Board of Ferry County Commissioners

April 20, 2009

Meeting Minutes

The meeting was called to order at 8 a.m. with Commissioners Bond, Miller and Heath present.

Additions & Corrections to the Agenda: Duane Wakan did not show up for his scheduled appointed time.

After review and discussion Commissioner Bond made a motion to approve the minutes of April 13, 2009 as corrected. Commissioner Miller seconded the motion. Commissioner Heath abstained. The motion carried with a majority.

Legislative Update: At 8:15 a.m. the Board of Commissioners received a conference call from Lobbyist Jim Potts to update the Board on legislative activities.

GMA Update: Attorney Steve Graham, Planning Director Irene Whipple and Planning Commission members Tamara Stevens and Gary Howdon met with the Board to discuss GMA issues. With no action taken.

New Alliance:Counseling Services Executive Director David Nielson, Chief Finance Officer Bob Schwartz and Connections Assistant Director Toni Lembcke met with the Board for updates. Mr. Nielson stated that about 50% of the public in Stevens County supports the sales tax increase to help off set the budget cuts for metal health programs. The Board discussed the possibility of holding public meeting to discuss the one tenth of one percent sales tax increase for Ferry County Mental Health, but no decision was made. Mr. Nielson presented the Board with letters of interest for appointments to the Ferry County Mental Health and Chemical Dependency Advisory Board and the Ferry County Developmental Disabilities Advisory Board. Commissioner Bond made the motion to appoint John Brucklier, Mary Ciais and Trudi Laramie as board members to the Ferry County Mental Health and Chemical Dependency Advisory Board. Commissioner Heath seconded the motion. Motion carried with all in favor. (Exhibit 1)

Commissioner Heath made the motion to appoint Jerry Larson, Loraine Ronne, Trudi Laramie and Megan Malsam as board members to the Ferry County Developmental Disabilities Advisory Board. Commissioner Bond seconded the motion. Motion carried with all in favor. (Exhibit 2)

Department Head:Treasure Kathleen Rupp, Assessor Rachel Siracuse, Interim Assistant Engineer Troy Reynolds, Solid Waste Coordinator Kristy Cromwell, Legal Secretary/ReceptionistBernadette Brandon, Clerk Accountant Controller Joyce Schertenleib, E911 Coordinating Rose Parr, Clerk of the Board Debbie Bechtol, Ferry County Clerk Jean Booher, MIS Director Darrell Dirks, Prosecuting Attorney Mike Sandona, Court Administrator Kathy Palmier, Fairgrounds Manger Kari Rowton, Public Works Controller/Office Manager Shelene Brown, Auditor Dianna Galvan, Planning Director Irene Whipple, Correctional Facility Sergeant Judy Gard met with the Board to discuss the reduction of the 2009 budget. Reporter for the Omak Chronicle Brenda Starkey was also present.

Vouchers/Warrants: Funding in the amount of $50,012.10 has been approved for transfer to the clearing fund for payment of warrant/voucher #17828-17831 and direct payment advice #102519-102577 for the following.

Current Expense in the amount of $23,220.10

County Road in the amount of $20,267

Auditor’s O&M in the amount of $325

Enhanced 911 in the amount of $900

Weed in the amount of $500

Fair Grounds Management in the amount of $600

Connections in the amount of $3,350

Management Info Systems in the amount of $850 (Exhibit 3)

Vouchers/Warrants: Funding in the amount of $209,152.51 has been approved for transfer to the clearing fund for payment of warrant/voucher #232291-232532 and void warrant #232323 for the following.

Current Expense in the amount of $51,996.84

County Road in the amount of $22,738.47

Drug Abuse in the amount of $2,594.11

County Fair in the amount of $94.69

Treasurer’s O&M in the amount of $571.91

Auditor’s O&M in the amount of $9.85

Enhanced 911 in the amount of $5,770.76

Inmate Welfare in the amount of $1,273.79

Title III in the amount of $1,655.28

Affordable Housing for All in the amount of $623.50

Law Library in the amount of $1,421.30

Crime Victims in the amount of $896.63

Weed Control in the amount of $121.99

Tourism in the amount of $121.99

Community Service Transportation in the amount of $690.89

Fair Grounds Management in the amount of $807.69

Connections in the amount of $7,351.93

Airport in the amount of $342.28

Distressed Area in the amount of $50

Solid Waste in the amount of $19,933.70

Post Closure in the amount of $362.61

Equipment Rental and Revolving in the amount of $55,655.83

Management Info Systems in the amount of $424.30

Fire District #13 in the amount of $5,901.89

Fire District #14 in the amount of $8,396.07

Fire District #3 in the amount of $18,143.21

EMS District #1 in the amount of $1,198.86 (Exhibit 4)

Vouchers/Warrants: Funding in the amount of $1,056.74 has been approved for transfer to the clearing fund for payment of warrant/voucher #232532 less cancelled warrant #931409. Funding in the amount of $264 has been approved for transfer to the clearing fund for payment of warrant/voucher #232533 less cancelled warrant #932236. (Exhibit 5)

City of Republic: City Clerk Margo Sattler and City Council member Linda Hall met with the Board discuss the vacation for an alley that is adjacent to county property. The Board agreed to do further research on the vacation.

