Bach Information Treasure Hunt 5th grade


You will need to read through the information on the Web and you will need to answer at least 20 of the following questions. Your answers will need to be in complete sentences on the attached sheet. Remember to use INFORMATIONAL TEXT clues on the Internet pages to guide your hunt for information.


1.  Logon to the computer.

2.  go to Internet Explorer.

3.  go to Mrs. Bond’s music page, click on 5th grade

4.  Use the Back links to answers your questions


1.  When was Johann Sebastian Bach born? (Exact date)

2.  What was Bach’s father’s name?

3.  What was Bach’s brother’s name?

4.  What was Bach’s mother’s name?

5.  What was Bach’s older brother so important to his life?

6.  Who taught Bach to play violin and harpsichord when he was young?

7.  Wht instruments did Bach learn to play when he was young? ( all of them)

8.  When and where did Bach get his first job as an organist?

9.  What was the name of Bach’s first name (piece of music) ever published?

10.  What city did Bach work in from 1717 to 1723?

11.  Name 4 of the styles of music Bach composed.

12.  What name did King Frederick of Prussia give Bach?

13.  Why did the King give Bach his odd name?

14.  What was Bach’s career for most of his life?

15.  What was Bach’s first wife’s name?

16.  What was Bach’s second wife’s name?

17.  In the later years of Bach’s life, what physical ailment was Bach struck with?

18.  How did Bach die?

19.  Name 3 pieces of Bach’s work.



















