Quality of Life
NDA project full title: Psychometric Testing of the Multidimensional Older People's Quality of Life (OPQOL) Questionnaire and the Causal Model of QoL Under-pinning it
PI: Ann Bowling
Bowling, A. (2009). Psychometric properties of the Older People's Quality of Life Questionnaire Validity. Current Gerontology and Geriatrics Research. Open access 'Volume 2009 (2009), Article ID 298950, 12 pages doi:10.1155/2009/298950.
Bowling, A. Iliffe, S., Kessel, A., Higginson, I. (2010). Fear of dying in an ethnically diverse society: cross-sectional studies of people aged 65+ in Britain. Postgraduate Medical Journal, 86: 197-202. Open access
Bilotta, C., Bowling, A., Casè. A., Nicolini, P., Mauri, S., Castelli, M., & Vergani, C. (2010). Dimensions and correlates of quality of life according to frailty status: a cross-sectional study on community-dwelling older adults referred to an outpatient geriatric service in Italy. Health & Quality of Life Outcomes, 8: 56. Open access. doi:10.1186/1477-7525-8-56
Bowling, A. (2011). Do older and younger people differ in their reported well-being? A national survey of adults in Britain. Family Practice: 28:145-155
Bowling A, Stenner P. (2011). Which measure of quality of life performs best in older age? A comparison of the OPQOL, CASP-19 and WHOQOL-OLD. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, 2011; 65:273-280. Open access. doi:10.1136/jech. 2009.087668
* Bowling, A., Iliffe, S. (2011). Psychological approach to successful ageing predicts future quality of life in older adults. Health and Quality of Life Outcomes. 2011, 9:13 Open access. doi:10.1186/1477-7525-9-13
Stenner, P, McFarquar, T, Bowling, A. (2011). Older people and 'active ageing': Subjective aspects of ageing actively. Journal of Health Psychology, 16:467-477.160. Bilotta, C., Bowling, A., Nicolina, P.,Case, A., Vergani, C.(2011). Quality of life in older out-patients living alone in the community in Italy. Health and Social Care in the Community. doi 10.1111/j.1365-2524.2011.01011.x.
Bowling, A, Reeves, B., Rowe, G. (2011). Do treatment preferences for patients with angina change? An 18-month follow-up study. Health Expectations. Online First: Open access
Bilotta, C., Bowling, A., Nicolina, P.,Case, A., Pina G, Rossi AV, Vergani, C. (2011).Older People's Quality of Life (OPQOL) scores and adverse health outcomes at a one-year follow-up. A prospective cohort study on older outpatients living in the community in Italy. Health and Quality of Life Outcomes 2011, 9: 72. Open access
Grant, R. and Bowling, A. (2011) Challenges in comparing the quality of life of older people between ethnic groups, and the implications for national well-being indicators: a secondary analysis of two cross-sectional surveys. Health and Quality of Life Outcomes 9, 109.
Bowling, A., Hankins, M., Windle, G., Bilotta, C. and Grant, R. (2012) A short measure of quality of life in older age: The performance of the brief Older People’s Quality of Life questionnaire (OPQOL-brief).