The agenda of the special session

of the WarsawCity Council, summoned on the occasion of Warsaw Memorial Day

on 31 July 2011

930 –The opening ceremony of the session and the greeting of the guests by Ewa Malinowska-Grupińska, the Chairperson of the Warsaw City Council; the standard bearers march in.

940 –A speech by the Chairperson of the Warsaw City Council, Ewa Malinowska-Grupińska

945–A speech by the Mayor of Warsaw, Hanna Gronkiewicz-Waltz

950 – An official presentation of diplomas to the Honorary Citizens of the Capital City of Warsaw by the Chairperson of the Warsaw City Council and the Mayor of Warsaw; during the ceremony, a multimedia presentation of the distinguished persons who are the Laureates.

1005 –An official presentation of diplomas to the Laureates of the Warsaw City Award by the Chairperson of the Warsaw City Council, Ewa Malinowska-Grupińska and the Deputy Chairpersons of the Council, Ligia Krajewska, Olga Johann, and Sebastian Wierzbicki, and the Mayor of Warsaw, Hanna Gronkiewicz-Waltz,

1100 – The closing ceremony of the special session of the Warsaw City Council by Ewa Malinowska-Grupińska, Chairperson of the Warsaw City Council; the standard bearers march out.

Honorary Citizens of the CapitalCity of Warsaw

Lidia Korsak-Brusikiewicz, known by the general public as Lidia Korsakówna, was born on 17 January 1934 in Baranowicze (Baranovichi). A theatre and film actress, she has been associated with Warsaw’s stages since her very first performances. Her artistic career as a dancer and singer started in the 1950s, in the “Mazowsze” State Folk Song and Dance Ensemble, under the tutelage of Mira Zimińska-Sygietyńska. Then, at nineteen, thanks to her Mazowsze fame, she was cast in the film “Przygoda na Mariensztacie” (“Adventure at Marienstadt”) – the first Polish feature filmed in colour, directed by Leonard Buczkowski. She won the hearts of audiences with her portrayal of Hanka Ruczajówna, for years becoming the most popular actress of her generation, appearing in many important features. In 1953-54 she performed in Teatr Satyryków (Satirists’ Theatre) in Katowice, and in 1955 she became involved with the Warsaw group of Teatr Syrena (Mermaid Theatre), in which she played until the mid-1990s. Her husband, Kazimierz Brusikiewicz, a renowned actor and activist in ZASP (the Polish Artists Association), also played on that stage. In recognition of her artistic and social activities, Lidia Korsak-Brusikiewicz has been honoured with such distinctions as the Officer’s Cross of the Order of Polonia Restituta (1979) and the Silver Medal for Merit to Culture Gloria Artis (2011).

Rev. Archbishop Henryk Hoser, S.A.C., born on 27 November 1942 inWarsaw. In 1944 his family moved to Pruszków, where Henryk completed primary and secondary school. In 1966 he graduated from the Medical University of Warsaw. Two years later he became a member of the Society of the Catholic Apostolate (the Pallottines). In the years 1969-1974 he studied philosophy and theology at the Higher Seminary of SAC in Ołtarzew. He was ordained a priest in 1974. Between 1975 and 1996 he worked as a missionary to Ruanda. After the civil war in 1994 the Holy See appointed him Apostolic Visitor in Ruanda. Between 1996 and 2003 he was the Regional Superior of the Society of the Catholic Apostolate. In 2004 he was appointed Rector of the Pallottine Missionary Procura in Brussels, where he also worked as a minister at the European Community. In 2005 Pope John Paul II raised him to the dignity of Archbishop and appointed him Assistant Secretary of the Congregation for the Evangelisation of Peoples and President of the Pontifical Mission Societies. Three years later he was installed by Pope Benedict XVI as the Bishop of the Warsaw-Praga diocese.

