEC/Dresden Agreement Task Force and its white paper presented at the last TMC Meeting. Mr. Swanson reported on the Task Force’s report and white paper via a PowerPoint presentation (ATTACHMENT B). The TMC was asked to review the draft CENELEC white paper and provide feedback and comments via an email survey sent out in April 2013. In response to this survey, input from various members of the TMC was received and additional examples were provided supporting the principal claims of the white paper. According to the Task Force, there is clear evidence of issues affecting US interests whereby the current Agreement does not meet many of its intended objectives.
The TMC was additionally asked to consider the several questions related to how we move forward. One suggestion that was generally agreed upon was that some kind of guideline document needs to be developed to accompany the Dresden Agreement. A similar set of guidelines has been developed in ISO that supplements the Vienna Agreement. In addition, it was decided that a small USNC delegation meet informally with Elaina Santiago, Executive Secretary of CENELEC, to discuss our concerns. It was decided that the Task Force revise their white paper to prepare it for use in communications with Ms. Santiago with the goal of perhaps striving to develop a guide to the Dresden Agreement - ACTION ITEM #1. Gary Kushnier, ANSI Vice President, was asked to provide a copy of the ISO guidelines document on the Vienna Agreement to the TMC - ACTION ITEM #2. .
Section 5 – Standardization Management Board (SMB) 12 February, Geneva
5.1 Strategic Group #1 – Energy Efficiency and Renewable Resources
Dan Manole called in with a report on the new Advisory Committee on Energy Efficiency (ACEE) which is transitioning out of SG 1. The group met in Frankfurt, Germany in January 2013 and developed 34 recommendations for the SMB. Mr. Manole highlighted three of those recommendations: the development of a common general terminology, metrics, general calculation methods and criteria, guidelines by IEC/TC 2, SC 22G and TC 65 together with ISO/TC 184, and a report on the contribution to energy efficiency of networked systems used in homes and buildings including a systematic approach for the design and evaluation of energy efficiency in those systems. He reminded the TMC that the SMB at its last meeting agreed to the creation of a new Advisory Committee on Energy Efficiency (ACEE) as a successor to SG 1.
It was noted that this type of initiative would be challenged in that so many TCs deal with energy efficiency in their own ways both within the IEC and beyond. There was also a brief discussion on the development of a corresponding V-TAG or Coordinating Committee on Energy Efficiency to function in the same way that the other USNC Coordinating Committees do. All volunteers were asked to contact Tony Zertuche and inform him of their intention to join.
5.1.1 Report on SMB AhG 42 on Renewable Energy
Sam Sciacca, USNC Representative to ahG 42, gave a brief presentation to the TMC on the latest activities from the ad hoc group on Renewable Energy, which recently had a meeting in Frankfurt (ATTACHMENT C). During that ahG meeting, ten TCs gave reports and there were 3 breakout sessions: Grid Generation, Grid Storage, House/Building Generation. There was good representation from various stakeholders with a total attendance of about 50 participants. It seems that China, Germany and the U.S. all have similar challenges when it comes to integrating large-scale renewable energy, specifically with large renewable energy farms. China used this meeting as a platform to push for their proposal for a new TC on Grid Integration of Large-Capacity Renewable Energy Generation. However, Mr. Sciacca acknowledged that indeed the work of this proposed TC could be handled within IEC/TC 8. Finally, he emphasized the point that storing energy is a very big concern for all the renewable energy sectors.
