IES Counseling Program Annual Calendar

Ongoing Responsibilities (Aug. - May):

Ø  Set counseling program goals with input from stakeholders, plan and conduct ongoing management and evaluation of program

Ø  Coordinate character education activities

Ø  Deliver classroom guidance lessons

Ø  Provide direct services to students including individual and group counseling, planning and crisis response

Ø  Provide indirect services to promote student success through consultation and collaboration with parents and teachers, as well as referrals to community resources

Ø  Participate in RTI/SST meetings as needed

Ø  Participate in district level counselors’ meetings, School Leadership Team, Faculty, and Operations Teams.


Ø  Meet with Principal to develop Annual Agreement

Ø  Meet with grade level teams for needs assessment and guidance calendar review. (Continue to meet with grade level teams as needed, at least quarterly)

Ø  Meet with AP, psychologist, nurse, and social worker to coordinate services

Ø  Follow-up with BSMS counselor regarding transitioning students

Ø  Follow up with students flagged for follow-up from previous year

Ø  Obtain referrals and permissions for backpack food program

Ø  Begin planning small group counseling.

Character Education/Super 16 Focus

All Super 16 reviewed on morning announcements and discussed in classrooms

Classroom Guidance

PK - 5th - Counselor Introductions, School Success Skills


Ø  Meet with counseling program advisory council

Ø  Begin small counseling groups.

Ø  Identify No Place For Hate (NPFH) student leaders and obtain parent permissions.

Ø  Work with NPFH committee to plan and implement projects for the year

Character Education/Super 16 Focus

·  Treat others the way you want to be treated.

·  When responding to an adult, it is always polite to answer with “Yes, Ma’am” or “No, Ma’am,” “Yes, Sir,” or “No, Sir.”

·  Remember to say “Please.” and “Thank you.”

·  If you bump into someone, or they bump into you, say “Excuse me,” even if it’s not your fault.

Classroom Guidance

K-2 - More School Success Skills

3rd - Solving Problems with Super Kelso

4th - Learning Styles, Conflict Management

5th - Goal Setting, Conflict Management


Ø  Meet with grade level teams

Ø  Coordinate Red Ribbon Week Activities

Ø  Survey bus drivers regarding bus behavior.

Ø  Meet with bus drivers to discuss and plan bus behavior program

Ø  Coordinate NPFH pledge signing and Kick-off event.

Character Education

·  Never cut in line.

·  When you couch, sneeze, or burp, it is appropriate to turn your head away from others and cover your mouth with your sleeve. Afterward, you should say “Excuse me.”

·  Clean up after yourself in the hallway, classroom, and restroom.

·  Be the best person you can be.

Classroom Guidance

K-1 - Understanding Feelings

2nd - Solving Problems with Super Kelso

3rd -5th Communication Skilld

4th-5th Online Safety.


Ø  Assist with planning and hosting Veterans Day Celebration

Ø  Administer and analyze Bullying Survey to 4th-5th graders, faculty and staff.

Ø  Coordinate holiday giving to families in need (Thanksgiving resources, IES STAR Tree, and other resources.)

Character Education/Super 16 Focus

·  If someone does something well, clap and congratulate that person.

·  No matter what the circumstance, always be honest.

·  Accept that you are going to make mistakes. Learn from them and move on.

Classroom Guidance

K - Coping with strong feelings & calming down

1st - Solving Problems with Super Kelso

2nd - Name-calling, teasing and bullying

3rd-5th - Bullying Awareness and Solutions


Ø  Continue coordinating holiday giving to families in need (IES STAR Tree and other resources.)

Character Education/Super 16 Focus

·  Be positive, enjoy life. Some things just aren’t worth getting upset over.

·  Carpe diem. (Seize the day.)

·  Perform Random Acts of Kindness.

Classroom Guidance

K - Introducing Super Kelso

1st - Solving Problems with Super Kelso (cont.)

2nd – 5th: Dealing with Stress


Ø  Meet with grade level teams

Ø  Meet with Counseling Advisory Council

Ø  Coordinate No-Name Calling Week

Ø  Begin 5th Grade Portfolio activities in collaboration with 5th Grade Teachers.

Character Education/Super 16 Focus

·  Be the best person you can be.

·  Treat others the way you want to be treated.

·  Make every effort to be as organized as possible

Classroom Guidance

K, & 2nd Good Touch/Bad Touch, personal safety

K: Solving Problems with Super Kelso

1st: Name-Calling, Teasing & Bullying

2nd: Communication Skills

3rd: Solving Friendship Problems

4th & 5th Bullying, revisited (Survey results/ reflections)


Ø  Coordinate Kindness Month Activities

Character Education/Super 16 Focus

·  Remember to say “Please.” and “Thank you.”

·  If you bump into someone, or they bump into you, say “Excuse me,” even if it’s not your fault.

·  Treat others the way you want to be treated.

Classroom Guidance

K-5th – Respecting Differences

5th – Career Portfolio


Ø  Meet with grade level teams

Ø  Coordinate visits to workplaces and post-secondary education institutions

Ø  Begin planning Career Day

Ø  Conduct preliminary program evaluation activities

Character Education/Super 16 Focus

·  When responding to an adult, it is always polite to answer with “Yes, Ma’am” or “No, Ma’am,” “Yes, Sir,” or “No, Sir

·  Never cut in line.

·  When you couch, sneeze, or burp, it is appropriate to turn your head away from others and cover your mouth with your sleeve. Afterward, you should say “Excuse me.”

·  Clean up after yourself in the hallway, classroom, and restroom.

Classroom Guidance

K – Name Calling, teasing, and bullying.

1st - Having fun with Friends

2nd - 5th- Positive self-talk

5th - Career Portfolio


Ø  Assist with year-end test administration

Ø  Continue planning Career Day

Ø  Finalize NPFH project implementation and submit year-end report

Ø  Conduct bus behavior post-survey with bus drivers.

Character Education/Super 16 Focus

·  Be the best person you can be.

·  If someone does something well, clap and congratulate that person.

·  No matter what the circumstance, always be honest.

Classroom Guidance

K - Working together, cooperation

1st-5th - Career Cluster Centers

5th – Career Portfolio


Ø  Coordinate Career Day

Ø  Coordinate 5th Grade Transition Activities

Ø  discuss students needing follow-up w/BSMS counselors

Ø  conduct program evaluation activities.

Ø  Meet with Advisory Council

Character Education/Super 16 Focus

·  Accept that you are going to make mistakes. Learn from them and move on.

·  Be positive, enjoy life. Some things just aren’t worth getting upset over.

·  Carpe diem. (Sieze the day.)

Classroom Guidance

1st-5th - Career Cluster Centers

5th - Transition to Middle School