Iowa Department of Education

Post-Assessment Documentation Form

Adult literacy educators must document reasons for ALL post-assessments administered prior to the 40 hours of instruction as stipulated in the Iowa Assessment Policy Guidelines. Post assessment before 40 hours is restricted to ONLY the approved reasons provided below.

This form must be filed with the student’s records. Keep a copy of each form in a folder that will be mailed quarterly (Sept. 30, Dec. 31, March 31, and June 30) to the Adult Literacy State Director to remain on file. The files are subject to review during monitoring and site visits. The original must be attached to and remain with the student record filed on site at the local program. THIS INFORMATION IS FERPA PROTECTED. IT IS IMPERATIVE THAT THESE DOCUMENTS BE MAILED TO THE IOWA DEPT. OF EDUCATION THROUGH U.S. POSTAL SERVICE ONLY. DO NOT USE EMAIL OR COPY THE INFORMATIONTO A FLASHDRIVE.

Instructions:Fill in student’s name, College Issued IDAND/or SSN, and answer all status questions. Check reason(s) for exception. Complete the instructor section and sign. The Adult Literacy coordinator must also sign off on this form.

Student Name: ______Soc. Security #:______Student ID#:______

CASAS Assessment Used: ______# of Instructional Hours:______Reason(s) for post-assessment exception (check all that apply):(Except in cases of batch correction, deleting or changing student records is prohibited.

√ / Exception Guidelines / Specifics (Circle one or more when applicable) / Time Frame parameters for pre/post or re-testing / Program Action Requirements
  1. Student is ready to advance to GED assessment before 40 hours of instruction.
/ a)Student pre test on CASAS is 245 or below.
b)Student pre test on CASAS and score 246 or above. / a)CASAS post test after 40 hours of instruction. If < 40 hours of instruction, no CASAS post test, move student into GED testing.
b)GED completion and Update coded goal “Earned GED” / c)Keep scores in student files for 5 years.
d)Submit annual Student Post-test Report via FTP Server and MIS contact with annual reporting in July. (Template will be provided by Dept. of Ed. Staff.). DE MIS Contact Amy Vybiral
  1. Pre-test results in an invalid or * score.
/ Student’s CASAS scaled scores fall below the CASAS accurate scaled score range. / a)Re-test before 12 hours of instruction.
b)TOPS automatically invalidates * pretest and replaces with the first pre test in which the student scores within the accurate range. / c)Scan all assessments
d)Keep all assessment records (valid and invalid) in student file for 5 years.
e)Document hours of instruction before next pre-assessment.
f)Check Box- “Student does not have skills to be tested”.
g)eTesting- Invalid scores assessment field- Check “Re-tested”, on previous assessment, before administering 2nd eTest.
  1. Pre-test results in a CASAS “Conservative Estimate” or “Diamond” score.
/ Student’s CASAS scaled scores are above than the CASAS accurate scaled score range. / a)Re-test before any hours of instruction / b)Scan and enter all CASAS assessments in TOPSpro.
c)eTesting - Check “retested” on earlier assessment.

Local programs are required to provide a minimum of 40 hours of instruction, consistent with the modality of the lowest CASAS pre test score, before administering the post assessment in the same modality.

Adult educator’s name (please print): Community College______

Signature: Date:

Adult Literacy Coordinator’s Signature: