International Scientific and Practical Conference “BRICS Water Forum”
(Moscow, September 29-30, 2016)
The Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federationis pleased to announce International Scientific and Practical Conference “BRICS Water Forum” to be held in Moscow, Russia, on September 29-30, 2016. The goal of the conference is to discuss the sustainable use of water resources and related advanced solutions in this field.
The Russian Chair of the conference Organizing Committee is Mrs. Lyudmila Ogorodova, Deputy Minister of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. The head of the international Programme Committee is Dr. Victor Danilov-Danilyan, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS), Director of the Water ProblemsInstitute of RAS.
The conferencetargetsparticipants from BRICS countries:
researchers from universities, state and private research centers specializing in the conference thematic areas;
employees of R&D departments of manufacturing companies;
representatives of government agencies involved of science and technology policy-making affecting water resources;
representatives of leading scientific journals;
representatives of technology transfer centers.
Expected outcomes of the conference include:
establishment of an integrated community of researchers and experts in the area of water resources working in BRICS countries;
identification of existing capacities to undertake joint research and development, as well as technology transfer to address the needs of the water sector and the related sectors.
The conference programme will feature plenary sessions, round tables and poster sessions,as well asnine thematic sessions:
Session 1 “The use of transboundary water resources”;
Session 2 “Water resources governance”;
Session 3 “Economic and social issues of water use, including drinking water supply”;
Session 4 “Water quality in natural water bodies”;
Session 5 “Innovative technologies in water and wastewater treatment”;
Session 6 “Flood risk management”;
Session 7 “Hydropower and water resources”;
Session 8 “Agricultural water use”;
Session 9 “River transport in the XXI century”.
The number and titles of round tables and poster sessions will be adjusted after the review of submitted applicationsby the Programme Committee.
In addition, several specialized events will take place in the framework of the conference (subject to possible change):
Bilateral and multilateral meetings and negotiations among the interested participants;
Presentation of BRICSNetworkUniversity.
During the conference, a cultural program will be organized for international and non-resident participants.
Conference program will be updated at the conference web-site after the review of submitted applications. A collection of conference materials will be published after the conference.
Conference date and venue.
The conference will take place on September 29-30, 2016 at National Research University Higher School of Economics (Russia, Moscow 101000, Myasnitskaya street, 11, room 518).
The plenary sessions of the conference will be broadcasted live and will be available for participation by video-conference.
Working languages. Formats and terms of conference participation:
Working languages: Russian and English (with simultaneous translation).
Participation in the conference is possible in the following formats:
on-site:with or without a presentation;
distance: without presentation with a possibility to submit materials for poster sessions.
There is no registration fee for participation in the conference.
Costs of travel to Moscow and accommodation are the responsibility of participants. The Organizing Committeemay provide information support to internationalparticipants related toaccommodation options and recommended hotels. During the days of the conference, participants will be offered lunches and coffee breaks as envisaged by the program.
Visa support
The Organizing Committee will provide visa support to international participants from BRICS countries, whose abstracts were selected by the Programme Committee for inclusion in the conference program – in thematic sessions or in round tables.
Registration of participants and submission of papers.
Online-registration form and draft program are available at
To take part in a thematic session with a presentation, please complete the registration form and submit thesis of the presentationbefore July 15, 2016. Thesis of the presentation (up to 3 pages, 12 fonts, 1,5 spaces, in English) should contain the topic of the presentation, goal and tasks of the presentation, key research methods used and research or practical outcomes. Selected papers may be invited to special issues of “Water Resources” journal and other international scientific journals.
To make a presentation at the round table, please complete the registration form and submit a title and abstract of your presentation (maximum 1 page, 12 fonts, 1,5 spaces, in English) before July 15, 2016. The abstract of the presentation should contain the topic of the presentation, goal and tasks of the presentation, key research methods used and research or practical outcomes.
Participants from foreign countries other than BRICS may apply to take part in thematic sessions as “invited speakers”. It is expected that their presentations would not only focus on one of nine specific thematic areas, but also address BRICS water resources issues.
Participants whose papers will be selected for the conference, will be asked to submit presentations closer to the date of the conference (deadline for submission and detailed requirements will be provided to successful applicants later). Preliminary requirements to presentations at thematic sessions and round tables: the presentation should be in line with the submitted thesis/abstract; the speakers should visualize their presentations (such as by showing slides compatible with MS Office).
To take part in a poster session, please complete the registration form and attach supporting materials. The requirements to the materials for poster sessions will be announced on the conference web site on July 30, 2016. The materials should visualize the outcomes of your research or suggested technological solutions in A1 format.
All applications for presentation will be reviewed by the Programme Committee by 10 August 2016.
Registration for participants who would like to attend the conference without paper/round table presentation is open until 20 August 2016.
Contact details of the Organizing Committee:
Telephone: +7 (495) 772 95 90 ext. 115-40, ext. 120-97
E-mails: ;
Contact persons: Ms. Elena Nasybulina, Ms. Irina Popova.
Conference web site: