Official Investigation Report

The Tillie Bond Cottage and Proprietor’s House

Location: Edenton, NC



Investigators:Andrew, Rahat,Jon, Alex Mc, Synique, Alex Mo, Luke, and Natasha

Non ODGH Investigators:(none)

Weather Conditions:Cloudy, Cool.

Inside temperature of 75-78 degrees (F)

Outside temperature of 50-55 degrees (F)

Personal Experiences:

820pm Rahat and Synique find the crawlspace door in the bathroom in room 7 to be open, when it is documented that no one else had moved the door or been in the bathroom since the last person (Natasha) had been in and not seen it open (approximately 6 to 7pm). Shortly after, the door to the bathroom in room 7 opened for Rahat and Synique.

835pm Andrew and Alex Mo. Hear what sounds like a clock ticking in the cottage but are unable to find the source of the sound (the old ticking clocks in the room across from the library weren’t working).

Debunking/ Alternative possibilities to paranormal:

-The door to room 8 has the tendency to sway very easily on its own, giving a possible explanation to why it opens seemingly by itself. Air from the A/C Heat unit, a open or cracked window, or even a strong increase/decrease in air pressure (the vacuum effect of opening or closing another door) can cause that door to move. However we could not prove this to be true in the Cottage, or in the bathroom door of room 7.

-A strange tapping or banging sound is created when the air/heat kicks on in the cottage, possibly from the floorboards or unstable surface objects in the cottage. Air gets underneath the old wood and when the temperature changes can cause stress on the wood, thus creating a creakingsound.

-We don’t usually say this, but the group you had investigate before, likely CPRT (Carolina Paranormal Research Team) had once investigated with us and told us of people in their group faking evidence and experiences, so be careful what stories you trust from them.

-One drawer in the kitchen in the cottage seems to slide easily in and out possibly due to lose brackets or a dull roller or roller track. This can be caused by opening/closing a door or very significant vibrations.

Video Evidence:


Audio Evidence:

No significant findings, but we did catch a couple distant, muffled clips that ultimately don’t add up to much because there were people in the area where they were recorded, or the recorder had been placed in the vicinity of a window.

Summary and Opinion:

We would first and foremost like to thank everyone at the Pack House/Tillie Bond Inn and Property for allowing us to investigate the beautiful Inn’s and showing us such great hospitality. The team had a wonderful time investigating the property, even though we did not experience much in the way of paranormal activity. We did not catch any video evidence on our handheld or DVR night vision video cameras and no significant findings on our audio recorders. However one team near the beginning of the night (Rahat and Synique) did have a strange expierence (listed above in the personal expierences section). While at this point we cannot say that any of the buildings are haunted based on our investigation, it may just be that we just came on a quiet night or got unlucky. Again, we would like to say thanks to Innkeeper Giulianoand we would love to return again in the future and try to see if we can capture some evidence for the property!


The Pack House Inn:

Level 1- No Activity

Tillie Bond Cottage:

Level 1-Little Activity

Propieter’s House:

Level 2- Suspicious Activity

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