Motion and Force

  1. Speed, Distance, and Time
  1. Speed (S)
  1. The rate of______.
  2. Types: Instantaneous, constant, average**______



  1. Calculated by ______(units m/s, km/h, mm/h, etc.)
  2. ______
  1. Distance (D) calculated by ______(units km, m, cm, etc.)
  2. Time (T) calculated by ______(units s, min, h, etc.)
  3. Frame of Reference:______


  1. Velocity & Vectors
  1. Displacement-______.
  2. Magnitude- ______
  3. Velocity-______. A different speed or different direction indicates a different velocity.
  4. Vectors (arrows)- ______.
  5. Velocity is a vector.
  6. ______.
  1. Acceleration-a ______(either a change in speed, direction, or both) in a certain amount of time. It IS a vector quantity.
  1. Negative acceleration(deceleration)______
  2. Calculated by the following formula:______or ______
  3. Units of acceleration are m/s2
  4. Acceleration of Gravity (g)  10 m/s2 ______
  5. If air does not interfere with their motion, all objects falling near the earth’s surface would accelerate at the same rate because of gravity.
  6. ______
  1. Terminal Velocity ____________


  1. Force – ______


  1. Causes acceleration.
  2. Applied briefly - ______.
  3. Applied constantly – ______.
  4. Balanced vs. unbalanced forces** ______
  5. Basic unit of force – Newton (N)
  1. Named after Sir Isaac Newton.
  2. N is a force that causes a 1 kg object to have a velocity change of 1 m/s when applied for 1 sec. (N = 1kg x 1m/ s2)
  3. Net or resultant forces: add N going SAME direction and subtract N going OPPOSITE directions.
  1. Force is a vector.
  2. Friction- ______
  3. Universal Forces: electromagnetic (electric, magnetic), Nuclear (strong, weak), Gravitational (ex: Earth-sun, Earth-Moon-Tides, Satellites in orbit).
  1. Inertia – ______

The more mass, the more inertia.

  1. Newton’s 1st Law of Motion (Law of Inertia) ______



  1. Centripetal Force: Force that pulls towards the center. Continuous motion is due to inertia.
  2. Gravitational Force – ______.
  1. Gravity-______.
  2. All objects fall at same acceleration regardless of mass.
  3. Greater mass = Greater gravitational force.
  4. Projectiles______
  1. Mass vs. Weight
  1. Weight – ______.

(no gravity = no weight)

  1. Mass – ______.
  2. 1 kg (mass) = 10 N (weight)
  3. Weight Formula: W = mg (wt.=mass x acceleration due to gravity)
  4. On the moon (compared to Earth):
  1. Mass is SAME.
  2. Force of gravity pulls less (moon is less massive).
  3. Acceleration is less.
  1. Newton’s 2nd Law of Motion
  1. ______:The greater the mass, the greater the force and the less the acceleration, the less the force.
  2. Formula: ______
  1. Newton’s 3rd Law of Motion ______


  1. ______– first object exerts force on second object.
  2. ______– second object exerts force on first object.
  1. Impulse (I)- ______
  1. If you apply an impulse to something, it causes a movement
  2. An impulse is ______a change in momentum
  3. Impulse = ______
  1. Momentum (p) – ______
  1. Momentum depends on mass and velocity (speed).
  2. Calculated by formula: ______
  3. If an impulse is momentum, then the units act together (if a = b and b = c, than a = c)
  4. Law of Conservation of Momentum: Momentum is conserved. (p) before = (p) after
  5. ______– circular momentum such as a spinning top (gyroscope).
  6. Coach Mills runs at a speed of 2 m/s towards Mr. McMurray who is standing still. Coach Mills has a mass of 60kg and Mr. McMurray has a mass of 40kg.
  7. How much momentum does Coach Mills have?
  1. How much momentum does McMurray have?
  1. If Coach Mills and Mr. McMurray crash into each other, Coach Mills will stop moving. What speed will Mr. McMurray have?
  1. A man punches a punching bag with an impulse of 200 N/s. If the force felt was 50N, how long did the punch last?
  1. Energy – ______(work is done when a force moves an object some distance.)
  1. Types of energy:
  1. Kinetic Energy (KE) – ______.

KE = ½ mV2

  1. Potential Energy (PE) – ______(stored energy).

PE = m x g x h

  1. Conservation of Energy - energy changes from one form to another. ______