5.2 SMB Strategic Group #3 – Smart Grid
Ken Caird called in and detailed the current status of SG 3 coming out of their last meeting held on 5 - 6 November 2012 in Geneva. In addition, he gave a comprehensive demonstration of the latest version of SG 3’s mapping tool for Smart Grid standardization. This presentation, as well as the mapping tool itself, was very well received by the TMC. Mr. Caird announced that this new version of the mapping tool was complete and under review, set to be released at the World Smart Grid Forum to be held in Germany in September. This multilayered mapping tool is web-based and will reside on the IEC server in Geneva. It contains Smart Grid Standards from IEC, ISO and ITU among others and also includes use cases to help demonstrate how these standards work together. After the demonstration, a question was asked if this type of platform could be used in other areas of standardization and conformity assessment to which Mr. Caird answered yes. It would be very easy to populate the mapping tool with various standards from any relevant TCs for all kinds of groups and systems. Ken Caird was asked to contact Kevin Lippert (SG 6) and Steve Margis (CAPCC) to form liaisons with their respective groups to help SG 6 them develop a similar roadmap and to include conformity assessment aspects to the current SG 3 roadmap - ACTION ITEM #3. It was then decided that a workshop or webinar be set up to have a more in-depth tutorial on the uses and functions of the SG 3 Mapping Tool - ACTION ITEM #4.
Finally, as per SMB Decision 143/15 - Review of the SMB SGs/ACs, the TMC was asked whether or not it felt that SG 3 is a viable Strategic Group that should continue its work in the SMB. It was universally agreed that SG 3 is doing not only relevant work, but also developing innovative work processes and deliverables that will most likely serve as a model for the creation of the IEC’s Systems Committees (SyC) with an eye towards microgrids and smart cities.
5.3 SMB Strategic Group #4 – LVDC
Ken Gettman reported on the latest work underway in SG 4. He informed the TMC that the SG had met recently at ANSI Headquarters in Washington, DC and that the meeting was the most productive to date. Mr. Gettman was pleased to announce that the Group had come to a final decision as to voltage level recommendations (nominal level of 380 volts) for the SMB that could be used by manufacturers and other developers in LVDC systems. It is anticipated that these kinds of systems would have their largest application in data and telecom centers where very large amounts of electricity are needed for their servers.
5.4 SMB Strategic Group #5 – Ambient Assisted Living (AAL)
Kim Delort called in to report on AAL, focusing on the recent meetings held in New Zealand in March 2013 which was their fourth since the SG was established. At this meeting, a workshop was held that invited different stakeholders from New Zealand to report on how they dealt with the 2011 Christchurch earthquake. Ms. Delort’s report then focused on the broad view of AAL as this Strategic Group is coming together in terms of its mission. The general assessment of SG 5 is that its development has given birth to many questions which need to be addressed and which form the bulk of its work. She went on to outline the current status of the three sub-teams (Data Security, Status and Modeling) which have just begun setting the foundations for their work which include setting terms and definitions, identifying gaps where standards are needed as well as looking at existing standards that might affect AAL. Finally, Ms. Delort announced that the SG 5 Chair is looking to a possible transition of the AAL Strategic Group to a Systems Committee which will be discussed in the future with the SMB. The next meeting of SG 5 will be in October 2013 in Tokyo. Both Mr. McMillan and IEC SMB Chair, Jim Matthews, responded that the SMB is looking into conversions of SGs into Systems Committees and that if any were to change, certain processes would have to be followed. The first step in this process for an SG would be to make a recommendation to the SMB during review of the Group at the next SMB Meeting in October.
5.5 SMB Strategic Group #6 – Electrotechnology for Emobility
Kevin Lippert informed the TMC of the current work going on in Strategic Group 6 which has begun to get some traction Their last meeting was held in Tokyo in January 2013 where the members agreed that all information would be divided up into 15 Domains dealing with the various aspects of e-mobility standardization such as charging, batteries, energy management, etc. After this last progressive meeting, it appears that momentum is building and it is hoped that this will be carried on into the future. Mr. Lippert also announced that the US would be hosting the next meeting of SG 6 in Pittsburgh. After the Pittsburgh meeting, the Group will be circulating the first draft of its roadmap for comment with a goal of publishing the finished product by the end of December. Finally, he challenged the members of the TMC and other interested parties to join the V-TAG for SG 6 and actively participate in its work as the current roster of members is only around 10 individuals.