Professor Jerzy Karol Buzek, PhD. Eng., born on 3 July 1940 in Śmiłowice in the Cieszyn Silesia. Professor of technical sciences, MP in the third Sejm, and the Polish Prime Minister in the years 1997-2001, Member of the European Parliament. In the years 1957-1963 he studied at the Faculty of Mechanics and Power Engineering at the SilesianUniversity of Technology. In 1963 he received the Diploma of M. Sc. Eng. in mechanics and power engineering. He then started work at the Institute of Chemical Engineering of the PolishAcademy of Sciences. In 1969 he defended his doctoral dissertation at the Faculty of Chemistry of the SilesianUniversity of Technology. In September 1980 he began his activities in NSZZ “Solidarność” (the Solidarity Trade Union). He became the Head of the Company Committee of the Union. In the summer of 1981 he participated in the 1st National Congress of Solidarity Trade Union Delegates. With his colleagues, he published the “S” bulletin. In February 1997 he became coordinator of the team of economic experts in the political party Solidarity Electoral Action. Between 1997 and 2001 he was the Prime Minister of the Republic of Poland.

In 2009, as a member of the Civic Platform party he became a Member of the European Parliament for the second time, achieving the highest support in the country.

On 14 July 2009 he was elected to the office of the President of the European Parliament.

Doctor honoris causa of the Universities of Dortmund, Seul, Isparta, and the Opole University of Technology. In 1998 he was voted European of the Year.

The WarsawCity Awards

Jarosław Adamczuk, psychologist, psychological trainer. Member of the Polish Psychological Association. During 1998-2009 he worked as social worker. He is the co-founder and President of the Association “Heart for Children” which runs non-profit social programmes in the field of education, prevention, and broadly understood culture. Every year, since 1995, he has organised camps for Warsaw children and young people.

Lesław Ćmikiewicz, during 1970–1979 as a member of the Polish national football team, played in 57 matches. Double Olympic Champion - gold in Munich (1972) and silver in Montreal (1976). He took part in the World Championships in the Federal Republic of Germany in 1974, where the Polish national team, led by Kazimierz Górski, took third place. He initiated a Polish nationwide programme for school sports clubs. He actively participates in organising children’s teams and school team competitions, i.a., “Gramy o Złotą Piłkę“ [We Play for the Golden Ball] – The Aleksander Zaranek Championship, and Akademia Orlików (an organisation providing football training sessions for young children).

Ewa Dałkowska, prominent Polish stage and film actress. She performed in Warsaw theatres, the Powszechny Theatre and Nowy Theatre, and also performed in the Ateneum Theatre in Warsaw. As part of her social activity in propagating culture in the capital city, she teaches at Akademia Dobrych Obyczajów [The Academy for Decency]. During Martial Law, she organised theatre performances in apartments (Teatr Domowy). For her artistic achievements she has been awarded with different State decorations, i.a., the Officer’s Cross of the Order of Polonia Restituta, and the Silver Medal for Merit to Culture “Gloria Artis”.

Zofia Idzikowska, teacher, lecturer at the Higher School of Social Administration in Warsaw. Since May 1990 she has been the President of the Warsaw Praga Południe division of the Polish Teachers’ Union. She organises free training and workshops for teachers. She has encouraged the department to give annual scholarships to gifted children from indigent families. She takes special care of seniors. She enjoys much respect in the Union, and is admired, respected and cherished by the whole educational community.

Krystyna Janda, prominent film and stage actress, film director, writer and columnist, singer. Laureate of many awards, both Polish and international. In 2004, together with her husband, Edward Kłosiński, and daughter, Maria Seweryn, she founded the Krystyna Janda Foundation for Polish Culture. In 2005, as one of the pioneers in this regard, she set up her own stage – the Polonia Theatre, which has become a significant point on the cultural map of Europe. During the summer holidays, Constitution Square in Warsaw becomes the third stage of the Polonia Theatre, offering the Warsaw audience an opportunity to meet Melpomene for no charge. Another place dedicated to culture which was built in the capital thanks to the Krystyna Janda Foundation, is the OCH-Theatre.

Jerzy Kunicki, headmaster of XXVIIIJanKochanowskiSecondary School. He supports artistic initiatives of an educational nature organised by the city, giving the opportunity for young people to participate in the cultural life of the capital city. He has organised the Theatre and Film Festival of XXVIII Secondary School. He promotes sports initiatives, paying particular attention to the participation of school sports teams in Warsaw Youth Olympic Days.

