Athletic Handbook
16100 Seton Drive
South Holland, Illinois60473
(708) 333-6300
The Seton Academy Athletic Program is an integral part of the student life experience of SetonAcademy. The program is concerned with the growth of the student and therefore is offered to encourage additional participation in the high school experience. Any student who participates in athletics is an extension of the school community. The school policies will apply whenever the student athlete is representing SetonAcademy. The student athlete is a reflection of SetonAcademyunder the leadership of his/her coach. The students dedicate themselves to the use of their God-given talents both mentally and physically.
Our athletic program reflects the objectives of the school and the athletic department. The athletic program, as governed by the Illinois High School Association (IHSA), the Chicago Catholic League (CCL), and Girls Catholic Athletic Conference (GCAC) guidelines, will be designed with the support of the community, the Archdiocese of Chicago, Seton Academy Board of Specified Jurisdiction, administration, teachers, students and staff. Certified coaches will teach specific skills necessary for improvement in athletics. This will provide guidance in the development of self-esteem, positive sportsmanship, cooperation, leadership, ethical behavior, Christian values and an understanding of the relationship between hard work, practice and reward.
Athletic competition presents student-athletes, parents and coaches with challenges that improve their daily life. SetonAcademy is dedicated to providing Catholic Christian leadership, values and guidance that will develop each student’s character through the ministry of athletics.
Athletics in the high school is a significant part of the total educational experience available to students. It is an extension of the classroom and contributes significantly to a positive school climate. Participation is strongly encouraged because students learn teamwork, develop physically and emotionally, develop a sense of belonging and enhance their self-image. Participation in athletics is a privilege and differs from a student’s right to an education. Rules and regulations of the program have been established to ensure fairness to all students and to guarantee that the school image, resulting from the students who represent their school, is a positive one.
Physical and Permit Cards
Athletes may NOT PARTICIPATE without a current physical on file. Coaches may require athletes without physicals to attend and observe practices.
Completed physicals must be on file with the Athletic Director by the first day of practice.
Athletes are also required to have a permit card on file each year. The permit cards need to be filled out completely with emergency contact numbers and returned to their coach.
SetonAcademy recognizes the importance of developing well-rounded young men and women who have the opportunity to develop leadership and teambuilding skills in a variety of settings outside the classroom. We also recognize the importance of academic achievement as part of the college preparatory process. The academic eligibility policy seeks to encourage success and balance in both arenas.
Any student participating in an athletic activity, fine arts activity, or student government is expected to maintain the integrity of their academic record. Students placed on academic probation are not eligible to participate in extracurricular activities until they satisfactorily raise their GPA to a 2.0 and can provide evidence that all failed credits have been made up or are in progress.
A student on academic probation may appeal their ineligibility by appearing before an Academic Review Board consisting of an administrator, a counselor and a faculty member. As part of the review process, the student must show evidence of exceptional progress and have developed an action plan to successfully raise his/her GPA within a targeted period of time. The Academic Review Board may set specific terms for individual eligibility. The appeals process allows for exceptional circumstances and should not be construed as a guarantee of eligibility.
- Any student receiving more than two Ds or one F will be placed on probation for one week, during which he/she has the opportunity to raise his/her grades and continue to participate.
- Should the student fail to raise his/her grades during this time, he/she will be suspended from all activities until the grades are satisfactory.
- If at the end of a four week period there has not been sufficient academic improvement, the student will be dropped from all activities and encouraged to increase his/her focus on academics.
Based on IHSA regulations, athletic eligibility will be reviewed weekly
Student-Athlete Attendance:
Any player that is absent from school for more than half the day shall not be permitted to participate on that same day in any interscholastic athletic event, either practice or in an interscholastic contest unless he/she receives clearance from the principal and athletic director. (This requirement is not to be interpreted as authorization to miss a half-day of school)
SetonAcademy Athletic Code
The following rules and policies will be enforced. They are established so that SetonAcademy will have successful teams and our athletes will be successful in life. Athletes are high profile in the community and in the classroom. Athletics makes the newspaper everyday and a star athlete will always be the center of attention. We are trying to win games at SetonAcademy, but more importantly we are trying to develop good men and women for our community.
Controlled Substance/Illegal Drug Policy and Conduct Code:
- Athletes shall not possess, smoke, or chew tobacco.
- Athletes shall not possess or drink intoxicating beverages.
- Athletes shall not use or possess illegal drugs or controlled substances.
- Athletes shall not attend functions where alcohol is illegally served or present or transported or where any other illegal drugs or controlled substances are in use.
- Athletes shall not engage in any conduct that could result in criminal punishment or participate in actions that would cause shame and embarrassment to themselves, parents, coaches, SetonAcademy, and the community.
