Week 2:

Lecture 3

TM: tape: two way, can write…

Formally, Turing machine M is a 7-tuple,

(Q, , , , q0, qaccept, qreject,), where

1. Q is the set of states

2.  is the input alphabet not containing the

special blank symbol 

3. is the tape alphabet, where { }  and 

4.: Q  Q  {L.R} is the transition function (not a mapping)

5.q0  Q is the initial state

6. qaccept Q is the accept state

7. qreject Q is the reject state, where qaccept,  qreject

Configuration of M: uqv (head is at the first symbol of string v)

Start configuration

Accepting configuration

uaqibv yields uacqjv if (qi,b) = (qj,c,R)

M accepts w: C1 is the start conf of M on input w

Each Ci yields C i+1

Ck is the accepting conf

Note that the definition hold even for a NDTM.

Even in this case, we have many variations:

determinism vs. non det

1 tape vs. multi tape

read only vs. read write

Theorem: If an algorithm A has time complexity O(nk), then there is a TM M which can implement A in O(nkc), for some constant c.

i.e., Time complexity on random access machine and TM are polynomially related.

Nondeterminism vs. determinism

Theorem:Let M be a NDTM. Then there is a DTM M’ such that L(M) = L(M’).

Proof: Given with input x, M’ searches all possible computation tree of M in a breadth-first search style. (depth first search style simulation does not work since M may not halt on input w for some computation sequences)


L is decidable (recursive) if there exists a TM M which halts on all input and accepts L.

L recursively enumerable if there exists a TM M which accepts L. (i.e. if x is not in L, M may not halt at all)

Frequently, if L is decidable, then we say that the decision problem “if x is in L or not” is decidable.

Or the decision problem on language L has the following format:

Decision problem L

Instance: x and L

Question: Is x in L?

Some decidable languages: cfl, regular…

Some decidabledecision problems:

Membership of CFL L.

Instance: CFL L, and a string x

Question: Is x in L?

Emptiness of regular language.

Instance: DFA M

Question: Is L(M) = ?


Equivalence of regular language.

Instance: DFA M1 and M2

Question: Is L(M1) = L(M2)?

Theorem: Let A and B are FA. Then it is decidable if L(A) = L(B).

Proof: Let define L =((L(A)  L(B)c)  ((L(A)c L(B)). Then L =  iff L(A) = L(B).

Note that L is also regular. Thus it is decidable if L is empty or not. Thus, it is decidable if L(A) = L(B).

Some undecidable problems

Halting problem.

Instance: TM M, and a string x

Question: Does M halts on x?

Equivalence of CFL

Membership of CFL L.

Instance: CFG G1 and G2

Question: Is L(G1) = L(G2)?

How about:

Question: Does there exist n such that xn + yn = z2n?

Question: Does there exist God?

Theorem: L is recursive iff Lc is recursive.

Theorem: It is decidable if L is empty or not.

Theorem: recursive sets are closed under union and intersections.

TM as an enumerator: TM M generates strings.

Note that a string may be generated multiple times, and generated in any order.

Theorem: L is Turing recognizable iff there is a TM M’ which enumerates L.

Proof. (=>) Let L be accepted by TM M. then construct an TM M which enumerate L as follows:

  1. Repeat i=1 to infinite
  2. Run M I steps for each input s1,…,si
  3. if any computations accepts si, print si.

(<=) Let M enumerates L. Let us construct a TM M’ such that L(M) = L.

Given input w, M’ simulate M. Each time M generate a string x, check if x = w o not. If x=w then accepts w; else continue the simulation of M.

Lecture 4 summary of lecture to be covered.

  1. ATM = {<M,w> | M is a TM and M accepts w} is undecidable.
  2. ATM is Turing recognizable (recursively enumerable).

Diagonalization Method

Countable, uncountable

Z is countable, ZZ is countable.

RR has the same size as R.

R is uncountable.

The set of all languages is uncountable.

The set L of all TMs, that is L = {<M>| M is a TM}, is uncountable.

Theorem: ATMis undecidable.

(proof) Diagnalization.

A non recursively enumerable (Turing-unrecognizable) language

The complement of ATM is not r.e.

  1. Hating problem is undecidable.

HALTTM = {<M,w> | M is a TM and M halts on input w} is undecidable.