Zia Engineering and Environmental Consultant: Project Manager Rick Hlavka of Green Solutions and Project Manager Richard Hertzberg of Zia Engineering and Environmental Consultant met with the Board to discuss the Solid Waste Management Plan. Mr. Hlavka provided the Board with background information and qualifications of Zia Engineering and Environmental Consultant. Mr. Hertzberg informed the Board that while they were in town they would meet with the Solid Waste Advisory Committee, Couse’s Sanitation and the City Council. Mr. Hlavka stated the plan would be final the first part of December.

Economic Development Update:Economic Development Specialist Deana Zakar and Recreation and Tourism Coordinator Jacob Tresham met with the Board for the monthly update. Ms. Zakar informed the Board that the Pine Grove Water System has received all of the funds needed for the project. Ms. Zakar reported that in March, the Public Development Authority Industrial Park would receive $289,000 in grant funds for the Torboy Industrial Park. Ms. Zakar stated that The Ferry County Adventure Guide was completed and delivered in February.

Summer Reading Program: Gailene Hooper met with the Board to report on the summer reading program. The summer reading program would like the Board to wave the fees to use the fairgrounds and the merry go round for their year-end summer party. Commissioner Heath made the motion to wave the fees for the use of the fairgrounds and the merry go round, Commissioner Bond seconded the motion. The motion carried with all in favor.

Consent: After review and discussion the Board approved the following.

  1. Ferry County Resolution to Transfer Funds: From CE (Misc. Nom-Dept) in the amount of $264 to the Airport. (Exhibit 6)
  2. Ferry County Resolution to Transfer Funds: From the Archives Grant Fund in the amount of $8,340 to Current Expense. (Exhibit 7)
  3. Ferry County Proclamation: The Board of Ferry County Commissioners do hereby proclaim Friday, May 12, 2009 as Law Day. (Exhibit 8)
  4. Memorandum of Understanding: An agreement between the National Environmental Policy Act Process for Management of Vacation Cabin Sites, Lake Roosevelt National Recreation Area and Ferry and Stevens County. (Exhibit 9)
  5. Memorandum of Understanding: Amendment number one between Ferry County and the City of Republic for the Disposal of Solid Waste. (Exhibit 10)
  6. Office Rental Agreement: An agreement between Lake Roosevelt Community Health Centers and Connections. (Exhibit 11)
  7. Child-Parent Psychotherapy Project: A contract between the Council for Children and Families of Washington and Connections. (Exhibit 12)
  8. Contract for Services: A contract between Kay Sohl Consulting and Connections. (Exhibit 13)
  9. Authorized Employer Representative: The aforementioned employer request to be accepted as a new Washington Counties Insurance Fund. (Exhibit 14)
  10. Public Hearing: Notice is given that at the hour of 1:15 p.m. on the 11th of May the Commissioners will hold a public hearing in the matter of amending the 2009 budgets. (Exhibit 15)
  11. Public Hearing: Notice is given that at the hour of 10 a.m. on the 11th of May a public hearing in the matter of amending the Solid Waste Advisory Committee By-Laws. (Exhibit 16)
  12. Purchase and Sale Agreement: A direct sale for the Republic Ranger Station Administrative Site. (Exhibit 17)

Washington State Council of County and City Employees Staff Representative Don Boxford, Officer Dennis Boone and Detective Tom Williams met with the Board to discuss the union contract with the Sheriffs Department. After review and discussion Commissioner Heath made the motion to postpone action on the union contract until the 4th of May. Commissioner Bond seconded the motion. The motion carried with all in favor.

Correspondence: The Board reviewed and discussed the emails and correspondences that were received. The following correspondence were received and placed as part of these minutes.

News Release: Colville National Forest spring prescribed burns could start the week of April 15.

Email: Wood to Energy and Biomass Utilization Short Course August 10th-21st in Winter Park, CO.

Email: Received an email regarding non-recyclables in the recycling bins.

With there being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.

The next meeting of the Board of Ferry County Commissioners will be April 21, 2009 commencing at 9 a.m.


Approved 4-27-09


Brad L. Miller, Chair



Debbie Bechtol, Clerk of the Board

Ferry County Commissioners

April 20, 2009

Meeting Minutes

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