- Athletes that violate these policies are subject to possible criminal and legal action, disciplinary consequences from SetonAcademy, and suspension or removal from the team per the athletic director and principal.
No athlete shall drop a sport in season and join another team in the same season unless the situation meets one or more of the following criteria:
1. It occurs before the final cut.
2. It occurs because of an injury and/or
3. It is by mutual consent of coaches or sponsors.
4. It occurs due to extreme circumstances. “Extreme circumstances” do not include the following: Personality clash with the coach, insufficient playing time, or cramped social life. The situation must be serious and must have consequences for the persons involved. The coach must also give consent in cases of this type.
Parent/Coach Communication
As your children become involved in the SetonAcademy athletic programs, they will experience some of the most rewarding moments of their lives. It is important to understand that there also may be times when things do not go the way you or your child wishes.
Communication parents should expect from their child
- Philosophy of Coach.
- Expectations Coach has for your child and the team.
- Locations and times of practices and games.
- Team Requirements – Fees, Equipment, Off Season Program, Summer Program.
- Discipline that result in the denial of your child’s participation.
- Procedures should your child be injured during participation.
Communication coaches expect from parents
- Parental concerns should be expressed directly to the head coach.
- Parents should notify the head coach of schedule conflicts in advance.
Appropriate issues to discuss with coaches
- Treatment of your child, mentally and physically.
- Ways to help your child improve.
- Concerns about your child’s behavior.
Coaches are professionals. They make judgment decisions based on what they believe to be the best for all students involved. As you have seen from the list above, certain things can be and should be discussed with your child’s coach. Other things, such as the next items to be mentioned, must be left to the discretion of the Head Coach. These rules apply to the Assistant Coaches as well.
Issues inappropriate to discuss with the coach
- Playing Time.
- Team Strategy.
- Play Calling.
- Other Student-Athletes.
If a parent has a problem or concern to discuss with the head coach
- Call the coach’s school phone (not home) to set up an appointment. Anonymous voicemails will be disregarded. Do not attempt to confront a Coach before or after a contest or practice. These can be both emotional times for both the parent and the coach. Meetings of this nature do not promote resolution.
- If your call or meeting with the coach leaves you unsatisfied, you then can schedule a meeting with the Athletic Director.
- The principal or president will only be involved in athletic issues after the proper channels have been followed
- The appropriate channel of appeal is:
- Coach
- Athletic Director
- Principal
IHSA PHILOSOPHY #1– Participation is a Privilege, Not a Right.
Athlete’s Dress
The manner of dress should be appropriate to the serious nature of the athletic endeavor. The school expects the full support of parents and guardians in implementing all aspects of the dress code. Therefore, SetonAcademy student-athletes are required to adhere to the dress regulation on and around the school grounds. While representing SetonAcademy, student-athletes must dress in accordance with the coaches’ directives.
Specific requirements are:
- No visible tattoos at anytime
- No earrings for boys at anytime
- Uniforms should be worn in accordance with the expectations of the coach.
Athletic Injuries
While SetonAcademy has no “team physician”, the services of a trainer may be available at some games.
Even when a trainer is provided at games, SetonAcademy bears no responsibility for medical follow-up. It is the parent/guardian’s responsibility to seek further medical assistance through their family physician.
When an injury has occurred requiring the athlete to seek medical attention resulting in the missing of practice or game, a written note from the doctor needs to be submitted to the coach giving permission for the student to return to athletic activity.
The high school bears no financial responsibility for medical expenses.
Whenever an athlete is injured and requires transportation to the hospital, ordinarily a coach or SetonAcademy’s representative would accompany the injured athlete to the hospital. One exception is if doing so, it causes the team to be without coaching supervision. In this case, the supervising coach or SetonAcademy representative must go to the hospital as soon as possible after supervisory responsibilities to the team are over. The coach who goes to the hospital with the injured athlete should stay with that athlete until a parent or guardian arrives.
All medical costs are the responsibility of the parent’s primary insurance provider.
All team equipment provided by SetonAcademy is issued by the Athletic Director to the coach of the sport for distribution to the athletes. At the end of the season, the coach must collect all clean uniforms and return them to the Athletic Director. The names of the participants who have not turned in their uniform must be given to the Athletic Director immediately at the end of the season. Grades will not be distributed until all uniforms are returned or funding has been reimbursed for the equipment. The student-athlete will not be able to participate in any other sport until the financial obligations are met or the original uniform is returned in the condition that it was received.
All athletes are required to travel to and from competition on the school provided vehicle. Any exceptions to this policy must be previously cleared through the parents, and the Athletic Director. SetonAcademy will assume NO liability for athletes that seek and are give permission to transport themselves.