Zygmunt Leopold Mogiła-Lisowski, activist among communities from Polish Kresy (eastern borderlands), Chairman of the Association of Volhynia and Polesia Lovers. Member of the Sejm of first tenure. Since after the war he has been connected to Warsaw. He has organised many cultural events in the capital, and initiated the introduction of memorial stones for heroes and events in Polish history.

Rev. Kazimierz Lorek, PhD, Parish Priest of St. Anthony Maria Zaccaria and Dean of Wilanów Deanery. In his service he always tries to especially help those with the greatest needs, giving them spiritual guidance, as well as health care and material help. The founder of “Dom Chleba” [The House of Bread] for the homeless, at ul. Sobieskiego 15. He contributed to the construction of facilities, which serve the citizens of Warsaw, i.a. the church on the Royal Route, kindergartens at 1 Smoluchowskiego Street and 15 Sobieskiego Street, and the Cultural Centre for the Community at 1 Smoluchowskiego Street.

Henryk Łagodzki, soldier of Chrobry II Home Army Battle Group. Imprisoned on Szucha Avenue, in Pawiak and in the Warschau Concentration Camp. After the fall of the Warsaw Uprising he was transferred to camps in Germany. He is one of the originators of the Warsaw bugle-call, which is a remembrance of all the Poles who were killed in the capital, fighting for the freedom and independence of the country. Co-founder of the Society of the Friends of RoyalCastle and the Association of National Memory. Member of the Club of Virtuti Militari Knights in Warsaw. Decorated with, i.a., the Warsaw Cross of the Uprising, the Officer’s Cross of the Order of Polonia Restituta, and the Knight’s Cross of the Order of Polonia Restituta.

Łukasz Ługowski, teacher of the Polish language and educator. Originator and organiser, currently the head of the Youth Centre of Sociotherapy “Kąt,” and the nearby secondary school, later also the middle school. In 1980–1981 he actively participated in the work of the NSZZ “Solidarność” committee for helping students. During Martial Law he secretly prepared young people (children of the persecuted) for university placement exams He has been given the Sapere Auso award for excellence in didactic and pedagogical activity.

Marek Nowakowski, writer, publicist, actor and screenwriter. He made his debut in 1957. He depicts Warsaw as real and natural, and his artistic work is distinguished by its exceptional sensitivity. He witnessed the history of the city, which he describes in a very elaborate style. He is the author of “A Report on Martial Law,” translated into 10 languages, and acknowledged as the most reliable testimony of that time. He was a co-founder of the underground magazine “Zapis” [A Note]. Decorated with the Commander’s Cross of the Order of Polonia Restituta.

Wiesław Nowosielski, journalist and publicist. Founder of one of the first and most fast-developing local magazines - “Mieszkaniec” [Dweller]. Its editor continuously for the past 20 years. Promoter of many important cultural events that took place on the right bank of the VistulaRiver.

Małgorzata Pacholec, politologist. In 1998 she founded and has since held continuous the office of President of the Polish AMD “Retina” Association. For the last seven years, under the auspices of the Mayor of Warsaw, the Association has organised seminars entitled “Scatter the Darkness”. In 2003 she was invited as a member of the Board of Trustees for Handicapped Persons of the Mayor of the Capital City of Warsaw. Currently she is the Chairperson of the Board. For her activity for blind children she has been recognised with the National Education Award. Decorated with the Silver Cross of Merit.

Waldemar Strzałkowski, has participated in preserving the national heritage of the capital city for years. He contributed to the publishing of the voluminous description of the history of the Battle of Warsaw 1920. From the foundation of the Union of Warsaw Insurgents he collaborated with the insurgent community, initiating bringing to the country the ashes of General Tadeusz Bór-Komorowski, commander of the Home Army and Commander-in-chief of Polish Armed Forces, on the 50th anniversary of the outbreak of Warsaw Uprising.

Józef Szaniawski, politologist, historian, sovietologist, journalist and lecturer. In 1974-1985 he co-operated with Radio Free Europe. He was a friend and proxy of Colonel Ryszard Kukliński in Poland. He contributed to revealing his reconnaissance mission and to his rehabilitation. Author of many publications and books dedicated to Colonel Kukliński. In 2006 inWarsawOldTown, at 20 Kanonii Street he organised and furnished the Memorial Chamber of Colonel Kukliński, from his personal funds only.

