Fitness Facilities Safety Assessment Checklist
Location of facilities
/ BarrymoresName of person carrying out inspection
As you inspect the facilities
- check the box in the Y (yes) column if the item is safe
- check the box in the N (no) column if the item is unsafe
- check the box in the NA (not applicable) column if the item cannot be assessed.
Save this file as evidence of having completed the inspection
Check list item / Assessment / CommentsY / N / NA
- The floor surface is non slip
- The floor covering is free of tears, holes, protruding nails or gaps
- Floor is clean
- Shelves, mirrors and fittings are secure
- No protruding objects in high traffic areas
- Mirrors 50 cm off the floor
- Mirrors not cracked or distorted
Environmental factors
- Facility well lit
- Exit signs visible
- Extension cords securely placed away from traffic areas
- Safety regulations posted
- Temperature regulated to between 22º - 26ºC
- All equipment placed in appropriate storage area when not in use
- Pathways clear of obstructions
- Easy access to each work station
- Bolts and screws are tightly secured
- Surfaces that contact skin are clean and disinfected
- Proper pins used in weights
- Protective padding free of cracks
- All parts lubricated and function smoothly
- Belts, chains and cables align with machine parts
- No worn parts
Free weights
- Safety equipment (Collars, straps, safety bars) used
- Securing bolts for weights securely tightened
Stretching area
- Mat area is free of other equipment
- Mats free of tears
- No gaps between mats
- Medicine and Swiss balls stored correctly
- Elastic cords secured at base with safety knots