When using a bus, athletic teams should clean the bus upon exiting. Coaches may not permit non-athletes to ride a bus unless the Athletic Director grants prior approval.
Following a contest, an athlete may be given permission to ride home with his/her parents only. Permission may only be granted by the head coach.
General Athletic Policies
Athlete Fee
The Athletic Participation fee for the 2015-2016 school year will be $205.
The Illinois legislature passed a bill that was signed into law August 5th, 2013. It requires that all high schools with athletic programs provide some catastrophic accident insurance. We have chosen to obtain the required coverage through the Illinois High School Athletic Association (IHSA).This mandatory coverage will cost an additional $5 per student this year.It does not replace your medical insurance but is a supplement in case of extreme catastrophic injury.
After School Practices
Athletes must report on time for practice. Athletes waiting for practice and remaining in the building must report to the assigned classroom for study hall with a coach. On days when the coach is unavailable, students are to report to after school supervision where they are to conduct themselves in an appropriate manner, following all of the school policies in the Student-Parent Handbook and/or the coach’s/supervisor’s policies of that particular team sport.
Failure to comply with this policy may jeopardize the athlete’s privilege to participate in the scheduled game or practice for that day. A repeated violation of this policy places the athlete at risk for removal from the team.
Gym And Locker Room Regulations
Gym Regulations
- Street shoes are not permitted on the gym floor.
- Discretion should be shown in regards to throwing, hitting or kicking balls.
- Food and drink may not be taken into the gym.
- Athletes practicing outside should remove athletic shoes before entering the building.
Locker Room Regulations
- Lockers are to be assigned by the head coach and documentation given to the Athletic Director.
- Only athletes in season may use a locker. Those working out, etc. are welcome to use the P.E. lockers on a daily basis but must remove locks each day.
- Only the Black Combination locks are to be used in the locker rooms.
- If a locker is malfunctioning, report the problem to the Athletic Director.
- Make sure belongings are locked at all times.
- Food and drink are not allowed in the locker rooms, P.E. area or showers.
- Debris should be disposed of properly.
- Horseplay is not permitted in the locker room.
Coaches’ Office
Athletes are not allowed in the coaches’ office.
Weight Room
General Rules for Student Use of Weight Room
- Students must have a supervisor present.
- Students must wear a minimum of shorts, T-Shirt and athletic shoes.
- Food and drink are never permitted inside.
- Radios will be allowed with the permission of the supervisor.
- Horseplay is never allowed.
- Students are to rack all weights
Athletic Banquets
The dates for the Banquets will be arranged by the Athletic Director and the Athletic Booster Club.
Only athletes who successfully complete the season and who are in good standing will be invited to attend the banquet. A letter will be sent home outlining the date of the banquet, cost of any guests attending, and appropriate dress for the student-athletes. Failure to comply with the policies listed will result in the student-athlete being sent home from the banquet.
All home games are played at Seton Academy High School in South Holland. Away gameswill require additional travel time. A game schedule and driving directions are provided by the coaches. All game times and locations will be confirmed by the coaches.
It is important for players to keep track of all personal belongings including their uniform and equipment. Parents are financially responsible for any lost equipment or uniforms and will be billed accordingly.
I will: Support my student-athlete team and teach the value of commitment to the team.
I will: Emphasize the ideals of sportsmanship, ethical conduct and fair play.
I will: Help my child and Seton Academy make each athletic contest a positive educational experience.
I will: Show courtesy to opponents and officials.
I will: Direct constructive criticism of my child’s athletic program to the athletic director/principal and work toward a positive result for all concerned.
I will: Be responsible for my child’s attendance at all practices, games, and SetonAcademy events. (Unexcused Absences will be detrimental to your child’s playing time) Furthermore, I agree that if my child is consistently absent from practice it is unfair and unsafe for him/her to participate in place of another teammate who has put in the work all week regardless of talent level!
I will: Pick up my child on time after practices and contests. Athletes may be taken to the South Holland Police station to await the arrival of the parent/guardian.
I will not: Criticize officials, directly abuse or use profane language toward them, or otherwise subvert their authority.
I will not: Undermine, in word or deed, the authority of the coach or administration.
I will not: Intrude onto the field, stand on the sideline, or yell from the bleachers at or to the athletes, coaches, referees or administration.
I will not: Approach a coach immediately following a contest. Concerns may be expressed in the days following by appointment with the coach and/or Athletic Director.
THIS IS High School Athletics, NOT THE PROS. Fans/parents, as well as the players/cheerleaders and coaches are expected to abide by a code of conduct at all Seton Academy Events. While as a High School organization we expect 100% of the adults in the program to abide by this code without being asked, we find it necessary to be published for the protection of our children, parents, volunteers, coaches and board members from those who will not abide.