Tomasz Szczepański, social worker, educator. He is a co-founder, and, currently, also the President of the Associated Group of Education and Social Action Praga Północ (GPAS), which conducts street educational programmes for children threatened by marginalisation and social exclusion in Praga Północ. He directs the Environmental Work Centre at the Kazimierz “Grandpa” Lisiecki Care Centre He is cooperating, as an expert, with the Task Group “Rodzina” [Family] developing the social policy for the Capital City of Warsaw for the years 2009-2020.

Rev. Jerzy Szurbak, conductor of the Orthodox Church Choral Ensemble in Warsaw. For forty-eight years he has worked as conductor and choir manager, throughout Poland and abroad. He cooperated with the Warsaw Chamber Opera as conductor and artistic director of the Orthodox Church Choral Ensemble. He was the choir manager at the Jewish Theatre in Warsaw and the choir conductor at the St. Mary Magdalene Orthodox Cathedral in Warsaw. After retiring, he still conducted the Orthodox Church Male Choral Ensemble. For his artistic activity he was twice decorated with the Meritorious Culture Activist Award.

Elżbieta Wolffgram is the President of the Society of Friends of Warsaw, Powiśle Department. The originator and organiser of numerous art competitions concerning the city of Warsaw, aimed at children and young people. She publishes a series of books entitled “O Powiślu trochę więcej…” [A little more about Powiśle...] and a magazine “Na Powiślu” [In Powiśle]. Continuator of the “Warsaw in flowers” competition. In 2009–2010 she organised two theatre plays about episodes from the Warsaw Uprising; they were performed in the backyards of Warsaw Powiśle.

Prof. Jan Zieliński, MD, PhD, in 1987-2003 he was the director of the Clinic for Lung Diseases of the Lung Diseases and Tuberculosis Institute in Warsaw. He introduced to Poland domiciliary oxygen therapy and non-invasive positive pressure ventilation for the sick with chronic breathing defects. He is the originator of the programme for early detection of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and the activity aiming at hampering the disease’s progression. He is a member of the Scientific Committee of the International GOLD Expert Panel, whose aim is to fight chronic obstructive pulmonary disease on a global scale.

Adam Zwierz, one of the most prominent Polish singers, endowed with a basso profondo comparable to that of Adam Didur, and even Feodor Chaliapin. Since 1963 he has participated in Warsaw’s culture, being a soloist at the Warsaw Military District ensemble, and then the pillar of the popular stage (e.g. “Podwieczorek przy mikrofonie” [Teatime by the microphone]), radio, and television programmes. He has recorded albums popularising music among successive generations.

The Miasto Moje A w Nim[My City and in it...] Association is an initiative aiming at defending Polish cities from the invasion of advertisements. Among the objectives of its activity is the passing, by the Polish Parliament, of a consolidated Act on the aesthetics of public space, following the legal measures in force in the European Union. From March till October they run regular monthly “Clean the City” campaigns, which involve eliminating illegal advertisements from elements of the city’s infrastructure (lamp-posts, fences, poles, control cabinets, etc.). The campaign has its symbolic dimension, and its task is to bring the public’s attention to the problem of how advertisements contribute to the degradation of the city.

The Warsaw District of the Association of Polish Artists and Designers. It brings together artists and designers from Warsaw and Masovia. The war claimed 400 artists from this community. During Martial Law in Poland (1981-1983), artists refused to establish an entity that would co-operate with the then authorities, for which the Warsaw community was particularly punished – their headquarters, built from their own funds, was seized. It organises about 30 exhibitions a year, and also outdoor artistic workshops, contests, workshops and extensive international, national, and community projects. This year the organisation is celebrating its 100th Anniversary.

Towarzystwo Przyjaciół Dzieci [The Society Of The Friends Of Children] District Division Warsaw Wawer was established in 1999. The Society created Community Day Centres for children and young people, assembling over 200 beneficiaries. It takes up a great number of interesting initiatives, such as voluntary service by both the young and the elderly – grandparents and grandchildren – which involves shared fun and support in doing homework. The Society acts as an agent in providing work for parents and children and young people who are becoming independent. For ten years it has organised charity events, fairs and balls, and is liked and recognised by the residents of Wawer and its neighbourhood.